Home » Pre-Debut Groups » Moon Sua X Siyoon (Billlie sub-unit) Members Profile

Moon Sua X Siyoon (Billlie sub-unit) Members Profile

Moon Sua X Siyoon (Billlie sub-unit) Members Profile and Facts

Moon Sua X Siyoon is a South Korean duo of the girl group Billlie under Mystic Story Entertainment. The duo is the group’s first official sub-unit and they will debut in April 2025.

Group Name Meaning: N/A
Official Greeting: N/A

Moon Sua X Siyoon Official Fandom Name: Belllie’ve
Fandom Name Meaning: N/A
Moon Sua X Siyoon Official Colors:
 Mystic Blue & Mystic Violet

Moon Sua X Siyoon Official Logo:

Official SNS:
Instagram: @billlie.official
X: @Billlieofficial / (Japan): @Billlie_JP / (Staff): @Billlie_Staff
TikTok: @billlie.official
YouTube: Billlie
Fancafe: Billlie
Facebook: Billlie.official

Moon Sua X Siyoon Member Profiles:
Moon Sua

Birth Name: Moon Sua (문수아)
Position(s): Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist
Birthday: September 9, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Height: 164 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Purple
Representative Emoji: 🌝
Instagram: @a_us_noom

Moon Sua Facts:
– Birthplace: Cheongju, South Korea.
– Family: Older brother Moonbin (ASTRO).
– Purple is Moon Sua’s favorite color.
– Role Model: CL.
– As a child, Moon Sua played the violin.
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Stage Name: Siyoon (시윤)
Birth Name: Kim Si-yoon (김시윤)
Position(s): Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Maknae
Birthday: February 16, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster
Height: 170.5 cm (5’7″)
Weight: 52 kg (114 Ibs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Yellow
Representative Emoji: 🐣
Instagram: @see_uniuni
X: @SEE_UniUni

Siyoon Facts:
– Siyoon was born in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul South Korea.
– She is an only child.
– She studied at Kwanghee Middle School.
– Her favorite color is yellow.
– Role Models: IU and Lisa (BLACKPINK).
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Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – KProfiles.com

For reference on MBTI types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging

(Special thanks to: Y00N1VERSE, ST1CKYQUI3TT, felipe grin§, Midge, autumnleafkaede, jihoney, Louis Henri, audrey, akarihours, TheWiiMiiGuy_YT, roses4jake_, choerrytart, blallala, Beth March)

Who is your bias in Moon Sua X Siyoon?

Billlie Members Profile

Billlie Discography
Billlie Covereography
Billlie Storyline & Lore

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