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Monster Woo Profile & Facts

Monster Woo Profile: Monster Woo Facts

Kim Young Woo (몬스터우), better known as Monster Woo is a choreographer, dancer, and DJ.

Nickname: Monster Woo (몬스터우)
Birth Name: Kim Young Woo (김영우)
Birthday: March 22,
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: South Korean
Instagram: @_mrwoo_

Monster Woo Facts:
– He was born in South Korea. When his parents got divorced he moved with his mom to the States.
– He is fluent in English and Korean.
– He likes dancing, arts, alcohol, coffee, carrot cake, motorcycles, eating sweet things.
– Two months after getting into dancing, he won the second competition he participated in.
– He started dancing when he was 24/25 years old.
– His passion for dance began when he was working in the cleaning crew at Club NB. The managers kept saying he should be a dancer because of his looks. He began learning how to dance by watching a DVD that a krump dancer from the US gave him when visiting the Club NB.
– He made krumping known in Korea.
– He runs the street fashion brand Bratson.
– “Monster Woo” has been his nickname since elementary school because he has had a deep voice since then. That’s why his friends teased him by saying he was a monster.
– In 2013 he lost almost 20kg by boxing.
– He started boxing in 6th grade and planned to do it for a career. At that time, he broke his front teeth.
– His mom was a swimming athlete.
– He has many tattoos.
– When he was born, his parents got divorced.
– He attended a school in Phoenix, Arizona. As an only Asian kid in school, he faced racial discrimination and because he didn’t want to put up with it, he got into fights every day. That’s why his mom decided they should move to Los Angeles where he’d have Korean friends. Because they all were frustrated they did bad stuff, which eventually led Woo to get suspended from school.
– He makes mixes and uploads them on SoundCloud under the name Deimon Woo.
– He finished his military service in 2013.
– His Instagram usernames used to be @realmonsterwoo, @deimon_woo.
– The last thing he asked for before getting deported was ice cream.
– The only family that he has in Korea is his uncle that he isn’t close with. He also doesn’t have many family members. [NS Ep. #1]
– He is friends with The World of Dave, DPR IAN, Dynamic Duo‘s Gaeko.
– He directed Padi‘s “Hahahoho” Music Video.
– He reads books and magazines, but they’re often about bikes’ history.
– He is into brands like Thom Browne.
– When he was 15 years old he went to the California Youth Authority prison for 5 years because he was involved in the shooting incident. He was sentenced to 49 years but his lawyer reduced it to 5 years (2 years in trial and 3 in prison). When the sentence was over, he got deported to Korea right away. [NONSENSIBLE/THEICONTV]
– He loves Mexican food. [NS Ep. #22]
– He is a founder of “Woo Fam” which is a dance crew. He created it between 2006 and 2007.
– He calls Dynamic Duo‘s Gaeko’s son his nephew.
– He met G-Dragon and Taeyang for the first time when he was in BIGBANG’s “GOODBYE BABY” Music Video.
– He admitted that although he looks strong, he has a very sweet side.
– He likes old school and classical music. Also, the “Howl’s Moving Castle” OST and Michael Jackson’s music.
– Michael Jackson is like an angel to him. Every time he did something wrong, he listened to his songs.
– He got all his tattoos after coming back to Korea. He got his first at 22 years old.
– He doesn’t think that he looks good with long hair, that’s why he mostly keeps them short.
– He thinks a woman with long hair is pretty.
– He can’t live without dancing and motorcycling.
– As of 2013, he is a member of the motorcycle club Tremors.
– He has been a biker since around 2004. Since then his love for motorcycles only grew stronger.
– He doesn’t like “kiddos” who pretend to be strong. Also, he can dislike someone for no reason just because his friends don’t like this person.
– He likes Girls’ Generation. He’s friends with Sooyoung.
– In his free time, he enjoys drinking coffee and reading bike magazines.
– He actually doesn’t think of himself as a krump dancer but rather someone who appreciates art. [THEICONTV]
– Since starting amateur boxing in the States his dream was to be a boxing champion because his family wasn’t financially stable. [THEICONTV]
Dynamic Duo‘s Gaeko said that he learned so much about music from Woo. They have a positive influence on each other. [THEICONTV]
– In 2021, he started playing saxophone. His friends bought it for him as a birthday gift. [NS Ep. #52]
– He used to be involved in the club business so he was working mainly during the night. He’s not doing it anymore so he doesn’t drink as much as then and became a morning person since quitting it. [NS Ep. #52]
– He hates people testing him in any way so he used to always react but now he doesn’t even care. [NS Ep. #52]
– In 2020, he started studying films, and a couple of years before that acting. [NS Ep. #2]
The World of Dave revealed that in situations where somebody bumps into Woo really hard or messes with him, Woo often says “Man, if this was 10 years ago”. It’s because he looked different back then with a different attitude. Now he lives by the statement that “if you can avoid something, avoid it”. [NS Ep. #2]
– He had his first serious crush on his female friend for about 2 years that had a boyfriend at the time. They eventually got together after she made a master plan to get with Woo. [NS Ep. #2]
– He worked as a bouncer at the club in Hongdae. This was one of his first jobs after coming to Korea. [NS Ep. #2]
– His worst job was doing laundry in the juvenile hall. [NS Ep. #2]
– One of his embarrassing stories is when he went to the club with his girlfriend, was drunk/zoning out, and went for a passionate kiss with his girlfriend that turned out to be some random man. When it happened, his girlfriend was standing next to them. She didn’t mind as it wasn’t an intentional mistake that he made. [NS Ep. #2]
Monster Woo’s Ideal Type: He doesn’t have specific criteria. A woman like the one described in Taeyang’s “I Need a Girl” song. A girl who is nice to her man gives him good mental care and is understanding. [Cuvism 2013]

Monster Woo in Music Videos:
2021 | “business boy” by Huh!
2019 | “Drip” by Jessi
2012 | “CRAYON” by G-DRAGON

profile made by ♡julyrose♡

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(Special thanks to thesunnytown!)

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