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CGM48 Members Profile

CGM48 Members Profile: CGM48 Trainee Members Facts

CGM48 (short for Chiang Mai) is the 2nd Thai sister group and the 7th international sister group of AKB48. The group was announced during BNK48‘s Thank you & The Beginner @Chiang Mai on June 2, 2019. They released a pre-debut song on January 11th 2020, but made their official debut with the song ‘Chiang Mai 106’ on February 9th, 2020.

CGM48 Fandom Name: –
CGM48 Colors: Tradewind


CGM48 Members:

Nickname: Aom (ออม)
Birth Name: Punyawee Jungcharoen (ปุณยวีร์ จึงเจริญ)
Position: CGM48 Captain, Vocalist
Birthday: September 20, 1995
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Thai Zodiac: Virgo
Western Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 159 cm
Instagram: @aom.cgm48official

Aom Facts:
– She joined BNK48 as a Trainee on April 29, 2018 in the 2nd Generation
– Transferred to CGM48 on July 10, 2019
– Promoted to Team C on February 9, 2020
– Her hobbies are reading and watching movies
– She likes Hello Kitty and bingsu
– Her representative symbol is a piggy bank (her name ‘Aom’ means ‘savings’ in Thai)
– She is known for her mature, sweet & elegant older sister image
– Is said to represent a classical Northern Thai beauty with pale skin & long dark hair
– She is the oldest member of CGM48
– Is said to be kind & sweet by her friends at university. They have never heard her cuss or say a bad word despite being friends for a long time
– Has been a cheerleader every single year throughout her entire life ever since she was picked by the teacher in kindergarten
– She is said to be a perfectionist
– Despite her calm & subdued nature, she takes her responsibility as a senior seriously and will scold her junior if they do not perform up to standard (e.g. don’t tie their shoelaces, if they are late, etc.)
– Is said to control a piggy bank that she collect money on behalf of BNK48 for any members who break the rules (e.g. wearing the wrong uniform, not following instructions, etc.)
– Despite her elegant image, she has an ‘Aunty’ alter-ego who loves to nag & complain about everything from traffic to young people nowadays.
– She’s part of the ‘Pla Pao Gang’ (Grilled Fish Gang) consisting of BNK48‘s Faii, New, Cake, Phukkhom & Minmin. This group of girls are close friends & likes to go eat grilled fish together after practice


Nickname: Izuriina (いずりーな, อิสึรินะ)
Birth Name: Izuta Rina (伊豆田莉奈)
Position: CGM48 General Manager, Vocalist
Birthday: November 26, 1995
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Thai Zodiac: Scorpio
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Birth Place: Saitama, Japan
Height: 153 cm
Instagram: @rina.cgm48official

Izurina Facts:
– Debuted in March 2010 in AKB48‘s 10th Generation
– Transferred to BNK48 on June 29, 2017
– Promoted to BNK48‘s Team BIII on December 24, 2017
– Transferred to CGM48 on July 10, 2019
– Promoted to Team C on February 9, 2020
– Her hobbies are singing, listening to music, chatting, and dancing
– Her charm point is her smile
– Her future ambition is to be an actress
– She’s a person that’s easily bored
– Often spends her holidays taking naps and watching TV
– Original 10th Generation ace


Nickname: Fortune (ฟอร์จูน)
Birth Name: Pantita Koonthawi (ปัณฑิตา คูณทวี)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: August 18, 1999
Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
Thai Zodiac: Leo
Western Zodiac: Leo
Birth Place: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 162cm
Instagram: @fortune.cgm48official

Fortune Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She can play the piano and the guitar
– Her favorite color is pink
– She can’t define her own music style, she listens to alot of genres depending on her mood
– She likes to watch movies
– Her favorite movie genre is romance
– She says she’s very happy when she sings under the shower
– Calls her fans her ‘Fortune Cookies’
– Likes to tease fellow member Nenie
– Has an older and younger sibling, she’s the middle child
– Her favorite band is American indie pop group Lany
– Her BNK48 Oshimen is Orn from Team BIII
– Knows Thai and English
– Used to be able to read Korean, but forgot it all
– She likes seeing butterflies in Chiang Mai, because you don’t see them that often in Bangkok
– Likes dancing to Hiphop and Street Jazz
– She has been dancing for as long as she can remember
– Likes taking pictures with older cameras; She thinks every picture has it’s own meaning, saving memories with every picture


Nickname: Marmink (มามิ้งค์)
Birth Name: Manichar Aimdilokwong (มาณิฌา เอี่ยมดิลกวงศ์)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: November 7, 1999
Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
Thai Zodiac: Libra
Western Zodiac: Scorpuo
Birth Place: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 161 cm
Instagram: @marmink.cgm48official

Marmink Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She is a vegetarian
– Her bloodtype is AB
– Likes to call herself Mar(s)mink and say she’s from Mars
– Likes Studio Ghibli movies, and her favorite is Ponyo
– She went to school in New Zealand
– She’s a very positive spirited person, and believes you should enjoy all the little things
– She’s a fan of American singer-songwriter Clairo
– Her favorite number is 7, since she was born on the 7th
– Her favorite artist is Boy Pablo
– She likes to spice up her own clothing by decorating and sewing it with other materials
– She can play the guitar


Nickname: Nena (นีน่า)
Birth Name: Nattarika Boontua (ณัฐริกา บุญตั๋ว)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: September 12, 2000
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Thai Zodiac: Leo
Western Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 162 cm
Instagram: @nena.cgm48official

Nena Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She owns two dogs called Ham Ham and Grapes
– Her favorite food is Kanom Jeen Nam Ngiaw
– She loves animals, and would love to be a veterinarian
– Her favorite color is pink
– Her top 5 desserts are 1. Cake 2. Roti 3.Honey toast 4. Crepes 5. Pan Cake
– She likes a lot of genres of music
– She likes to eat strawberries
– Her favorite movie genre is zombies


Nickname: Angel (แองเจิ้ล)
Birth Name: Naphatsanan Thambacha (นภัสนันท์ ธรรมบัวชา)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: April 6, 2002
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Thai Zodiac: Pisces
Western Zodiac: Aries
Birth Place: Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Height: 153cm
Instagram: @angel.cgm48official

Angel Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She likes to travel, and would like to travel all over the world
– Really likes Japanese food
– Likes to drink milk
– Motto: “Anything that doesn’t match can be matched if we think it is a match.”
– Her favorite colors are white, gold, pink, yellow. She thinks that each color has its own beauty
– Listens to “Max Toki 315 Gou” from NGT48 alot
– She has a dog called Shin-Chan
– Her favorite holiday is Christmas
– She said she likes having an aesthetic on Instagram
– Her favorite flowers are pink tulips
– Her hobby is going to cafes
– She likes the song “Myujikkii” from BNK48‘s subunit Mimigumo
– She has been to 17 countries in total


Nickname: Nenie (นีนี่)
Birth Name: Phitchayapha Supanya (พิชญาภา สุปัญญา)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: November 1, 2002
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Thai Zodiac: Libra
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Birth Place: Udon Thani, Thailand
Height: 164 cm
Instagram: @nenie.cgm48official

Nenie Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She really likes music, and can listen to anything
– She likes to go to live concerts to feel the energy from the crowd
– She is half Thai and half Vietnamese
– She laughs very easily
– Likes to watch movies/series, such as Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Willy Wonka and Harry Potter
– She’s a person who likes to collect posters, polaroid, fans etc when going to a concert
– Her favorite group is Korean girlgroup TWICE
– She doesn’t like to eat vegetables, but loves fruit, especially Durian
– She can’t swim
– Likes taking pictures of nature, such as flowers, trees and more
– She likes the movie Frozen
– Likes to eat candy, and used to have tooth decay often when she was younger


Nickname: Meen (มีน)
Birth Name: Phitchayida Sonthi-Saksakwan (พิชญธิดา สนธิศักดิ์วรรณะ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: March 25, 2003
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Thai Zodiac: Pisces
Western Zodiac: Aries
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 155 cm
Instagram: @meen.cgm48official

Meen Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her blood type is type B
– She likes to watch movies and series
– Her favorite colors are white, black, gray, and pastel
– She likes to listen to all kinds of music
– She has been studying dance since she was very young


Nickname: Sita (สิตา)
Birth Name: Sita Thiradejsakun (สิตา ธีรเดชสกุล)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: June 25, 2003
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Thai Zodiac: Gemini
Western Zodiac: Cancer
Birth Place: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 162 cm
Instagram: @sita.cgm48official

Sita Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She likes to watch movies and cartoons
– Her favorite anime is Black Butler
– She likes taking pictures
– She lived in Phrae (Thai province) for 7 years
– Her favorite film director to watch movies from is Wong Kar Wai
– Her favorite singer is Lana Del Rey
– She likes to paint with watercolor and oil paint, but doesn’t use oil paint that often since it’s difficult
– She never used to smile alot, since she didn’t think she was pretty. But because of the other CGM48 members she’s smiling more
– Her oshimen from BNK48 is Music (BNK48 Team BIII)
– She came out as gay in January 2021 in her insta story.


Nickname: Ping (ปิ๊ง)
Birth Name: Phinana Sangboon (พิณพณา แสงบุญ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: July 25, 2003
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Thai Zodiac: Cancer
Western Zodiac: Leo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 159 cm
Instagram: @ping.cgm48official

Ping Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her favorite food is potatoes, but she also likes soybeans steamed in salt
– She’s really good at drawing, as seen on her Instagram


Nickname: Kaiwan (ไข่หวาน)
Birth Name: Manita Chanchai (มานิตา จันทร์ฉาย)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: January 6, 2004
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Thai Zodiac: Sagittarius
Western Zodiac: Capricorn
Birth Place: Phitsanulok, Thailand
Height: 152 cm
Instagram: @kaiwan.cgm48official

Kaiwan Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– In her free time she likes to eat and sleep
– She likes to take pictures of the sky
– Can eat alot of fruit, and loves to eat it
– Her favorite fruit is mango; She can drink mango juice all day
– She has liked BNK48 since it started, and her oshimen is Kaew (BNK48 Team BIII), and has her collectibles
– Though she likes fruit, she dislikes vegetables alot
– She says her special talent is dance, and usually dances in the traditional Thai dance


Nickname: Nicha (ณิชา)
Birth Name: Sangkhathat Na Ayutthaya (ณิชารีย์ สังขทัต ณ อยุธยา)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: August 26, 2004
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Thai Zodiac: Leo
Western Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Chiang Rai, Thailand
Height: 156 cm
Instagram: @nicha.cgm48official

Nicha Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She likes reading historical novels
– She likes to take pictures
– Her favorite color is yellow
– She likes to eat rice
– Likes to play games on her Instagram by asking fans questions which she will answer in another post
– She is an only child
– She likes to go to the Royal Palace for the beautiful garden, and the knowledge


Nickname: Mei (เหมย)
Birth Name: Rapeephan Chaemcharoen (รพีพรรณ แช่มเจริญ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: September 16, 2004
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Thai Zodiac: Leo
Western Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Chachoengsao, Thailand
Height: 152 cm
Instagram: @mei.cgm48official

Mei Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She is a very good eater, and especially likes egg tarts and bullberry tart
– Her favorite flavor of ice cream is mint
– Her favorite color is mint
– She used to play alot of games, but she doesn’t play as much anymore
– Likes to listen to music anywhere
– Favorite movie genres are sci-fi, romance and horror
– She likes Japanese romance movies the most
– Her favorite music genres are hiphop, pop, soft pop, and acoustic
– Her favorite types of games are FPS (First Person Shooter)
– Likes to take pictures of nature / sky etc.
– Basketball is her favorite sport
– Her favorite animals are dogs


Nickname: Kaning (คนิ้ง)
Birth Name: Withita Sasrisom (วิทิตา สระศรีสม)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 15, 2004
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Thai Zodiac: Scorpio
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 155 cm
Instagram: @kaning.cgm48official

Kaning Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She owns a cat
– She likes the mountains, because the weather is fresh
– She likes Japanese anime and manga
– Seems to have an obsession with vegetables, and wants to have her own vegetable
– She is very good at drawing and painting with watercolor, as seen on her Instagram


Nickname: Parima (ปะริมะ)
Birth Name: Chutipapha Rattanakornyannawut (ชุติปภา รัตนกรญาณวุฒิ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: July 29, 2005
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Thai Zodiac: Cancer
Western Zodiac: Leo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 157 cm
Instagram: @parima.cgm48official

Parima Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her special talent is Thai dance
– Favorite colors are blue and orange
– Likes dogs and cats
– Dislikes reptiles


Nickname: Champoo (แชมพู)
Birth Name: Kochporn Leelepeep (กชพร ลีละทีป)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: October 10, 2005
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Thai Zodiac: Virgo
Western Zodiac: Libra
Birth Place: Lampang, Thailand
Height: 155cm
Instagram: @champoo.cgm48official

Champoo Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She calls her fans conditioner, because of her name being ‘Shampoo’
– Her favorite snacks are pudding, jelly and cookies
– Her favorite color is yellow
– Dislikes sour fruits, pungent vegetables, roti
– Likes most animals, especially cats
– Dislikes ticks, fleas, lice
– She really likes hairpins and flowers
– She dislikes spicy food
– She likes snakes, especially the yellow albino ones
– Her favorite Disney princess is Rapunzel
– She likes white tigers and alpaca’s
– Her favorite breakfast is boiled rice with porridge


Nickname: Milk (มิลค์)
Birth Name: Chayanan Jedpeenongruamjai (ชยานันท์ เจ็ดพี่น้องร่วมใจ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 6, 2005
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Thai Zodiac: Scorpio
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Birth Place: Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Height: 141 cm
Instagram: @milk.cgm48official

Milk Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her favorite color is pink and ‘rainbow’
– She likes to eat sukiyaki, spicy sausage and grilled pork neck
– Her hobbies are playing guitar, dancing, and singing
– She can play the guitar
– She likes to take pictures alot


Nickname: Pim (พิม)
Birth Name: Pronwarin Wongtrakulkit (พรวารินทร์ วงศ์ตระกูลกิจ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 25, 2005
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Thai Zodiac: Sagittarius
Western Zodiac: Capricorn
Birth Place: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 162 cm
Instagram: @pim.cgm48official

Pim Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She likes to drink honey milk
– Her favorite colors are blue, purple, black, white, and peach
– She dislikes lizards, turtles, frogs and toads
– She likes cats and dogs
– She likes wearing a black sweater
– She doesn’t like being alone
– Her favorite scent is peach and vanilla
– She can’t handle spicy food
– She is a fan of Korean boygroup BTS
– When she was 10 years old, she studied in England for a month
– She and fellow CGM48 Trainee Jayda are good friends


Nickname: Latin (ลาติน)
Birth Name: Pimnara Rumruaymunkong (พิมพ์นารา รำรวยมั่นคง)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: January 28, 2006
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Thai Zodiac: Capricorn
Western Zodiac: Aquarius
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 156 cm
Instagram: @latin.cgm48official

Latin Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her favorite color is pink
– She likes dolls
– She’s afraid of lizard’s/gecko’s
– She likes frogs, she thinks they are cute
– Her favorite subject is maths
– Loves to eat fruit, and can eat almost all of them
– Her favorite season is autumn
– Prefers staying with others, instead of being alone
– Her favorite numbers are 2 and 7
– She likes to draw, she thinks it’s relaxing and fun
– Likes to drink bubble tea
– She’s bad at eating spicy food
– Really likes sukiyaki
– Her family owns 4 dogs
– She can play the ukelele
– She likes to be compared to a turtle, and calls herself it too
– She can speak Chinese


Nickname: Punch (พั้นซ์)
Birth Name: Wacharee Danphasukkul (วัชรี ด่านผาสุกกุล)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: February 16, 2006
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Thai Zodiac: Aquarius
Western Zodiac: Aquarius
Birth Place: Saraburi, Thailand
Height: 146 cm
Instagram: @punch.cgm48official

Punch Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– Her favorite food is green curry
– She’s shy and doesn’t talk easily, but said she will try her best for her fans
– She likes to eat cakes
– She likes dogs alot
– Her favorite dessert is chocolate lava cake
– She has been singing and dancing for a few years


Nickname: Jjae (เจเจ)
Birth Name: Supapit Sripairoj (ศุภาพิชญ์ ศรีไพโรจน์)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: July 27, 2006
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Thai Zodiac: Cancer
Western Zodiac: Leo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 155cm
Instagram: @jjae.cgm48official

Jjae Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– In her free time she likes to bake, draw and listen to music
– Her favorite dessert is strawberry cheese cake
– Her favorite animal is dogs
– Favorite color is mint green
– Her favorite drinks are caramel milk smoothies, and jelly milk smoothies (นมปีโป้ปั่น)
– Her favorite place to visit is a amusement park, and likes the rollercoasters the most
– Her favorite music genres are K-pop and J-Pop
– She has played golf for about 6 years
– Her favorite season is winter
– Has been an AKB48 and BNK48 fan since she was younger
– Used to have a pet hedgehog called Maki
– She can play the piano
– She likes movies about magic, especially Harry Potter
– When she was younger, she wanted to be an astronaut


Nickname: Pepo (ปีโป้)
Birth Name: Jirattikan Tasee (จิรัฐิกาล ทะสี)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: September 21, 2006
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Thai Zodiac: Virgo
Western Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 159 cm
Instagram: @pepo.cgm48official

Pepo Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She can play the guitar
– Favorite colors are red and black
– Known for her grunge aesthetic on Instagram
– She likes spiders
– She likes to be outside
– She came out as bisexual in August 2021 in her insta story.


Nickname: Jayda (เจย์ดา)
Birth Name: Rwanda Alan (รวินดา อลัน)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 16, 2006
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Thai Zodiac: Sagittarius
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Birth Place: Tak, Thailand
Height: 160 cm
Instagram: @jayda.cgm48official

Jayda Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She is half Thai, Turkish and Chinese
– She likes unicorns
– She likes to eat spicy food, and sea food
– She doesn’t like to eat coriander and mayonnaise
– She has one brother
– Owns a chinchilla called Heng Heng
– Her favorite colors are white and pink
– Likes to watch ghost movies, even though she’s scared of ghosts
– She likes to eat alot
– A dream of hers is to taste food from every country
– She and fellow CGM48 Trainee Pim are good friends


Nickname: Kyla (เคียล่า)
Birth Name: Keila Ziyun Khoo (เคียล่า ซื่อหยุน คู)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: January 25, 2007
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Thai Zodiac: Capricorn
Western Zodiac: Aquarius
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 155 cm
Instagram: @kyla.cgm48official

Kyla Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She can’t fluently speak Thai
– Her dad is Malaysian Chinese, and her mom is Thai
– She likes sports and watching movies
– Her favorite food is desserts
– She can speak English
– Her favorite animals are dogs
– She collects cute washi tape, and stickers
– Her favorite movie genre is fantasy and magic
– She has 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister
– She used to be a swimmer, badminton and golf player
– She likes to travel and find new experiences
– Also likes to write diaries and journals
– She can play the piano


Nickname: Fahsai (ฟ้าใส)
Birth Name: Phatthida Jongprasanokkiat (ภัทรธิดา จงประสานเกียรติ)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: May 23, 2007
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Thai Zodiac: Taurus
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Birth Place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Height: 165cm
Instagram: @fahsai.cgm48official

Fahsai Facts:
– Joined CGM48 as a Kenkyuusei (trainee) on October 27th, 2019
– She loves animals, especially cats
– Her hobby is drawing, though she thinks she’s not that good at it
– Won a Songkran Festival beauty pageant in 2019
– She owns five cats; Money, Choco, Pocky, Sugar and Milo
– Likes spicy food, but can’t eat it
– One of her favorite foods is Nam ngiao
– She is the youngest member of CGM48

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Made by: xiumitty

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