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Yeonje (Former ALICE) Profile and Facts

Yeonje (ALICE) Profile and Facts

Yeonje (연제) is a South Korean Actress under IOK Company and a former member of the South Korean girl group ALICE.

Stage Name: Yeonje (연제), formerly known as Hyeseong (혜성)
Legal Name: Yang Yeon-je (양연제)
Birth Name: Yang Hye-sun (양혜선)
Birthday: October 15, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 167 cm (5’6″)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Symbol: Wind

Yeonjae Facts:
– Her hometown is Jeolla, South Korea.
-She has a younger sister.
– She attended Hwaseong School and Hanlim Multi Art School.
– Her former stage name, ‘Hyeseong’ means comet.
-She is under IOK Company.
-One of her nicknames is Hyemster.
-Her position in ALICE is as Lead Vocalist and Lead Dancer.
– Her company initially gave her the stage name Hyeseong, and it means that she arrived like a comet.
– When she was a trainee she was the main actress in Romeo’s MV for “Target”.
– As a trainee she filmed a commercial for chicken with IU.
– One of her hobbies is assembling nano blocks.
-She is part of the original ELRIS lineup.
-She can store 7 cherry tomatoes in her mouth.
-Her favorite types of popcorn are caramel and regular.
-She speaks some Japanese.
-She is ALICE’s designated ‘Jar Opener’.
-She is Karin‘s favorite unnie because they have a similar sense of humor.
– She can do a vocal impression of Pikachu.
– She can also do voice impressions of several Spongebob characters.
– She was named the“the middle daughter” of the group.
–In the dorm she sleeps on one of the top bunks.
– She will often sleep in the living room because the bedroom is too hot.
– One of her skills is beatboxing.
– She enjoys gummies and chocolate.
-She is the second tallest member in the group.
-She does many vocal and dance covers.
– Yeonjae likes to drink watermelon juice.
– She hates having to wake up and is can be difficult for her to do so.
-With fellow member Bella, she sang the OST “Single Heart” for the drama ‘Rich Man’.
– Yeonjae was a contestant on MixNine. She was eliminated in the 10th episode, ranking 43rd (girls ranking).
– Yeonjae is able to do the splits. (MixNine)
– Yeonjae is friends with Eunbin of CLC and Rui of H.U.B. She was also classmates with Eunbin.
– Yeonjae’s favorite song on ‘Summer Dream’ album is “I Want To Take Care Of You”
– In 2018 Yeonjae starred as Eunhee in the musical “Hello Jadoo”.
-She had to learn ballet for the musical.
– She changed her stage name from Hyeseong to Yeonjae in 2022.
– Yeonje gave a last goodbye as a member of the group in an Instagram post. (Source)
– Yeonje has renewed her contract with IOK Company as an actress.

Profile Made By ♥LostInTheDream♥

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