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OnlyOneOf Members Profile

OnlyOneOf Members Profile and Facts:

OnlyOneOf (온리원오브) is currently a six-member group that consists of KB, Rie, Yoojung, Junji, Mill, and Nine. Love left the group in August 2021. They made their debut with “Time Leap” and “Savanna” on May 28, 2019, as 8D Creative’s (RSVP) first boy group.

OnlyOneOf Fandom Name: lyOn
OnlyOneOf Fandom Color:

Official Accounts:
Website: onlyoneof-official.com /onlyoneofofficial.jp
Twitter: OnlyOneOf_twt / onlyoneofmember
Instagram: onlyoneofofficial
TikTok: @onlyoneofofficial
YouTube: OnlyOneOf official
Fan Cafe: OnlyOneOf Official
Facebook: OnlyOneOfofficial

Current Dorm Arrangement:
Room 1: KB, Yoojung, and Junji
Room 2: Mill, Rie, and Nine

Members Profile:

Stage Name: Nine (나인)
Birth Name: Jung Wookjin (정욱진)
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: December 13th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 177 cm (5’10″)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @noventanine

Nine Facts:
– His hometown is Busan, South Korea.
– He has an older brother (born in 1997) and a younger sister (born in 2002).
– Nine’s group roles are being a mood-maker, beast, and trying to listen to everyone.
– On December 12, 2023 he was introduced as the new leader of OnlyOneOf.
– His hobbies are listening to new songs and reading fancafe letters.
– His specialty: pretty & cute laughs
– Nine’s Motto: consider things from another perspective.
– His favorite color is yellow.
– Things he likes sweet foods, jellies, fans, late-night snaking, naps, and television.
– Things he dislikes are cucumbers, spicy foods, and sleeping too long.
– The first thing he does when waking up is checking the fan cafe.
– He has a habit of hugging everything around him whilst sleeping.
– Nine tends to dream of owning the world.
– Nine knows how to play the guitar.
– Nine can beatbox.
– Nine enjoys playing Kirby & Zelda, he says the characters are cute.
– When he gets too little sleep he feels heavy like a rock which makes him sad.
– When he has a moment of rest, he checks the fan cafe to thank everyone for their love and support.
– What he would like to say to himself a year from now is; “Nine! You’re already 22, how strong! Have a little more strength! Hwaiting!
– Debut final words: “I will make sure to work harder and harder! Dancing, singing, all of it! There is a lot to improve on so your boy will be more hard-working! I have a lot of things I want to share with everyone! So I want to meet you all soon.
– Nine hates hot weather. (Fan cafe).
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Stage Name: KB (규빈)
Birth Name: Shin Kyubin (신규빈)
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: April 23rd, 1992
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 180 cm (5’11″)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:

KB Facts:
– His hometown is Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea.
– He has an older sister (born in 1990) and a younger brother (born in 1999).
– KB’s role in the group is being the laughter killer.
– His hobbies are playing the guitar, listening to music, working on songs, and bowling
– His specialty is voice impressions
– KB’s Motto: Determination + Positivity – Adaptation
– His favorite colors are black and purple.
– Things he likes his pillow, his hometown, and when he finds good songs.
– Things he dislikes deep fried potatoes and conversations that are not fun or interesting.
– The first thing KB does when he wakes up in the morning is going back to sleep and waking up in the afternoon.
– Now that they have debut he wants to win first place.
– His sleeping habit is sleeping with his mouth open.
– When KB has time to rest he does activities for inspiration.
– KB is the happiest when he buys clothes and they fit just right.
– KB is the saddest when he wants to express his thought and feelings but are unable to.
– If KB could talk to his future self he would say: Have you made it to the billboards? You are a true God!
– Debut final words: Hello, finally we have debut! To be honest, after our showcase, all of us cried together. I pushed myself so hard up until our debut. Please view me Kindly, I will try to show you good things. Thank you!
– He was also in the web drama Woomana & First Love Story (Facebook/YouTube, 2018).
– KB came to the company late, he was prepared to have a career as a police officer. (idol chart rank interview)
– Kyubin originally wanted to become a comedian. Once he joined the company to prepare him for a comedian career, he started learning how to make music and decided to be an idol instead. Kyubin wanted to perform his music on a stage and give good music to people.
– His strengths are producing, he tries to help the rest of the group with producing.
– Kyubin has already completed his mandatory military service. He was in the army. (idol chart rank interview)
– On July 26, 2022 he debuted as a soloist with the single “be free“.


Stage Name: Rie (리에)
Birth Name:
Lee Sungho (이성호)
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: November 6th, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: ISTJ (His previous result were ISFP & ISFJ)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @hooopixx

Rie Facts:
– His hometown is Daejeon, South Korea.
– He has an older sister (born in 1993).
– Rie’s group roles are being found and having no jams but he is really funny.
– His hobbies are watching youtube videos, fishing videos.
– His specialty: ball games.
– Rie’s Motto: you have one life, have no regret.
– His favorite color is blue.
– Things he likes are chicken and tea.
– When he was younger his ultimate dream was to marry the daughter of a fried chicken store for free chicken.
– Snack time with Nine & Mill although they like sweets, so if he buys snacks and doesn’t like them, they take them.
– Things he dislikes: cold cucumbers, raw carrots, and sandwiches. Rie has a bad memory of cucumbers from the marine camp. Raw carrots because he used to drink healthy vegetable drinks as a kid. Sandwiches because he once had food poisoning after eating one.
– The first thing Rie does upon waking up is watching TV for a bit.
– He wants to communicate with the fans more since his debut.
– His sleeping habit is curling up like a shrimp.
– Rie is left-handed.
– When he has time to rest he likes to play games.
– Rie likes to play Digimon Adventure games.
– He’s the happiest when eating chicken and when his family watches and likes his videos.
– If he could tell his future self something it would be to become a more loved version of himself.
– Debut final words: “Y’all, we finally debuted! In the future I’ll become more active, so cheer for me please. Love you all babes! Let’s communicate more in the future and become musical chingus (friends)!!!!!!” From Rie to Rie’s babies.
– Rie wanted to be an idol after seeing a stage by Japanese group “Highlight”.
– He studies Charlie Puth & Shawn Mendes for singing, and Kai, Taemin and Jimin for dancing.
– Rie has some acting experience, if he gets the opportunity to act in the future he would take it. (idol chart rank interview)
– Rie makes the choreography. He is in charge of leading the choreography to make sure that everyone has a chance to shine whilst all being in sync. (Idol chart rank interview)
– He made his solo debut on October 26, 2022 with the single album “Underground Idol #4” and the title track “because“.
– Rie’s Ideal Type: Good-natured people who are cute.


Stage Name: Yoojung (유정)
Birth Name: Lee Taeyeob (이태엽)
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: May 29th, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: –
Weight: 56 kg (123 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: INFP (His previous results were ESFJ, ESTJ, & ISFP)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @yoocopie

Yoojung Facts:
– His hometown is Gwangju, South Korea.
– He has a brother.
– Yoojung’s role in the group is being the weakling and cleaning.
– His hobby is watching performances.
– His specialty: animal impressions and girl group performances.
– Yoojung’s Motto: My life began with dancing and will end with dancing.
– His favorite color is white.
– Things he likes: communicating with fans, winding down, and untying a bunch of knots.
– Things Yoojung dislikes spicy foods.
– The first thing Yoojung does when he wakes up is getting washed up.
– His goal after debuting is winning 1st place.
– His sleeping habits are raising his arms and talking in his sleep.
– When he has time to rest he becomes a sloth.
– Yoojung is left-handed.
– He is the happiest: right now (debut day)
– Yoojung’s the saddest when he becomes overwhelmed.
– If he could speak to his future self he would tell him to always be kind and thankful.
– Debut final words: Finally I have made my debut as “Yoojung”. In the future, I will show you “Yoojung” who has a variety of charms. In the future, I will show you love and happiness. I love you, bye!
– Yoojung trained in dancing for 8 years.
– Yoojung is an alias. (idol chart rank interview)
– He can imitate animals such as giraffes and ostriches.
– Yoojung sleeps with a stuffed dog. (Fan Cafe)
– Yoojung carries at least four lip balms with him because he hates having dry lips.
– He revealed in an interview that he was a backup dancer for Wonder Girls‘ “Like This”.
– Yoojung is close with AB6IX Jeon Woong, GOT7 Yugyeom, X1 Cho Seungyoun, and PENTAGON Kino (they were colleagues at Hanlim Multi Art School).
– Yoojung said that he wants to meet Taemin from SHINee because he is his role model.
– He loves Harry Potter, he has memorized every spell; his favorite being Petrificus Totalus. (Fan cafe)
– On June 27, 2022 Yoojung made his solo debut with the song “Begin“.


Stage Name: Junji (준지)
Birth Name: Kim Junhyung (김준형)
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: April 6th, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 181 cm (5’11″)
Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @no.junji

Junji Facts:
– His hometown is Incheon, South Korea.
– He has an older brother.
– Junji’s role in the group is being the shy boy.
– His hobbies are interpreting emotions of songs & playing basketball.
– His specialty: Freestyle dance
– Junji’s Motto: Be No.1, be someone who gives back to others.
– His favorite colors are white, black, and beige.
– Things he likes: Jjajangmyeon, roast chicken soup, spicy sausage stew, fried chicken with cheese powder on the outside, pork ribs, lamb kebabs, and feeling happy.
– Things he dislikes are horror movies.
– The first thing Jung does when he wakes up is washed his face and drinks coffee.
– He wants to be the main vocalist.
– His sleeping habit is turning off the alarm.
– When he has time to rest he practices singing.
– Junji enjoys being alone and finds it relaxing.
– Junji likes to play TEKKEN.
– He’s the happiest: right at this moment, (May 28th, debut day)
– Junji’s the saddest when the members have a tough time and are tired.
– If he could speak to himself in the future he would ask: Are you still happy?
– Debut final words: Once again today, Jjunranghae! (I love you + Jun)
– He studies BTSJungkook for performances and singing.
– Junji has been doing krump dancing since he was in middle school. (idol chart rank interview)
– Junji owns a cat.
– On August 26, 2022 he debuted as a soloist with the single “be mine“.
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Stage Name: Mill (밀)
Birth Name: Lee Yongsoo (이용수)
Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist
Birthday: March 30th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: –
Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
Blood Type: B
MBTI Type: ENFJ (His previous result were ESFJ)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:

Mill Facts:
– His hometown is Gwangju, South Korea.
– He has a younger sister (born in 2000).
– Mill’s really good at soccer.
– He was inspired by Jay Park.
– Mill has hard to read/bad handwriting. (That’s why his self-written profile hasn’t been translated yet.)
– Mill learned how to play soccer, he was enrolled in the athletes association because he was good at soccer. He swam, played basketball and learned other sports. (idol chart rank interview)
– He wants to be like either WINNER or iKON ever since he watched a lot of ‘WIN: who is next‘ and ‘Mix & Match.’ (idol chart rank interview)
– Mill looks up to GOT7.
– His favorite color is sky blue.
– He enjoys playing Mario Kart games.
– Mill thinks his personal talent is being cute.
– He is good at sports so wants to be on the MBC sports show.
– Mill debuted as a soloist with the song “Beat” on November 28, 2022.

Former Member:

Stage Name: Love (러브)
Birth Name: Park Jisung (박지성)
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist
Birthday: January 17, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 182 cm (5’11″)
Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @q4oll7

Love Facts:
– His hometown is Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.
– He has a younger sister (born in 1998).
– Love’s roles in the group are being the mom, angel, and prophet.
– His hobbies are shopping alone and running whilst listening to music.
– His specialty is wrapping the members in a flag of his love!
– Love’s motto: Believe in me, because I am right.
– His favorite color is purple.
– Things he likes all foods except cucumbers, the fans, listening to songs at dawn and taking selfies.
– Things he dislikes: Cucumbers (group theme) and being hungry, he gets sensitive when he’s hungry.
– The first thing he does when he wakes up is checking the weather.
– He wants to communicate with the fans more now that they have debuted.
– His sleeping habits are rolling around in bed and falling off.
– When he has time to rest he likes to go window shopping.
– He is the happiest when he is eating, eating at work, buying food with friends, and eating his mom’s cooking.
– He’s the saddest when all the food has been eaten.
– If he could tell his future self something it would be; “Love, don’t forget your fans!
– Debut final words: Finally, OnlyOneOf Debuted! Everyone, please show us a lot of love & support, I love you guys!
– Love was first featured in the Everyday I Love You MV by ViVi of LOONA.
– He was also in the web drama Woomana & First Love Story (Facebook/YouTube, 2018).
– Love was personally trained for six years. (idol chart rank interview)
– When he was in high school he majored in vocal music.
– He moved to Seoul to follow his dreams at the age of 20.
– He would sing trot in front of his father. His singing became his dream but his father was strict and didn’t allow it. Once he was 20 he had a conversation for permission to become a singer and was allowed to. (idol chart rank interview)
– Love has studied English and Japanese for future communications with fans.
– On August 2nd, 2021, Love announced that he was ending all group activities with OnlyOneOf due to personal reasons.
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NOTE 1: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites on the web. If you need to use info from our profile, kindly put a link to this post. Thanks! – KProfiles.com

NOTE 2: If they or the company do not state their actual positions I will not change them. For example, Love has leader and main vocalist because he stated it himself.

NOTE 3: Junji and Rie were playing the paper folding game with the rest of the group and called themselves the “6cm team” because Junji is 6 cm taller then Rie, since Junji’s height has been confirmed as 181 cm (5’11″), Rie must be 175 cm (5’9″).

NOTE 4: Rie updated his MBTI type to ISFJ (Source).

For Reference On MBTI Types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging

Profile Made by cntrljinsung

(Special thanks to Hirakocchi, ST1CKYQUI3TT, June, kjiwoo, Alexcie, Avatar, Hirakocchi, Ebba Jönsson, gabriel, lilfishy_127, Kimberly lippington, Nuramalina Selamat, txteez, ddong, Maior Hansol Vernon Utted, Amy, Dorkito, . ↺, Jimin, кᗩяÎℕᗩ, Midge, Briella, yuyu!!, Jungwon’s dimple, lau, gloomyjoon, kkami, Nikipedia, 키스, skye, Imbabey, 111, Twilight, Crystal Flowers, prodkyu, theo, neia, Sealpai, Zetpis, keziah pierce)

Who is your OnlyOneOf bias?

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Do you like OnlyOneOf? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below!

About the author


I hope you all love the profiles and articles I make for you! I'm also a wikipedia editor so anything Kpop and you'll see me there! My favorite part about editing on KProfiles is that I get to learn about the groups that I write about based off of your requests. Everyone needs an extended Kpop playlist, thank you!

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