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#AnNyeong Profile & Facts

#AnNyeong Profile & Facts

#AnNyeong (#안녕) is a South Korean singer under 2nd floor record who debuted on August 18, 2016 with the single album 안녕, 첫 번째 인사

Stage Name: #AnNyeong (#안녕)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthday: 1992
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: annyeong_mic

#AnNyeong Facts:
— Education: Kyunghee University.
— He’s also a semiconductor engineer.
— Nicknames: Cleopatra’s Hidden Son, Kim Yeonwoo Junior among others.
— Releasing an album under his birth name was burdensome to him. Therefore, he picked his stage name as a way to approach his audience in a comfortable manner.
— He was preparing to get a job by the time he released his debut song, so he was going to record only that and leave it as a commemorative album, but he got a job when the song met with unexpected results.
— He doesn’t seem to have huge issues with his work life, but for the most part didn’t release photos, videos and personal information for the time being for the sake of keeping his music career separated from his job.
— His identity, including his real name, has not been disclosed to the public yet. In several live clips that were filmed before his face was revealed, cameras, which are often used not to reveal the face, were made to look only up to the collarbone height, or the lighting was dimmed to reveal the outline.
— He officially made his face public on November 7, 2023 at 18:00 (KST), as he released the single Don’t Love Me, Don’t Hug Me.
— After his face reveal, he released interviews for the first time in seven years; yet, he couldn’t give up his life as a stable worker at a large company with an annual salary of 100 million won. The sense of stability became the source that allowed him to continue his music career.
— He revealed his face as several of his songs became popular and entered various music charts and annual charts, fans’ demands increased, and after a long discussion with the company.
— His biggest attraction to fans is his voice tone. Although many singers come to mind, he’s said to have his own attractive signature tone rather than simply imitating others.
— He has the tone of a variety of singers such as Kim Bumsoo, Mad Clown, Sung Sikyung, Lee Jung, Kim Taewoo, and Hong Daekwang. Comedian Lee Yongjin is also said to have this tone. Meanwhile, his singing style looks quite similar to Lim Changjung‘s.
— His vocal range is also very high, so it is estimated that it can go up further in reality. Some say that it resembles those of singers such as Na Yoonkwon and Jeon Youngho.
— He’s often said to resemble YouTubers such as Kim Blue, Yeondae, Kumayushi, Butcher King, and GPT.
— Comments saying that he’s similar to Oh Jihoon, an Internet instructor in earth science, receive up to 100 likes.
— It is presumed that he appeals to people with the same feeling as the “brother next door,” who is close to them, because he has a “friendly glasses man”‘s face that is commonly seen around him and boasts an overwhelming voice.
— He’s said to have never been to an audition program or learned to sing professionally. However, he’s also said to have fully sung Toy‘s Still Beautiful in one key at the audition hall, after which he signed his contract with the company right away.
— He was on King of Masked Singer on November 12 and 26, 2023.

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profile made by midgehitsthrice

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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!