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Shin Uijeong Profile & Facts

Shin Uijeong Profile & Facts

Shin Uijeong (신의정) is a South Korean actress and singer under Gleam Artist who made her acting debut in 2007 with the musical 렌트 (Rent) and her singing debut on May 4, 2022 with New Day, a single for the LOVE PROCESS: Act 2 project.

Birth Name: Shin Uijeong (신의정)
Birthday: October 26, 1985
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 165 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Twitter: Lovelydonna1026 (Inactive)

Shin Uijeong Facts:
— She was born in Seoul, South Korea

Shin Uijeong Plays:
Hot Summer (뜨거운 여름) | Chaekyung / Sarang
Alcohol, Tears, and Jekyll and Hyde (술과 눈물과 지킬앤하이드) | Eve / Heidi
Almost, Maine (올모스트 메인) | Marcy / Glory / Billion
The New Humanity (신인류의 백분토론) | Woo Jihyun
Round Trip (왕복서간) | Mariko

Shin Uijeong Musicals:
Love Rides in the Rain (사랑은 비를 타고) | Yu Miri
The Great Gatsby (위대한 캣츠비) | Persu
Don Juan (돈주앙) | Elvira
Singles (싱글즈) | Dong-mi
Solo Stage (솔로의 단계) | Maeng Sujin
Palace (궁) | Chaekyung
Caffeine (카페인) | Kim Sejin
Radio Star (라디오 스타) | Kang Peddy
Fame (페임) | Carmen Diaz
콩칠팔 새삼륙 | Yongju
Jekyll and Hyde (지킬 앤 하이드) | Lucy
Spamarat (스팸어랏) | Woman at the lake
The Hymn of Death (사의찬미) | Yun Simdeok
난쟁이들 | Snow White
Kinky Boots (킹키부츠) | Nicola
Evil Dead (이블데드) | Annie / Sally
John Doe (존 도우) | Cassie
Song of the Dark (송 오브 더 다크) | mother / grandmother
Edgar Allan Poe (에드거 앨런 포) | Elmira / Virginia
Twelfth Night (열 두번째 밤) | Viola
Another Oh Hae-young (또! 오해영) | Oh Haeyoung
Sanhong (산홍) | Sanhong
The Three Princes (세자전) | Jian

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Note 2: There are few to no facts about this artist, so please comment below.

Disclaimer: Not all her works might be included, as I struggled to find them. Sorry for the inconvenience

profile made by midgehitsthrice

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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!