look! (Girls Planet 999) Members Profile
look! was a temporary dance group created for the Girls Planet 999 Combination Mission. The group consisted of 9 members: Cai Bing, Arai Risako, Kim Hye Rim, Chia Yi, Hayase Hana, Shima Moka, Zhang Luo Fei, Kim Do Ah and Yoon Ji A. They performed “Salute” by Little Mix. Their team won the benefit against Cherry Swirl.
look! Members Profile
Cai Bing
Birth Name: Cai Bing (蔡冰/차이빙)
Birthday: November 3, 1995
Nationality: Chinese
Position: Leader, Dancer
Company: Image Music
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Arai Risako
Birth Name: Arai Risako (新井 理沙子/아라이 리사코)
Birthday: June 7, 1997
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Dancer
Company: BIScuit Entertainment
Kim Hye Rim
Birth Name: Kim Hye Rim (김혜림)
Birthday: June 30, 1999
Nationality: Korean
Position: Dancer
Company: Individual
View more Kim Hye Rim facts..
Chia Yi
Stage Name: Chia Yi (지아이)
Birth Name: Li Chia Yi (李家儀/리지아이)
Birthday: January 22, 2000
Nationality: Chinese
Position: Dancer
Company: FENT
View more Chia Yi facts..
Hayase Hana
Birth Name: Hayase Hana (早瀬 華/하야세 하나)
Birthday: February 27, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Dancer
Company: FCENM
View more Hayase Hana facts..
Shima Moka
Birth Name: Shima Moka (島 望叶/시마 모카)
Birthday: November 28, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Dancer
Company: Individual
Zhang Luo Fei
Birth Name: Zhang Luo Fei (张洛菲/장루오페이)
Birthday: January 26, 2001
Nationality: Chinese
Position: Dancer
Company: Gramarie Entertainment
View more Zhang Luo Fei facts..
Kim Do Ah
Birth Name: Kim Do Ah (김도아)
Birthday: December 4, 2003
Nationality: Korean
Position: Dancer
Company: FENT
View more Kim Do Ah facts..
Yoon Ji A
Birth Name: Yoon Ji A (윤지아)
Birthday: January 16, 2004
Nationality: Korean
Position: Dancer, Maknae
Company: YES IM Entertainment
View more Yoon Ji A facts..
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made by cmsun
Related: Girls Planet 999 Profile
“Salute” Performance:
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