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VIXX Members Profile

VIXX Members Profile and Facts:

VIXX (빅스) currently consists of 4 members: N, LEO, KEN, and HYUK. The group debuted on May 24, 2012, under Jellyfish Entertainment. On August 7, 2020, Hongbin‘s departure from the group was announced. On April 11, 2023, RAVI’s departure from the group was announced. As of March 4, 2024, no Vixx members are under Jellyfish Entertainment.

Fandom Name: ST☆RLIGHT (Starlight)
Fandom Color: Navy and Shining Gold

Official Accounts:
Twitter: @RealVIXX
Facebook: RealVIXX
Instagram: @vixx_stargram

Members Profile:

Stage Name: N (엔)
Birth Name: Cha Hak Yeon (차학연)
Position: Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Birthday: June 30, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Twitter: @CHA_NNNNN
Instagram: @achahakyeon
Youtube: achahakyeon

N Facts:
– He was born in Changwon, South Korea.
– Family: Dad, mom, an older brother (14 years older), 2 older sisters (one is 12 years older, the other is 4 years older than him)
– Favorite colors: Red and Black
– Hobbies: Dancing and performing.
– N is considered the “mother” of the group.
– He was in a parody band called Big Byung, along with Hyuk, BTOB‘s Sungjae and GOT7’s Jackson.
– N enlisted on March 4, 2019 and was discharged on October 7, 2020.
– On Nov 2, 2020 it was revealed that N has left Jellyfish Entertainment, but he will continue as a member of VIXX.
– He will not be joining VIXX in their latest comeback (“CONTINUUM”) due to schedule overlap with his drama filming.
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Stage Name: LEO (레오)
Birth Name: Jung Taek Woon (정택운)
Position: Main Vocalist
Birthday: November 10, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 182 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Sub-Unit: VIXX LR
Twitter: @JUNGTW_LEO ‬
Instagram: @Leo_jungtw
Youtube: Official LEO 정택운

LEO Facts:
– He was born in Seoul (Yangjae-dong).
– Family: Dad, mom, 3 older sisters.
– Favorite food: Anything
– Favorite color: Blue, White, Black
– Hobbies: Reading fashion magazines and watching Japanese romance films.
– Leo knows Tae Kwon Do.
– His valuable belongings are the MP3 and the rosary his mother gave him.
– He is ambidextrous (able to write with both hands)
– Leo said that since N is the “mother” then he probably is the “father” of VIXX.
– Leo gets extremely embarrassed if he is complimented.
– He is friends with EXO’s Lay.
– Leo made his solo debut on July 31st, 2018, with “Touch & Sketch”.
– Leo enlisted on December 2, 2019, and was discharged on September 9, 2021.
– On March 4, 2024, it was announced that Leo has left Jellyfish Entertainment, but will continue as a member of VIXX.
– On March 5, Big Boss Entertainment officially announced that Leo had signed an exclusive contract with the agency.
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Stage Name: KEN (켄)
Birth Name: Lee Jae Hwan (이재환)
Position: Main Vocalist
Birthday: April 6, 1992
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 181 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Twitter: @jaehwany0406
Instagram: @keken_0406
Youtube: 이재환 LEE JAE HWAN

KEN Facts:
– Born in Jayang-dong, Seoul, South Korea.
– Family: Dad, mom, two older brothers.
– Nicknames: Power Soul Vocalist, Kenchopper, Kenjjuma, 4D Ken, Kenyonce
– Favorite food: Instant foods and chocolate.
– Favorite colors: Black, White
– If he were a girl, he wouldn’t go out with any of his fellow members.
– Ken is best friends with BTS‘s Jin and B1A4‘s Sandeul.
– Ken enlisted on July 6, 2020, and got discharged on January 5, 2022.
– His youtube channel is 이재환 LEE JAE HWAN.
– On March 4, 2024, it was announced that Ken has left Jellyfish Entertainment, but will continue as a member of VIXX.
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Stage Name: HYUK (혁)
Birth Name: Han Sang Hyuk (한상혁)
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: July 5, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 184 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 62 kg (136 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: @HSangHyuk
Instagram: @hsh0705
Youtube: HYUK 한상혁
SoundCloud: Hyuk

HYUK Facts:
– He was born in Daejeon, South Korea.
– Family: Dad, mom, older sister
– Favorite colors: Black, White
– Hobbies: Reading
– He used to be very awkward around Leo, and used to be afraid of calling him “hyung”.
– If he were a girl, he’d go out with fellow VIXX member Hongbin.
– He was in a parody band called Big Byung, along with N, BTOB’s Sungjae and GOT7’s Jackson.
– On June 8, 2022 it was announced that Hyuk has left Jellyfish Entertainment, but will continue to promote as a member of VIXX.
–  Companion Company announced that Hyuk will be enlisting in the recruit training center on April 18, 2024.
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Former Members:

Stage Name: HONGBIN (홍빈)
Birth Name: Lee Hong Bin (홍빈)
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group
Birthday: September 29, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 181 cm (5’11″)
Blood Type: B
Twitter: @RedBeans93
Instagram: @beencantstop
Youtube: 콩비니TV
Twitch.tv: @waterhyacinth_

HONGBIN facts:
– Born in Jayang-dong, Seoul, South Korea.
– Family: Dad, mom, two older sisters.
– Favorite colors: Navy Blue.
– Hobbies: Taking photos and playing basketball.
– He loves Overwatch, Hongbin was #7 worldwide on the Overwatch leaderboards.
– He has been a fan of Park Hyoshin ever since he was in middle school.
– Hongbin is really close with B1A4‘s Gongchan, they once filmed Celebs Bromance together.
– On August 7, 2020, his departure from VIXX & Jellyfish Entertainment was announced following his drunk livestream controversy on Twitch.
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Stage Name: RAVI (라비)
Birth Name: Kim Won Shik (김원식)
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthday: February 15, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 183 cm (6’0″)
Blood Type: O
Sub-Unit: VIXX LR
Twitter: @RAVI_GTCK
Instagram: @ravithecrackkidz
Weverse: Ravi

RAVI Facts:
– He was born in Jamsil-dong, Seoul, South Korea.
– Family: Dad, mom, younger sister
– Favorite colors: Black, White
– Hobbies: Body training
– His most valuable belonging is his lyrics notebook.
– He’s the idol with the 3rd highest number of copyrighted songs. (More than 130 copyrighted songs).
EXO‘s Kai and SHINEE‘s Taemin are Ravi’s best friends.
– Ravi has debuted as solo with “Realize” (2017) mini album.
– On April 11, 2023 it was announced that RAVI left VIXX, and the subunit LR.
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(Special thanks to ST1CKYQUI3TT, ✵moonbinne✵, almaurellia, Lukkylu, wanimie_, Lay_, Meleathis, Adlea, lsltrn, tracy, No, Jin’s my husband, wife & son, teddy2, Kenken, teddy2, Lee, suri suri, Indria Herdiati, Guest user, ridzwan, NuraddinaVixx, CT, JM | MELODY 💙 Sakura, melani, exohearts, Elena Morinstal, wat is luv, Apple Hanna, Min Gaeul, m i n e l l e, karie <3, Cookies and Cream, T, Rea, Loy Kniga, Pink Princess, Caratlight, Aredhel, bioglar, G i A, Kellee Ann McAdams, Sassy Pink, frida, Hailz, Nasha Othman, Etoile, asteriskmos, Alandria Penn, JESSICA, Madison Payne, helnegbrjesson, denisse, nie an, Kaitlin Quezon, Active2911, StarlightSilverCrown2)

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