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ONF Members Profile

ONF Members Profile and Facts

ONF (온앤오프)
 is a 6-member South Korean boy group under WM Entertainment, consisting of Hyojin, E-Tion, Seungjun, Wyatt, Minkyun, and U. ONF has 2 leaders (Hyojin and Seungjun), and is divided into 2 sub-units: ON Team and OFF Team. They debuted on August 3rd, 2017, with their first mini album, On/Off.

Group Name Meaning: ONF is a team where opposing ON and OFF coexist. ON’s strong appearance on stage and OFF’s amicable charm and individuality of the members when they are not on stage. The group is also divided into ON Team (Hyojin, E-Tion, Minkyun) and OFF Team (Seungjun, Wyatt, U) whereby ON Team specialises in vocals and OFF Team specialises in performances, suggesting a team that is well-rounded in presenting both singing and dancing skills.
Official Greetings: “2,3! Lights On! Hello, this is ONF!” / “So until now, Lights Off! This has been ONF!”

ONF Official Fandom Name: FUSE
Fandom Name Meaning: Amalgamation of “ONF” and “Muse”, to show their fans are their source of inspiration; Fuse, a safety device that connects electrical circuits, it conveys that FUSE and ONF are an indispensable existence and a force to protect to one another.
ONF Official Color: N/A
ONF Lightstick Name: WarpBong

ONF Official Logo:

Latest Dorm Arrangement:
Dorm 1: Hyojin, Seungjun, & U
Dorm 2: E-Tion, Wyatt, & Minkyun

Official SNS:
Website: on7off.com / onf-official.jp (Japan)
Instagram: @wm_onoff
X: @wm_on7off / @WM_ONOFF@ONFofficial_JP (Japan)
TikTok: @official.onf
YouTube: 온앤오프 OFFICIAL
Facebook: 온앤오프
Fancafe: ONF
Weverse: ONF
Spotify: ONF
ONKKOMIZ Character: @onkkomiz / @onkkomiz

ONF Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Hyojin (효진)
Birth Name: Kim Hyo-jin (김효진)
Position(s): ON Team Leader, Main Vocalist
Birthday: April 22nd, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 172.8 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 57 kg (126 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Red
Representative Emoji: 🦌/🦦/🐰
ONKKOMMIZ Character: RohYummy (노얌이)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: ON Team
Instagram: @tsofdn

Hyojin Facts:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– He is the youngest in the family (He has 1 older sister).
– His nicknames are “Roe Deer” and “The one with red hair”.
– When he is with the members, he is also addressed as “Noru Man” (Deer Man).
– Leadership style: Soft, considerate, and listens to the members well.
– His English name is Brandon.
– His hobbies include singing, listening to music, collecting shoes, and playing games.
– Hyojin loves to eat, so he is sensitive to dieting and gets sensitive when he is on a diet.
– He is always reminding people around him to never drink coffee on an empty stomach.
– Hyojin and Seungjun have been friends since 2007, when they were in middle school (Their friendship anniversary is March 2).
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– Hyojin (as Kim Hyo Jin) placed 2nd on MIXNINE (He was supposed to debut, but the debut was cancelled).
– Hyojin made his solo debut on February 14, 2023, with the single “Love Things” when he was still in enlistment.
– He is part of WM Entertainment’s sub-unit “HELLO! WM_V” with B1A4‘s Sandeul and Oh My Girl‘s Hyojung.
– Hyojin enlisted on December 28, 2021, and was discharged on June 27, 2023.
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Stage Name: E-Tion (이션)
Birth Name: Lee Chang-yun (이창윤)
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: December 24th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 173 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 57 kg (126 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Orange
Representative Emoji: 🦈/🐹
ONKKOMIZ Character: TIONi (티오니)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: ON Team
Instagram: @chngyunl

E-Tion Facts:
– He was born in Jeonju, South Korea.
– He is the youngest in the family (He has 1 older brother).
– His nicknames are “Changdol” (when he gets clumsy/forgets his lines), “Shark”, “Hamster”.
– When he is with the members, he is usually addressed as “Changyun”, “E-tion Man”, “E-Ti-On”.
– His English name is Tommy.
– When he can’t put his thoughts into words or when he stutters, he is said to “E-tioned”.
– His hobbies include watching movies and reading books.
– He loves Christmas, carols, and winter-related things (because his birthday is on Christmas Eve).
– E-Tion is also known as the fashion leader on the team. He has deep interests in fashion and has designed ONF official t-shirts.
– E-Tion is also interested in photography and design. Having good dexterity, he also draws well.
– Though E-Tion denies it, he tears up easily. He says it’s because others are emotional first that led him to tear up. He is chosen as the member who cries the most.
– E-Tion knows how to play a trombone. He learned it during his military enlistment.
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– E-Tion (as Lee Chang Yun) was eliminated from MIXNINE, ending as the 29th.
– He enlisted on December 28, 2021, and was discharged on June 27, 2023.
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Stage Name: Seungjun (승준) [formerly J-US (제이어스)]
Birth Name: Lee Seung-jun (이승준)
Position(s): OFF Team Leader, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist
Birthday: January 13th, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 174 cm (5’8.5″)
Weight: 57 kg (126 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Purple
Representative Emoji: 🐶/⚡
ONKKOMIZ Character: JJUNBoki (쭌복이)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: OFF Team
Instagram: @seungjunl_ee

Seungjun Facts:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– He is the youngest in the family (He has 2 older sisters).
– His nicknames are “Spark Leader”, “Maltese”, “Smiley Boy” and “Mangwon-dong Prince”.
– Leadership style: Strict at practice (Says what he has to say), jokes around, and makes the mood afterwards.
– His English name is Chris.
– His hobbies include watching drama and reading webtoons.
– Due to his extroversion and witty personality, he easily befriends people and plays a big role in the team in making the atmosphere comfortable.
– The members voted him as the noisiest member.
– He was the first ONF member to be revealed. He was revealed right after the table tennis match vLive with labelmates B1A4.
– Seungjun and Hyojin have been friends since 2007, when they were in middle school (Their friendship anniversary is March 2).
– While Hyojin as ON Team Leader tends to have endless thoughts, Seungjun easily let go of things that he thinks doesn’t work. Because of this personality, he has helped in resolving many of the members’ concerns.
– He participated in choreographing many of ONF’s songs.
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– Seungjun (as Lee Seung Jun) was eliminated from MIXNINE in the last episode, ending as the 10th.
– He enlisted on December 27, 2021, and was discharged on June 26, 2023.
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Stage Name: Wyatt (와이엇)
Birth Name: Shim Jae-young (심재영)
Position(s): Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Birthday: January 23rd, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 66 kg (145 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Black
Representative Emoji: 🦍/🐕
ONKKOMIZ Character: WYARilla (와릴라)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: OFF Team
Instagram: @thisisreal_brave
SoundCloud: Wyatt(ONF)
YouTube: 엇때

Wyatt Facts:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– He is the youngest in the family (He has 1 older brother).
– His nicknames are “Gorilla”, “Princess”, and “Wyarilla” (Wyatt + Gorilla).
– When he is with the members, he is usually addressed as “Jaeyoung” and “Wight”.
– His English name used to be Jay, but now he goes by Wyatt.
– He lived in Kazakhstan for about 5 years, and returned to Korea when he was in middle school.
– He can speak English.
– His hobbies include exercising, watching movies/dramas, reading books, and singing.
– Because of his broad shoulders and cave-like voice, he has a tough image, but he is in fact soft-hearted and loves to show his cute side.
– He is known for being sweet and considerate. He takes care of a lot of the small things.
– Wyatt co-composed and participated in writing lyrics for many of their songs.
– He self-composed many works (songs, rap) and occasionally uploads them to the fancafe and his SoundCloud.
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– Wyatt (as Shim Jae Young) was eliminated from MIXNINE in the last episode, ending as the 13th.
– He enlisted on December 27, 2021, and was discharged on June 26, 2023.
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Stage Name: Minkyun (민균) [formerly MK (엠케이)]
Birth Name:
Park Min-kyun (박민균)
Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Birthday: November 16th, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 66 kg (145 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Green
Representative Emoji: 🐱/🐈‍⬛/🍋
ONKKOMIZ Character: KKYUNDoongi (뀬둥이)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: ON Team
Instagram: @mkickoff_
SoundCloud: MK(ONF)
YouTube: MinKyun 민균

Minkyun Facts:
– He was born in Anyang, South Korea.
– He is the youngest in the family (He has 1 older sister).
– His nicknames are “Lemon voice”, “Kkyunni”, “MDdoongi” and “Ddoongbin”.
– Minkyun’s English name used to be Tony (He mentioned it in a fansign in 2020), but in the “Be Here Now Canada” 2024 Tour, he addresses himself as “Sebastian”.
– His hobbies include playing the guitar, composing, recording music, and boxing.
– He plays both the acoustic and electric guitar.
– Minkyun can mimic the sound of an elephant, and likes to impersonate the actor Han Suk Kyu’s voice.
– Minkyun likes barley tea, Gamaro Gangjung, and tonkatsu. He often eats tonkatsu, to the extent that members and Fuse ask him to be wary of his intake.
– He dislikes mint chocolate, sashimi, and spicy food.
– Minkyun was a participant in the NO.MERCY survival programme (the show that created MONSTA X).
– Minkyun is an animal lover. Due to the loss of his cat, Shami, he said he wouldn’t raise pets anymore because he could not bear to part with them.
– Minkyun co-composed and participated in writing lyrics for many of their songs.
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– Minkyun (as Park Min Kyun) was eliminated from MIXNINE, ending as the 22nd.
– He enlisted on December 21, 2021, and was discharged on June 19, 2023.
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Stage Name: U (유)
Birth Name: Mizuguchi Yuto (水口裕斗)
Position(s): Main Dancer, Sub-Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: March 16th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Height: 170 cm (5’7″)
Weight: 53 kg (117 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Blue
Representative Emoji: 🐿️/🍞
ONKKOMIZ Character: U-Chan (유짱)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: OFF Team
Instagram: @yuto_mzgc

U Facts:
– He was born in Osaka, Japan.
– He is a middle child (He has 1 older brother and 1 younger brother).
– His nicknames are “Kim Yuto” (due to his Korean fluency) and “flying squirrel”.
– When he is with the members, he is usually addressed as “Yuto”, “Yutoyam” and “Ultto”.
– U previously didn’t take on an English name and preferred to use Yuto Mizuguchi (Feb 7, 2021 vLive), but in the “Be Here Now Canada” 2024 Tour, he addresses himself as “Kevin”.
– His hobbies include listening to music, cooking, playing games, and keeping the house clean.
– U loves bread (except bread with cream), coffee, and rice.
– U has the best handwriting among the members, so he is also in charge of the group’s Korean writing.
– He participated in choreographing many of ONF’s songs.
– All the ONF members were contestants on MIXNINE.
– U (as Mizuguchi Yuto) was eliminated from MIXNINE, ending as the 23rd.
– He used to be really shy, but after the members enlisted, he has gotten more proactive in talking. He has become quite outgoing since then.
– U participated in the Street Man Fighter dance survival, “Be Mbitious”. He was eliminated, but he surprised many and was acknowledged as “a respected dancer” among the participants.
– He was the main MC and co-hosted the Japanese programme “THE KLOBAL STAGE” alongside PENTAGON’s Yuto in 2023.
– U was the radio DJ for the KBS radio programme “Station Z” every Monday, serving as the longest and only foreign DJ before the programme ended in 2023.
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Former Member:
Stage Name: Laun (라운)
Birth Name: Kim Min-seok (김민석)
Position(s): Sub-Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: August 12th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Height: N/A
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Serial No.: LK-365-24
Sub-Unit: ON TeamOFF Team
Instagram: @mni_msg_0812

Laun Facts:
– He was born in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea.
– His nicknames are “Smiling Angel” and “Milk boy” (because he likes milk and looks soft).
– His serial number, “LK-365-24,” means Laun + King + 365 days and 24 hours with fans.
– Laun is a senior student at SOPA (School of Performing Arts Seoul).
– Laun was a former BigHit trainee and trained with BTS at the age of 14.
– His hobbies include collecting pens, books, and watching movies.
– He has really bad eyesight, so he wears contacts.
– Laun really wanted to get close to U. He always asks U if they are best friends and even tests U with a lie detector.
– Laun has won the top prize in a kendo competition (Pops in Seoul).
– According to him, he can’t drink coffee and eats ice cream to stay awake (On The Run Ep.07).
– He, along with the rest of the ONF members, were contestants on MIXNINE.
– Laun (as Kim Min Seok) placed 7th on MIXNINE (He was supposed to debut, but the debut was cancelled).
– Laun officially left the group and terminated his contract with WM on August 23, 2019 for “personal reasons”.
– He made his first appearance since he left when he opened his personal Instagram on December 25, 2020.
– Laun’s Ideal Type: Someone who leaves a strong impression.

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For Reference On MBTI Types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging

Made by: astreria ✁
Edited by: yükküri ˙ᵕ˙
(Special thanks to: Baebae💫, jeonyugyeoms, ST1CKYQUI3TT, princemaktho, CNUBearBae, yükküriJo ˙ᵕ˙, Bob’s your uncle, Dan, Arixa, Kei An Lendio, Eeman Nadeem, Jeffrey Gael Nicholason, MarkLeeIsProbablyMySoulmate, ONF | Laun, Dana Konadu, Markiemin, sebinnocent, Billy, Ace, sanabdz, sebinnocent, Sesyl, Markiemin, Menmeong, Jenny Huynh, caterpillarwrinkles, Eunwoo’s Left Leg, Lau, Dana Konadu, Gabriel Brito, Alandria Penn, juliette😔👊🏻, Manlaya, Gabby Mesina, Amalina, sleepy_lizard0226, Namaricx, bïg hëäd, Aleee, ocky, renfroespls, rin, Smiley, mah<3, Fuseidon, StarlightSilverCrown2, Gemie, Seiiha_, and more!)

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ONF Discography

ONF: Who is Who?
Who Is Your Favorite Vocalist/Rapper/Dancer In ONF?

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