Home » Kpop Solo Singers » DAMYE Profile & Facts

DAMYE Profile & Facts

DAMYE Profile and Facts:

DAMYE (담예)
is a singer-songwriter. He debuted on June 15, 2018, with EP “TALENTED“.

Stage Name: DAMYE (담예)
Korean Name: Synn Hye Dam (씬혜담)
Birthday: March 23/24, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean-American
Instagram: damyesynn
YouTube: 담예튜브

DAMYE Facts:
— He was born in the USA.
— He plays bass, guitar, and makes beats.
— He speaks English and Korean fluently.
— He lived in the USA and moved to South Korea around 2018 to pursue music.
— His hobbies are making music, listening to music, watching movies, reading comics but it always changes.
— He went to UC Berkeley and transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston. He majored in production but only for a year.
— He auditioned to Berklee College of Music with his own song where he played guitar.
— He worked part-time at Subway since the end of 2019 and quit around November 2020. (Sound K 2020-2021)
— His album “The Sandwich Artist” is based on personal experience.
— His stage name comes from his name “Hye Dam” and the fact that a guy called him “Damye” for a long time and he just went with it since he had no other idea.
— He realized he wanted to pursue music more than just as a hobby in his first year in Berklee.
— Most of his skills are self-taught.
— His primary interest is singing and playing guitar because that’s how he writes most of his songs.
— His favorite own song is “DUSSA” which is his nickname for medusa. This song is based on an actual person that he met that was very seductive.
— One of his favorite rappers in Korea is Hwaji that was featured on his album.
— While studying in Boston he met people with different backgrounds so most of his friends are non-Korean.
— His birth date in American passport is March 23rd and in Korean March 24th.
— His expertise is making things out of clay.
— He is bad at drawing.
— His goal is to be happy and enjoy the moment.
— His nickname used to be “Damye” before the debut so now he doesn’t have one as it became official.
— The food he cannot eat is cucumber and tomatoes alone, only in something like kimbap or hamburgers. For him, cherry tomatoes are the worst.
— His favorite food is pizza and sandwiches since working at Subway.
— His inspiration is an artist Samuel Seo that is one of the closest hyungs for him.
— A celebrity he would like to meet one day is Anderson Paak that is one of his favorite artists.
— His dream before becoming a singer was to be a paleontologist.
— He used to know a lot about dinosaurs like their names, heights, weights, and where they’re from because he liked them as a kid.
— His favorite dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus.
— His favorite 3 things in life are sleeping, making music, and chilling with friends.
— Things he hates the most are waking up in the morning and cucumbers.
— The longest he slept was for 20 hours.
— All his guitars have names.
— His top 3 favorite artists in Korea are Hwaji, Samuel Seo, and Beenzino.
— His goal for 2020 was to grow his fanbase and release an EP that he did on August 30, 2020, titled “The Sandwich Artist”.
— He was nominated for the Rookie Artist Of The Year Award.
— He auditioned for Show Me The Money 9 through an online audition, went for round one but didn’t get a necklace from GroovyRoom. (x)
— He is a part of a duet called mushmushme with The Suite (더 스윗). They made their debut on April 21, 2019 with EP “N26” that is their only release.
— He will enlist in the army in 2021.
— He watches basketball matches. He isn’t a fan of any team but is a big fan of Chris Paul in particular.
— He is a member of the Dejavu Group band, Flatshop that debuted on May 27, 2021.

profile made by ♡julyrose♡

( Special thanks to ST1CKYQUI3TT )

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