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KAIA Members Profile and Facts

KAIA Members Profile and Facts:

KAIA is a 5-member Filipino girl group under SHOWBT Entertainment. The group consists of 5 members: Angela, Charlotte, Sophia, Alexa, and Charice. KAIA released their pre-debut single “KAYA” on December 10th 2021. The group made their official debut on April 8, 2022 with the single “BLAH BLAH”.

KAIA Official Fandom Name: ZAIA
KAIA Official Fandom Colors: Cyan & Magenta

KAIA Official SNS:
Instagram: @kaia.officialph / (Members): @kaia.members
X (Twitter): @KAIAOfficialPH / (Members): @KAIA_Members
TikTok: @kaiaofficialph
YouTube: KAIA Official
Facebook: @OfficialKAIA

KAIA Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Angela
Birth Name: Charlotte Angela C. Hermoso
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Dancer
Birthday: November 3, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 165 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
MBTI Type: N/A
Representative Emoji: 🐻
Instagram: @charlottehermoso_

Angela Facts:
– Angela is from Cavite, Philippines.
– Family: parents and an older twin sister (co-member Charice).
– Her special skills are singing, dancing and playing guitar.
– One of her favorite things to do is singing while playing the guitar.
– Her favorite colors are brown and black.
– She loves cats. She has one kitten named Kohui.
– She loves it, when it is rainy outside.
– Her favorite holiday is Christmas Day.
– She likes calling than texting.
– Her favorite sport is badminton.
– Her role models are God, her mother, Billie Eilish and Claro Pelagio.
– Out of Netflix shows she loves Vagabond, Something in the Rain and Squid Game.
– Her favorite movies are Beauty Inside and 500 Days of Summer.
– Her favorite books are The Bible and Everyday by David Levithan.
– Her favorite songs are “KAYA” by KAIA, “Hatid” by The Juans, “Hatdog” by Zack Tabudlo and “URS” by NIKI.
– Her favorite K-pop idol is Chanyeol.
– She can eat any food, especially chips and chocolate.
– Her favorite drinks are yogurt and chocolate drink.
– She is undecided whether she likes mayonnaise.
– She gets dizzy when she drinks milk tea or eats spaghetti.
– She has inunderstandable handwriting.
– She thinks she’s good at observing, loving (which includes having more patience to forgive people easily) and expressing.
– She thinks she’s bad at organizing, remembering moments and doing sports.
She and Charice used to be commercial models and actresses when she was younger. They were known as Lumen Twins.
– She appeared in “Inday Will Always Love You” along with her sister as Minions of Kim Rodriguez’s character.
– She was a part of the student council when she was studying.
– Her motto is “Make everyday your masterpiece”.


Stage Name: Charice
Birth Name: Charice Andrea C. Hermoso
Position: Rapper, Dancer
Birthday: November 3, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Representative Emoji: 🍒
Instagram: @charicehermoso

Charice Facts:
– Charice is from Cavite, Philippines.
– Family: parents and a younger twin sister (co-member Angela).
– She calls herself Cha.
– She and Angela used to be commercial models and actresses when she was younger. They were known as Lumen Twins.
– Her hobbies are watching movies and listening to music.
– She is actually shy and quiet in person.
– Dreamed to become a flight attendant.
– She always wears presentable clothes, even at home.
– Her favorite book is Everyday by David Levithan.
– Her favorite Americam singers are Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.
– Her favorite album is “Red” by Taylor Swift.
– Her favorite K-pop idols are D.O and Jennie.
– Her favorite show is Vagabond and Itaewon Class.
– Her favorite movies are Titanic and Sid & Aya.
– Her favorite songs are “Dulo” by The Juans and “Mana” by SB19.
– Her favorite colors are black, brown & white.
– She loves sweet and spicy foods. For snacks she loves chips.
– Her favorite drinks are iced coffee and yogurt.
– Her favorite sport is badminton.
– Her favorite animal is dog.
– Her favorite holiday is Christmas Day.
– She likes it when it is chilly outside.
– She has braces.
– She can drive a motorcycle.
– She thinks she’s good at listening people, observing and remembering moments.
– She thinks she’s bad at doing sports, drinking water and controlling her thoughts.
– Her role models are God and her parents.
– Her motto is “Take the risk, or lose a chance”.


Stage Name: Alexa
Birth Name: Alexandra Pelagio Averilla
Position: Rapper, Dancer
Birthday: May 20, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
MBTI Type: N/A
Representative Emoji: 🐉
Instagram: @alexadoragon

Alexa Facts:
– She is from Las Pinas City.
– She calls herself Alexa Kyutie ^_^.
– Her favorite colors are yellow and black.
– Her favorite animals are lions and dogs.
– Her favorite foods are pesto and fries.
– Her hobby is watching anime.
– She loves coffee very much and drinks it a lot.
– She loves it, when it is rainy outside.
– Her favorite K-pop idols are Jeon Soyeon (who is her role model) and CL.
– Out of Netflix shows she loves Stranger Things, Squid Game and Alice in Borderland.
– Her favorite movie is Bad Genius.
– Her favorite song is “The Leaders” by G-Dragon, CL and Teddy Park.
– Her favorite game is ML.
– Her favorite sport is chess.
– Her favorite holiday is Christmas Day.
– She doesn’t like different foods being put in one plate.
– She is a homestuck.
– She is the cleanest member of the group.
– Her special skill is converting oxygen to carbon dioxide (literally breathing).
– She thinks she’s good at sleeping, complimenting herself and drinking coffee.
– She thinks she’s bad at staying still, making decisions and answering questions about herself.
– Her motto is “If lifes gives you lemons, squeeze them in people’s eyes”.


Stage Name: Sophia
Birth Name: Sophia Alexandra D. Mercado
Position: Vocalist, Dancer
Birthday: August 22, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Representative Emoji: 🦊
Instagram: @sophiaamercado_

Sophia Facts:
– Sophia is from Manila, Philippines.
– Her favorite colors are red and pink.
– Her favorite animals are cats and dogs.
– Her favorite foods are nuggets, French fries, cheesy noodles, chips and donuts.
– Her favorite drinks are coffee and milk products.
– Her favorite movies are Clueless, Breakfast At Tiffany and Marvel universe series.
– Her favorite books are If Ends With Us, What Light and Love & Gelato.
– She likes it when it is chilly outside.
– Her favorite TV show is Friends.
– Her favorite solo singers are Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift (who is her role model).
– Her favorite bands are Little Mix and One Direction.
– Her favorite K-pop idol is Ryujin.
– Her hobby is dancing.
– Her favorite game is Cooking City.
– Her favorite sport is volleyball.
– Her favorite holiday is Christmas.
– She can drink coffee all day and fall asleep early.
– She had braces till September 2021 and reinstalled them in 2022.
– She thinks she’s good at dancing, memorizing details and singing high notes.
She thinks she’s bad at cooking, drawing and drinking water.
– Her favorite hangout is simply talking about life/catching up over coffee.
– She never got to celebrate one of her birthday because she was on a plane from the U.S to Manila.
– She has been wearing glasses since 4th grade. Her current eye grade is at -4.00.
– Before she entered ShowBT, she was a member of the dance crew VPEEZ, what competed internationally.
– Sophia is one of the backup dancers in SB19 “WHAT” music video.
– Her motto is “Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself”.


Stage Name: Charlotte
Birth Name: Charlotte Erica Fransdel P. Secretario
Position: Bunso, Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist
Birthday: October 9, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
Representative Emoji: 🍊
Instagram: @chrlttsctr_

Charlotte Facts:
– Charlotte is from Quezon city, Philippines.
– Her favorite colors are mint green & white.
– Her favorite animal is otter.
– She likes it when it is rainy outside.
– Her favorite K-pop idol is Dahyun.
– She loves eating okra.
– She tried different extracurricular activities before.
– Her favorite colors are mint green and white.
– Her favorite foods are blueberry cheesecake, cookies, chocolate & chips.
– Her favorite drinks are coffee, soda and yogurt drinks.
– Her favorite movie is Your Name.
– Her favorite book is A Book Of A Wimpy Kid.
– Her favorite K-pop groups are Twice, Stayc and Day6.
– Her role model is Lisa.
– Her favorite song is “Honeymoon Avenue” by Ariana Grande.
– Her favorite album is “Young-Luv.com” by Stayc.
– Her favorite animals are sea otter and dogs.
– Her hobbies are watching Korean dramas and fangirling.
– Her favorite dramas are Hospital Playlist and Busted.
– She often plays Coo Mobile.
– Her favorite sport is cheerleading.
– She can understand something what is said in Korean, although she doesn’t know it well.
– Her favorite holiday is New Year’s Eve.
– She thinks she’s good at dancing with clean lines, memorizing choreos and making everyone laugh.
– She thinks she’s bad at Mathematics, swimming and staying focused.
– She joined the drum and lyre band when she was in elementary and junior school.
– Then switched to the dance troupe when she was in 9th grade.
– She was a member of a cheerleading squad when she was in highschool and college.
– She was part of the Mix’in PH K-pop dance cover team and won different K-pop dance cover competitions.
– She has 3 different names. Charlotte, Erica and Fransdel; Erica is the combination of her parents name; and Fransdel is the combination of her grandparents’ name.
– Her motto is “Everything happens for a reason”.

Pre-Debut Member:

Stage Name: Joanna
Birth Name: Joanna Marie Lara
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: September 4, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Representative Emoji: 🦋

Joanna Facts:
– She is from Bulacan.
– She left the group in January 10, 2022 due to internal matters.

Made by: Alpert & Jahilibee
(Special thanks to: a_zaia_bullet, Lottieee, michyy, Eyera)

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Who is your favorite in KAIA? (Choose three)

Latest Release:

Who is your favorite in KAIA? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. 🙂

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Doing staff on KProfiles since July 2020.

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Hey? do you know SB19? You must stan them now! You will not gonna regret it! They are Talented, Humble, Down-to-earth, and overflowing visuals <3

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