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Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora Members Profile

Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora Members Profile and Facts:

Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora
(僕が見たかった青空) is a Japanese girl group produced by Akimoto Yasushi. They are known as the official rival group of Nogizaka46. The group currently consists of 23 members. They debuted on August 30, 2023 with their first single “Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru”. The music video for their debut was released on July 12, 2023. Their current leader is Shiogama Nana.

Website: bokuao.com
Twitter: BOKUAOofficial
Instagram: bokuao_official
TikTok: bokuao_official
YouTube: BOKUAO_official

Members Profile:

Shiogama Nana

Birth Name: Shiogama Nana (塩釜菜那)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Position: Leader
Birthday: July 7, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Kagoshima, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 157 cm (5’2″)
Blog: Shiogama Nana

Shiogama Nana Facts:
Nickname: Gamachan (がまちゃん)
– Her signature emoji is a red heart.
– Her hobby is visiting onsens.
– Her favourite idols are Hoshino Minami and Tamura Hono.
– Her parents chose the name Nana because she was born on the 7th of July, and “nana” means seven in Japanese.
– She has two siblings.
– Her favourite food is apples.
– Her skills are reading sheet music quickly, posing for cameras and playing the clarinet.
– She played clarinet in her middle school, high school and junior college orchestra bands.
– Before becoming an idol, she was studying to become a nursery school teacher.
– She previously had a part-time job at a gas station.

Ito Yuzu

Birth Name: Ito Yuzu (伊藤ゆず)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: August 11, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Chiba, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Height: 170 cm (5’7″)
Blog: Ito Yuzu

Ito Yuzu Facts:
Nickname: Yuzu (ゆず)
– Her signature emoji is a dove.
– Her favourite foods are chocolate-covered bananas and chocolate/strawberry ice cream.
– She is confident about her height.
– She prefers being outdoors.
– She is the tallest and oldest member.
– She practiced ballet growing up, but isn’t flexible.
– She says her strong point is being able to work hard on anything until the end.
– Her weak point is giving up.

Hasegawa Hitomi

Birth Name: Hasegawa Hitomi (長谷川稀未)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: March 24, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Blog: Hasegawa Hitomi

Hasegawa Hitomi Facts:
Nickname: Hitomin (ひとみん)
– Her signature emoji is a white heart.
– She describes her personality as shy and quiet.
– If she could be reborn, she would want to be a cat.
– She can play the piano and the piccolo.
– She did rhythmic gymnastics as a kid.
– In her audition she danced her own choreography to TWICE‘s “Moonlight Sunrise”.

Aoki Yuho

Birth Name: Aoki Yuho (青木宙帆)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: June 13, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Okinawa, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 150 cm (4’11”)
Blog: Aoki Yuho

Aoki Yuho Facts:
Nickname: Yuho (ゆうほ)
– Her signature emoji is a UFO.
– Her hobbies are football, futsal, visiting art exhibitions, skincare, interior design/furniture, watching idols and playing escape game apps.
– Her favourite foods are Yushi-dofu, chawanmushi, passion fruit, vegetables and dried squid.
– If she could be reborn, she would want to be a cat.
– She is the only member from Okinawa.
– She is the shortest member.
– She is often late, and is bad at waking up in the morning.
– She loves space and stars, and she has read the writings of Isaac Newton.
– She practiced Okinawan traditional Yaeyama, Eisa, and Sanshin dances growing up.
– She has played football and futsal since elementary school.

Nishimori Aya

Birth Name: Nishimori Aya (西森杏弥)
Personal colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: July 18, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Kochi, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Nishimori Aya

Nishimori Aya Facts:
Nickname: Ayamori (あやもり)
– Her signature emoji is a pine tree.
– Her hobby is sleeping.
– Her favourite colour is white.
– Aya’s favourite smell is the smell of food.
– She is the only member from Kochi.
– In high school, she did woodworking projects.
– She wants to become a tourism ambassador for Kochi prefecture.
– Her reason for auditioning was to escape the reality of job hunting.
– She prefers being indoors.
– She says she is bad at posing for cameras, especially “cutesy” poses. She wants to be an idol while staying true to her own personality.

Mochinaga Mana

Birth Name: Mochinaga Mana (持永真奈)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: January 25, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 157 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Mochinaga Mana

Mochinaga Mana Facts:
Nickname: Mocchii (もっちー)
– Her favourite foods are strawberries and rice balls.
– She often wears her hair in a braided bun.
– She describes herself as caring and spoiled.
– Her hobby is manufacturing.
– She can play the ukulele.
– Her favourite colour is red.
– Her favourite thing to do is going to Kenkoland.
– She compares herself to a cat.

Yamaguchi Yuan

Birth Name: Yamaguchi Yuan (山口結杏)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: October 14, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Hyogo, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 166 cm (5’4″)
Blog: Yamaguchi Yuan

Yamaguchi Yuan Facts:
Nickname: Yuan (ゆあん)

Miyakoshi Yuria

Birth Name: Miyakoshi Yuria (宮腰友里亜)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: October 24, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Fukui, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 163 cm ( 5’3″)
Blog: Miyakoshi Yuria

Miyakoshi Yuria Facts:
Nickname: Yuribo (ゆり坊)
– Her hobbies are visiting museums, discovering new songs and collecting cacti and other plants.
– Her skills are makeup and flower arrangement.
– She started flower arrangement when she was 15.
– Her least favourite foods are salmon roe and mushrooms.
– She lived in a very snowy, rural area where her family would planet rice annually as tradition.
– Her family has a pet dog.
– She likes watching horror movies alone in a pitch-black room.

Hayasaki Suzuki

Birth Name: Hayasaki Suzuki (早﨑すずき)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: March 13, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 161 cm (5’3″)
Blog: Hayasaki Suzuki

Hayasaki Suzuki Facts:
Nickname: Suu (すー)
– Her skill is playing the piano, playing the violin, kendama and badminton.
– She has played the violin since she was 13 years old, the piano since she was 4, badminton since 12, and kendama since elementary school.
– She was actually born in Osaka, but her birthplace is listed as Tokyo because she moved there when she was 5.
– She likes horror movies.
– Her favourite colours are purple and light blue.
– Her favourite food is mapo tofu.
– Her favourite season is summer.
– She likes walking.
– She listens to ballads often.

Sunaga Miuna

Birth Name: Sunaga Miuna (須永心海)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: April 11, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Sunaga Miuna

Sunaga Miuna Facts:
Nickname: Unachan (うなちゃん)
– Her signature emoji is the bubble emoji.
– Her hobby is cooking.
– She has an older brother and a younger sister.
– She likes cooking and used to prepare bento lunches for her and her siblings before school.
– She had no dance experience before becoming an idol.
– Her goal is to never forget to say thank you.
– She is bad with technology.
– She is bad at waking up in the morning and often goes back to sleep five times. When she has to wake up at 7am for example, she sets alarms for 5:30am, 6am, 6:30am, 6:45am, 6:50am, 6:55am and finally 7am.

Yanagihori Karen

Birth Name: Yanagihori Karen (柳堀花怜)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: July 24, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 163.4 cm (5’3″)
Blog: Yanagihori Karen

Yanagihori Karen Facts:
Nickname: Poripori (ぽりぽり)

Imai Yuki

Birth Name: Imai Yuki (今井優希)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: August 28, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Aichi, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Height: 161 cm (5’3″)
Blog: Imai Yuki

Imai Yuki Facts:
Nickname: Yukicchi (ゆきっち)
– Her signature emoji is a glowing star.
– She is confident about her happy and positive nature.
– She has practiced ballet since elementary school, for 9 years.
– Before becoming an idol, she dreamed of studying social welfare abroad.
– In her introduction documentary, she wrote “I want to be a bridge between Japan and the world.”

Yoshimoto Cocona

Birth Name: Yoshimoto Cocona (吉本此那)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: December 5, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Ishikawa, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Yoshimoto Cocona

Yoshimoto Cocona Facts:
Nickname: Cocona (ここな)

Hagiwara Kokoka

Birth Name: Hagiwara Kokoka (萩原心花)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: June 30, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Shizuoka, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Blog: Hagiwara Kokoka

Hagiwara Kokoka Facts:
Nickname: Kokoka (ここか)
– Her signature emoji is a seal.
– She is close with her grandmother.
– She is the only member from Shizuoka.
– She prefers calling on the phone rather than texting.

Anno Aoi

Birth Name: Anno Aoi (安納蒼衣)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: January 30, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Anno Aoi

Anno Aoi Facts:
Nickname: Ao (アオ)
– Her signature emoji is musical notes.
– Her hobby is reading.
– Her favourite scents are fabric softeners and the other members.
– She has a younger sister.
– She practiced piano and dance growing up.
– She played percussion in her school’s brass band.
– She describes her personality as “my-pace”.
– She likes musicals, and in 2023 she went to see Phantom of the Opera.
– Her favourite idols include Endo SakuraIkuta Erika, Morita Hikaru and Kosaka Nao.

Kanazawa Ami

Birth Name: Kanazawa Ami (金澤亜美)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: February 14, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Kanazawa Ami

Kanazawa Ami Facts:
Nickname: Ami (あみ)
– Her signature emoji is a ribbon.
– She is confident about her ability to concentrate on one thing.
– She has a shy personality.
– She loves idols, and has auditioned for many groups.

Yagi Toa

Birth Name: Yagi Toa (八木仁愛)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: May 1, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 155 cm (5’0″)
Blog: Yagi Toa

Yagi Toa Facts:
Nickname: Toa (とあ)
– She is the original ace and center of the group.

Akita Rian

Birth Name: Akita Rian (秋田莉杏)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: July 9, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Hyogo, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 157 cm (5’2″)
Blog: Akita Rian

Akita Rian Facts:
Nickname: Rian (りあん)
– Her signal emoji is a martial arts uniform.
– Her favourite foods are watermelon, and she can eat a whole small watermelon on her own.
– She has an older sister, who she admires.
– She has practiced karate and played baseball since she was 4 years old.
– She is not very flexible.
– She considers her special skills to be karate and shouting loudly.

Iwamoto Riko

Birth Name: Iwamoto Riko (岩本理瑚)
Personal Colour:
Blue Summer
Birthday: November 25, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Blog: Iwamoto Riko

Iwamoto Riko Facts:
Nickname: Rikopin (りこぴん)
– Her signature emoji is a sunflower.
– She was in her school’s tennis club.
– She prefers being indoors.
– She can do a back handspring.

Sugiura Eren

Birth Name: Sugiura Eren (杉浦英恋)
Personal Colour:
Yellow Spring
Birthday: June 19, 2008
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Aichi, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Blog: Sugiura Eren

Sugiura Eren Facts:
Nickname: Eren (えれん)
– Her signature emoji is a Nazar amulet.
– Her hobby is strolling the streets of Tokyo.
– She is left-handed.
– Her childhood dream was to be a dancer in theme park productions.
– She has practiced dance since 1st grade of elementary school. She practiced jazz dance the most.
– She was in her middle school’s brass band, and she played percussion.
– She is an anime fan, and can quickly recognise voice actors by their voices.
– In her blog, she includes a segment called “Sugiura Jankenpon” where she plays rock-paper-scissors with the reader. She announces the game, then leaves blank space for the reader to pick rock, paper or scissors, and then she writes underneath that space what she picker.
– She wants the group to perform in every member’s hometown someday.

Kudo Yua

Birth Name: Kudo Yua (工藤唯愛)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: August 4, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Hokkaido, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 159 cm (5’2″)
Blog: Kudo Yua

Kudo Yua Facts:
Nickname: Yua (ゆあ)
– Her signature emoji is a light blue heart.
– Her favourite foods are natto, tomatoes, strawberries, omurice, sweet potatoes and Japanese traditional sweets (e.g. red beans).
– She doesn’t like mint chocolate chip ice cream and sea urchins.
– She is flexible and can do the splits.
– She is close friends with Yaegashi Miisa.
– She has two younger sisters.
– Yua is good as whistling.
– She eats natto every day, sometimes even twice a day.
– She played oboe in her school’s orchestra band, and she also took dance lessons.

Kinoshita Ai

Birth Name: Kinoshita Ai (木下藍)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: August 19, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 152 cm (4’11”)
Blog: Kinoshita Ai

Kinoshita Ai Facts:
Nickname: Ai (あい)
– Her signature emoji is a strawberry.
– Her hobbies are visiting museums and art galleries.
– She loves visiting libraries, and spends her time at school at the library.
– She eats slowly and has a small appetite. However, she wants to grow taller so she tries to eat nutritious meals and drinks lots of milk.

Yaegashi Miisa

Birth Name: Yaegashi Miisa (八重樫美伊咲)
Personal Colour:
Blue Winter
Birthday: March 5, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Miyagi, Japan
Blood Type:
Height: 160 cm (5’2″)
Blog: Yaegashi Miisa

Yaegashi Miisa Facts:
Nickname: Miisa (みーさ)
– She is the youngest member.
– Her favourite foods are pickled plums, strawberries and tomatoes.
– Her hobbies are playing instruments, ballet, watching football, movies, anime and dramas, reading books, and listening to the radio.
– She can play the flute, piccolo, piano and acoustic guitar.
– Her favourite clothing items are headbands. She wears them everyday.
– She has been practicing classical ballet since she was little.
– She played the piano and flute in junior high school.

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