How much did you appreciate Motte’s Rocket era?
Note: This poll is just to express a personal opinion. Do not bash the artist
made by midgehitsthrice
How much did you like Motte's Rocket era? I loved it, it was my favorite! 39%, 45 votes
45 votes 39%
45 votes - 39% of all votes
I think it's overrated 26%, 30 votes
30 votes 26%
30 votes - 26% of all votes
I liked it, it was OK 25%, 29 votes
29 votes 25%
29 votes - 25% of all votes
I think it's underrated 10%, 12 votes
12 votes 10%
12 votes - 10% of all votes
Total Votes: 116
October 22, 2020
You or your IP had already vote.
How much did you appreciate Motte‘s Rocket era? Feel free to comment down below