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C.A.P (Teen Top) Profile, Facts, and Ideal Type

C.A.P (Teen Top) Profile, Facts, and Ideal Type

 is a solo artists and member of the South Korean boy group Teen Top.

Stage Name: C.A.P (캡)
Birth Name: Bang Min Soo (방민수)
Birthday: November 4th, 1992
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: O
Height: 178 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 71 kg (157 lbs)
Twitter: @teentopbang
Instagram: @bangminsu1992

C.A.P Facts:
– His hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– He has two older sisters. The first is 3 years older, and the 2nd is 1 year older.
– He has attended Seongname Information Industry High School and Dong Seoul University.
-His position in Teen Top is as Leader and Main Rapper.
-He is the eldest member in the group.
-He is under TOP Media.
– Charisma Rapper is one of his nicknames.
-He began rapping during his first year of middle school.
-He has always dreamed of preforming on the same stage of T.O.P of Big Bang.
– He has many tattoos, including a full sleeve on his right arm.
– Drawing, designing, and exercising are his hobbies.
– He is very interested in design, specifically graffiti.
-He likes to moderately exercise his body.
-He enjoys lyric and verse writing.
-He spends most of the time in the recording studio.
-“When I’m Gone” by Eminem is a memorable song for him.
-He got into TOP Media through Lotte World’s open audition.
– C.A.P is a big fan of Jihyo from Twice.
– He chose C.A.P for his stage name, because he enjoys wearing caps.
– Bullying Niel is something he enjoys.
– He is friends with Zico and Kyung of Block B (he mentioned them in his “Thanks To” part in TEEN TOP’s album “NO.1”)
-He debuted as a solo artist with the song “For” on May 27th, 2018
– C.A.P’s Ideal Type: Someone with personal charm and good style. Like Jihyun of 4Minute and also Yubin of Wonder Girls.

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Profile Made By ♥LostIntheDream♥

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