Who’s your favourite MINIVE?
MINIVE are a group of animated “mini-me” characters created for IVE in May 2023. There are 6 characters: GANGANJI, DAL-E, NAORI, CHERRY, CHEEZ, and ERANG-E .
Which MINIVE is which IVE member:
DAL-E = Gaeul
CHERRY = Wonyoung
ERANG-E = Leeseo
Who's your favourite MINIVE character? (choose 2) Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. DAL-E 32%, 2501 vote
2501 vote 32%
2501 vote - 32% of all votes
CHERRY 18%, 1412 votes
1412 votes 18%
1412 votes - 18% of all votes
NAORI 17%, 1311 votes
1311 votes 17%
1311 votes - 17% of all votes
CHEEZ 14%, 1121 vote
1121 vote 14%
1121 vote - 14% of all votes
ERANG-E 11%, 869 votes
869 votes 11%
869 votes - 11% of all votes
GANGANJI 8%, 633 votes
633 votes 8%
633 votes - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 7847
Voters: 5406
July 14, 2023
You or your IP had already vote.
Made by salemstars
Related: IVE Members Profile
Who’s your favourite MINIVE character? Feel free to comment below 🙂