Who Wore it Better? Giselle (aespa) vs Moonbyul (mamamoo) vs Yerin vs Hwiseo (H1-key) vs Soodam (Secret Number)
Giselle, Moonbyul, Yerin, Hwiseo and Soodam wore the same gown. Which styling is your favorite?
Giselle wore the gown for aespa’s stage performance of their song Spicy
MoonByulMoonByul wore the dress with a jean trouser for a stage performance of her song Touchin Movin
YerinYerin wore the dress for a stage performance of her song Bambambam
HwiseoHwiseo wore the dress with a pink cardigan to perform for rising voice at Dingo Music
Soodam wore the gown in Secret Number’s performance of their song Doxa
Post made by JoyStranger
Who wore it better: Giselle (aespa), Moonbyul, Yerin, Hwiseo or Soodam (Secret Number)? Feel free to comment down below!