Kpop Discographies
1014 Discography
109 Discography
15& Discography
1CHU Discography
1NB Discography
1set Discography
1TEAM Discography
1THE9 Discography
2315 Discography
24K Discography
2danji Discography
2NE1 Discography
2NYNE Discography
2Z Discography
3piece Discography
3YE Discography
4CARAT Discography
4Minute Discography
7anhee Discography
7th Sense Unit Discography (NCT)
82MAJOR Discography
8TURN Discography
9MUSES Discography
ASC2NT Discography
AB6IX Discography
ABLUE Discography
ABRY Discography
A.C.E Discography
A-Daily Discography
A.DE Discography
Ado Discography
ADYA Discography
Aespa Discography
After School Discography
A.Kor Discography
Agust D Discography (BTS)
Ailee Discography
AIMERS Discography
AKMU Discography
Alex Reid Discography
AMBER Discography
AMPERS&ONE Discography
ANTARES Discography
ANS Discography
AOA Discography
API Discography
Apink Discography
APINK CHOBOM Discography
Apoki Discography
APRIL Discography
Argon Discography
Ariaz Discography
ARTBEAT Discography
ARTMS Discography
Aseul Discography
A-SEED Discography
Ash Island Discography
ASTRO Discography
ATBO Discography
ATEEZ Discography
A Train to Autumn Discography
AWEEK Discography
Aylah Discography
BaBa Discography
BADVILLAIN Discography
BEBE6 Discography
Baby Boo Discography
BABYS Discography
Baby Soul Discography
Baby V.O.X / Baby V.O.X Re.V Discography
BADKIZ Discography
BAE173 Discography
Baekhyun Discography
BamBam Discography
Ban Seolhee (Girls2000) Discography
Bang Minah Discography
B.A.P Discography
BBGIRLS Discography
B.D.U Discography
BDC Discography
Beauty Box Discography
BE’O Discography
Belle (KISS OF LIFE) Discography
Beomhan (M.O.N.T.) Discography
BESTie Discography
BEWAVE Discography
B.I Discography
BIBI Discography
BIGBANG Discography
BIG Naughty Discography
Big Ocean Discography
Billlie Discography
Blackpink Discography
BLACKPINK Compiled Solo Discography
BLACK SWAN Discography
BLANK2Y Discography
Bling Discography
BlingBling Discography
BLITZERS Discography
BLOCK B Discography
Blue.D Discography
BM Discography
Bobby Discography
BOOREUM Discography
Brave Girls Discography
BSS (Seventeen) Discography
BTOB Discography
BTS Discography
bugAboo Discography
BUILD UP Discography
Bunny.T Discography
Busters Discography
BVNDIT Discography
BZ Boyz Discography
C-CLOWN Discography
CAMILA Discography
Candy Shop Discography
Catch The Young Discography
chaeree Discography
CHA EUNWOO (ASTRO) Discography
CHECKMATE Discography
Cherry Bullet Discography
Chic & Idle Discography
Choi Suhwan
Chungha Discography
CIIPHER Discography
cignature Discography
CIX Discography
CL Discography
CLASS:y Discography
CLC Discography
CMDM Discography
Cotton Candy Discography
CRAVITY Discography
CRAXY Discography
Crayon Pop Discography
creespy Discography
CSR Discography
CSVC Discography
D-CRUNCH Discography
D1CE Discography
Daesung Discography
DAY6 Discography
Dal Shabet Discography
DALsoobin Discography
DALUNA Discography
DayChild Discography
Demian Discography
Denpamaru! Discography
DIA Discography
DIAWINGS Discography
DINO Discography
DK (iKON) Discography
DKB Discography
DKZ Discography
Do Hanse Discography
DOYOUNG (NCT) Discography
DPR ARTIC Discography
DPR CREAM Discography
DPR IAN Discography
DPR LIVE Discography
Dreamcatcher Discography
DreamNote Discography
DRIPPIN Discography
DXMON Discography
DV.OL Discography
E’LAST Discography
eaJ (Jae Day6) Discography
EASTSHINE Discography
eite Discography
E’LAST U Discography
EL7Z UP Discography
ELRIS Discography
FLORIA Discography
ENHYPEN Discography
EPEX Discography
Everglow Discography
EVNNE Discography
EvoL Discography
EXID Discography
EXO Discography
FANTASY BOYS Discography
Fatou (BLACKSWAN) Discography
FAVORITE Discography
FERRY BLUE Discography
Fiestar Discography
FIFTY FIFTY Discography
FRankly Discography
fromis_9 Discography
f(x) Discography
(G)I-DLE Discography
Gain Discography
Geenius Discography
GFRIEND Discography
GHOST9 Discography
Giant Pink Discography
GIRL CRUSH Discography
GIRLKIND Discography
Girl’s Day Discography
Girls’ Generation Discography
Girls Planet 999 Discography
Girls2000 Discography
GIUK (ONEWE) Discography
GLAM Discography
g.o.d Discography
Golden Child Discography
Golden Girls Discography
GOT The Beat Discography
GOT7 Discography
GreatGuys Discography
Gugudan Discography
GWSN Discography
H1-KEY Discography
HA:TFELT Discography
HAECHAN (NCT) Discography
Hana Discography
Han Seungwoo Discography
Ha Hyunsang Discography
Ha Sung Woon Discography
Hanul Lee Discography
Hanse Discography
HAWW Discography
HaYaan Discography
HeeJin Discography
Hello Venus Discography
HERD Discography
Hi Cutie Discography
Hi-Fi Un!corn Discography
Hi-L Discography
Highlight Discography
HINAPIA Discography
HOLLAND Discography
Honey Popcorn Discography
HORI7ON Discography
H.O.T Discography
HOT ISSUE Discography
Huh Discography
HUH YUNJIN Discography
Hui Discography
Hyolyn Discography
Hyoyeon Discography
HyunA Discography
Hyunjun Hur Discography
Hwang Minhyun Discography
HwangTaeJi Discography
Hwa Sa (MAMAMOO) Discography
HWIYOUNG (SF9) Discography
I-LAND Discography
I-LAND2 : N/α Discography
ICHILLIN’ Discography
ICU Discography
IHOTEU Discography
iii Discography
iKON Discography
ILLIT Discography
ILY:1 Discography
I.M Discography
IN2IT Discography
INI Discography
I.O.I Discography
Irene Discography
Irene & Seulgi Discography
IRRIS Discography
ITZY Discography
IU Discography
IZ*ONE Discography
izna Discography
J-Hope Discography (BTS)
JeA Discography
Jackson Wang Discography
JAECHAN (DKZ) Discography
JAEHYUN (NCT) Discography
JAY (iKON) Discography
Jay B Discography
JAY CHANG Discography
JENNIE Discography
Jeon Soyeon (G) I-DLE Discography
Jessi Discography
Jessica Discography
JIHYO Discography
Jimin (BTS) Discography
JINI Discography
Jin (BTS) Discography
JISOO Discography
Jinyoung (Got7) Discography
Jiung (P1Harmony) Discography
JMIN Discography
Jo Yuri Discography
Jonghyun (SHINee) Discography
Jongseob (P1Harmony) Discography
JOOHONEY Discography
Jun (Seventeen) Discography
Jungkook (BTS) Discography
Jun Hyo Seong Discography
Jus2 Discography
JUST B Discography
JWiiver Discography
K-TIGERS ZERO Discography
KAACHI Discography
Kai Discography
Kandis Discography
Kang Daniel Discography
KARA Discography
KARD Discography
KATIE Discography
KATSEYE Discography
K/DA Discography
Kep1er Discography
Key (SHINee) Discography
Kiara Discography
KickFlip Discography
Kid Milli Discography
KIM JAEHWAN Discography
Kim Sejeong (gugudan) Discography
Kim Woojin Discography
Kim Wooseok Discography
KINGDOM Discography
KINO (PENTAGON) Discography
KISS OF LIFE Discography
KNK Discography
Kwon Eunbi Discography
Kihyun (Monsta X) Discography
LABOUM Discography
LADIES’ CODES Discography
Lady T Discography
LANA Discography
Lanalogue Discography
LAPILLUS Discography
LAYSHA Discography
LE’V Discography
LEO Discography
LE SSERAFIM Discography
Lee Chae Yeon Discography
LEE DONGYEOL Discography
Lee Hi Discography
Lee Jinhyuk Discography
Lee Min-ki Discography
Lee Minwoo (Shinhwa) Discography
Lee Mujin Discography
LIGHTSUM Discography
lilli lilli Discography
LIMELIGHT Discography
LIPBUBBLE Discography
Lisa Discography
LOONA Members Compiled Discography
LOONA Discography
LOONA Odd Eye Circle Discography
LOONA yyxy Discography
Loossemble Discography
LØREN Discography
Lovelyz Discography
LOVEONE Discography
LPG Discography
LUCY Discography
LUMINOUS Discography
LUN8 Discography
LUNA Discography
LUNARSOLAR Discography
MΛDEIN Discography
MA1 Discography
MAJORS Discography
MAMAMOO Discography
Mark Lee (NCT) Discography
Mark Tuan (GOT7) Discography
MARMELLO Discography
MAVE: Discography
Maywish Discography
MAZZEL Discography
MCND Discography
MellowShiro Discography
MEOVV Discography
MIDNATT Discography
mimiirose Discography
Minho (SHINee) Discography
Minzy Discography
MIRAE Discography
Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls) Discography
MissA Discography
Mister T Discography
MIXNINE Discography
MOMOLAND Discography
Monsta X Discography
M.O.N.T Original Discography
Moonbyul Discography
MOONCHILD Discography
Moony Discography
Moti Discography
MUSTB Discography
myB Discography
N.CUS Discography
N.FLYING Discography
n.SSign Discography
naevis Discography
Narsha Discography
Nayeon (Twice) Discography
NATTY Discography
Nature Discography
NCT 127 Discography
NCT Dream Discography
NCT NEW TEAM Discography
NCT U Discography
NEWJEANS Discography
NIK Discography
NINE.I Discography
NIve Discography
NMIXX Discography
NOIR Discography
NOMAD Discography
NouerA Discography
NOWADAYS Discography
NU’EST Discography
ODD YOUTH Discography
OH MY GIRL Discography
OKPOP Discography
OMEGA X Discography
ONE Discography
ONE PACT Discography
ONEUS Discography
Onew (SHINee) Discography
ONEWE Discography
ONF Discography
ONLEE Discography
OnlyOneOf Discography
0WAVE Discography
P.O.P Discography
P1Harmony Discography
Park Bom Discography
Park Rossi Discography
PENTAGON Discography
PICKUS Discography
PinkFantasy Discography
PiXXiE Discography
PIXY Discography
PLAYBACK Discography
PLAVE Discography
P.O.P Discography
POW Discography
PRIMROSE Discography
PRISTIN Discography
Purple Beck Discography
PURPLE K!SS Discography
QI.X Discography
Queenz Eye Discography
QWER Discography
Rain Discography
Rainbow Discography
Rania Discography
Red Velvet Discography
REDSQUARE Discography
RESCENE Discography
RIIZE Discography
RM (BTS) Discography
Rocket Punch Discography
Rocking Doll Discography
ROCKY Discography
Rolling Quartz Discography
Romeo Discography
ROSÉ Discography|
Ryu Sera Discography
S2KIDA Discography
Sandara Park Discography
Saturday Discography
SAY MY NAME Discography
SECRET Discography
Seiren Discography
Seori Discography
SEO SOOJIN Discrography
Seulgi Discography
Seungkwan Discography
Seventeen Discography
SEVENTEEN Members Compiled Discography
SEVENUS Discography
SF9 Discography
SHINee Discography
Sik-K Discography
SILICA GEL Discography
SISTAR Discography
SNUPER Discography
So Ji-sub Discography
Solar Discography
Sole Discography
Somi Discography
SonAmoo Discography
Songs created by ARRAN
Songs created by Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ)
Songs created by Choi Sooyoung (Girls’ Generation)
Songs created by Choi Yoojung (I.O.I/Weki Meki)
Songs created by Danielle (NewJeans)
Songs created by Jang Wonyoung (IZ*ONE/IVE)
Songs created by Jeongyeon (TWICE)
Songs created by Ji Suyeon (Weki Meki)
Songs created by Kim Chaewon (IZ*ONE/LE SSERAFIM)
Songs created by Kim Heechul (SUPER JUNIOR)
Songs created by Kwon Yuri (Girls’ Generation)
Songs created by Shin Jimin
Songs created by Tiffany Young (Girls’ Generation)
Songs created by Yeri (Red Velvet)
Songs created by Yuju (GFRIEND)
Sonlmor Discography
sora Discography
SoRi Discography
Soyou Discography
SPIA Discography
SPICA Discography
Stellar Discography
Stray Kids Discography
Suen Discography
SUNMI Discography
SUPERKIND Discography
Super Junior Discography
SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. Discography
SuperM Discography
T1419 Discography
T2U (Block B Sub-Unit) Discography
Taehwan (Vanner) Discography
Taeil (Block B) Discography
TAEIL (NCT) Discography
TAEMIN (SHINee) Discography
Taeyeon Discography
Taeyong (NCT) Discography
Tahiti Discography
TAN Discography
TEEN TOP Discography
TEMPEST Discography
TEN Discography
Ten & YangYang Discography
THE8 Discography
The Boyz Discography
The CrewOne Discography
The Deep Discography
The Rose Discography
TIOT Discography
The Wind Discography
Tiffany Discography
TNX Discography
TOO Discography
T.O.P Discography
TREASURE Discography
TRENDZ Discography
TRI.BE Discography
Triple H Discography
tripleS Discography
TVXQ! Discography
Twice Discography
TWS Discography
TXT Discography
U-Kiss Discography
U-Kwon (Block B) Discography
UNICODE Discography
UNIS Discography
UP10TION Discography
V (BTS) Discography
VANNER Discography
VARSITY Discography
VAV Discography
VCHA Discography
VERIVERY Discography
VI’ENX Discography
VICTON Discography
VIINI Discography
ViV Discography
VIVIZ Discography
VIXX Discography
VIXX LR Discography
VVUP Discography
Wanna One Discography
WATERFIRE Discography
We;Na Discography
Weeekly Discography
WEi Discography
Weki Meki Discography
Wendy Discography
WE US Discography
Wheein Discography
WHIB Discography
Winter (aespa) Discography
Wiz N Discography
WJSN (Cosmic Girls) Discography
WJSN CHOCOME Discography
Wonho Discography
Wonder Girls Discography
Wony & Yeonseo Discography
woo!ah! Discography
X:IN Discography
Xdinary Heroes Discography
XEED Discography
Xiaojun Discography
xikers Discography
XLOV Discography
XODIAC Discography
XRO Discography
XUM Discography
Y&Z Project Discography
Yellow Bee Discography
Yena Discography
Yeonjun (TXT) Discography
Yeri Discography
Yerin (former GFriend member) Discography
Yerin Baek Discography
YEWON (Yewon Jung) Discography
YEZI Discography
YongYong Discography
Yoona Discography
Yoonie (Shin Jiyoon) Discography
Yoon Sanha Discography
YOON SEOBIN Discography
YOUHA Discography
Youngjae (GOT7) Discography
YOUNG POSSE Discography
YOUNITE Discography
YUBIN Discography
Yugyeom Discography
YUJIHI Discography
Yuju Discography
Yukika Discography
YunGGI Discography
YUTA (NCT) Discography
YUQI Discography
Yves Discography
ZE:A Discography
ZHANG HAO (ZB1) Discography
Did we miss adding someone on the list or you spot some mistakes? Feel free to comment down below! 🙂