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Unbalance Members Profile

Unbalance Members Profile and Facts:

Unbalance (언밸런스)
is a 5-member project co-ed group created through the Korean variety show, “Beat Coin (홍김동전 (Hong Kim Dong Jeon)“. The members are Hong Jinkyung, Kim Sook, Cho Saeho, Joo Woojae, and Wooyoung. They debuted on October 19, 2023, with their first single, NEVER.

Official Greeting: “Hello. We are Unbalance!”

Unbalance Official Fandom Name: N/A
Unbalance Official Color:

Official SNS:
Instagram: @hk_coin

Unbalance Member Profiles:
Hong Jinkyung

Stage / Birth Name: Hong Jinkyung (홍진경)
Position(s): Main Dancer, Vocalist
December 23rd, 1977
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @jinkyunghong

Hong Jinkyung Facts:
She was born in Dobong, Seoul, South Korea.
Her family consists of her, her parents, younger brother, her husband, and her daughter.
She made her debut as a model in 1993.
She is under TN entertainment.
Education: Jeongeui Girl’s High School, Dongguk University College of Arts.

Kim Sook

Stage / Birth Name: Kim Sook (김숙)
Position(s): Vocalist
July 6th, 1975
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @4000man_

Kim Sook Facts:
– She was born in Dongrae, Busan, South Korea.
– Her family consists of her, her dad, and her 4 older sisters.
She made her debut as a comedian in 1995.
She is under TN entertainment.
Education: Daemyung Girls High School, Youngsan University, GukJe Cyber University.

Cho Saeho

Stage / Birth Name: Cho Saeho (조세호)
Position(s): Vocalist
August 9th, 1982
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 166.9 cm (5’6″)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @chosaeho

Cho Saeho Facts:
– He was born in Hwagok, Gangseo, Seoul, South Korea.
His family consists of him, his parents, and his older sister.
He made his debut as a comedian in 2001.
Education: Myungduk High School, Yewon Arts University.

Joo Woojae

Stage / Birth Name: Joo Woojae (주우재)
Position(s): Main Rapper
November 28th, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger
Height: 188 cm (6’2″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @ophen28
 오늘의 주우재

Joo Woojae Facts:
– He was born in Geojedo, South Korea.
– His family consists of him, his parents, and his older brother.
He made his debut as a model in 2013.
He is under YG Entertainment.
Education: Changwon NamSan High School, Hongik University (Mechanical Engineering).
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Sage Name: Wooyoung (우영)
Birth Name: Jang Wooyoung (장우영)
Position(s): Main Dancer, Vocalist, Maknae
April 30th, 1989
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign:
Height: 178 cm (5’10”)
Blood Type: B
MBTI Type: N/A
Instagram: @0430_live_boy

Wooyoung Facts:
– He was born in Busan, South Korea.
– His family consists of him, his parents, and his older sister.
He made his debut in 2008 with the group 2PM.
He is under JYP Entertainment.
Education: Seoul Arts College, Howon University.
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For Reference On MBTI Types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging


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