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Sunny Days Real Vocal Members Profile

Sunny Days Real Vocal Members Profile

Sunny Days Real Vocal was a sub-unit of the girl group Sunny Days under Haeun Entertainment. It consisted of JiheeSoohyun and Sunkyung. They debuted on March 11, 2014 but went inactive after Jihee and Soohyun left.

Sunny Days Fandom Name: 
Sunny Days Official Colors: 

Sunny Days Official Accounts:
Facebook: has since been deleted
Twitter: sunnydayss2 (inactive)
Naver Café: sunnydays2.cafe
Naver Blog: haeunent1

Members Profiles:

Stage Name: Jihee (지희)
Birth Name: Hwang Jihee (황지희)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: January 4, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 162 cm (5’3¾”)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Cyworld: geeheeya (inactive)

Jihee Facts:
— She was born in Seoul, South Korea
— She attended Baekseok Arts University
— Prior to debuting with Sunny Days, she made her official solo debut in 2011 under the stage name Hwang.G
— She left the group in 2014


Stage Name: Sunkyung (선경)
Birth Name: Lee Sunkyung (이선경)
Position: Main Vocalist
Birthday: October 10, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Twitter: SunnyDays_SK
Cyworld: dltnsrud
Instagram: sunkyung.lee

Sunkyung Facts:
— She was born in Incheon, South Korea
— She attended Dongduk Women’s University


Stage Name: Soohyun (수현)
Birth Name: Kim Soohyun (김수현)
Position: Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: October 25, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 167 cm (5’6″)
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean

Soohyun Facts:
— She was born in Seoul, South Korea
— She left the group in 2014

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profile made by midgehitsthrice

Who is your Sunny Days Real Vocal bias?

Latest comeback:

Their only release as a sub-unit didn’t have a music video

Who is your Sunny Days Real Vocal bias? Do you know any more facts about them? Feel free to comment down below

About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!