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HO6LA Members Profile

HO6LA Members Profile

HO6LA (ホムラ) was a six-member Japanese idol group under 15STYLE. The group consisted of  Kusunoki Roa, Pan Luna Leafy, Wannyan Circuit DX, Hakkou Umi, Wazurai, and Emiru. They were produced by former BiS and Cy8er member, Ichigo Rinahamu. They made their debut with the single album “Pirikarira (ピリカリラ)” on September 26, 2021. The group disbanded on September 12, 2022.

HO6LA Fandom Name: –
HO6LA Fandom Color: –

HO6LA Official Sites:
Instagram: HO6LA (@ho6laofficial)
Twitter:HO6LA (@HO6LA_info)
TikTok: HO6LA公式TikTok (@ho6la)
YouTube (Company): 15STYLE OFFICIAL
Website: HO6LA(ホムラ) OFFICIAL SITE 

HO6LA Members Profile:
Kusunoki Roa

Stage Name: Kusunoki Roa (クスノキロア)
Birth Name:
Position: Leader
Birthday: June 4, 1996
Height: 163 cm (5’4”)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: A
Official Color: Green
Instagram: クスノキロア (@roa.k6)
Twitter: クスノキロア (@_roakusunoki6)

Kusunoki Roa Facts:
– Her hobbies include watching movies, going to concerts, watching sports, traveling, and going to maid cafes.
– She is skilled at volleyball, karate, Japanese drumming, basketball, and swimming.
– She used to be an active YouTuber but stopped to join HO6LA.
– In December of 2020, she was in a play called “Kimi was Uso to Shiranai”.
– Before HO6LA, she was a member of Hanjitsu Jikkou Linkau (dis. 2016) and Aiiro Asterism (graduated 2019).
– While she was in school, Roa started ARONDOLL Inc. for high school students who want to become influencers.

Pan Luna Leafy

Stage Name: Pan Luna Leafy (パンルナリーフィ)
Birth Name:
Birthday: August 18, 1999
Height: 161 cm (5’3”)
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Blood Type: A
Official Color: Light Blue
Instagram: @pan_pa__pan
Twitter: パンルナリーフィ (@pan_pa__pan) 

Pan Luna Leafy Facts:
– She is in charge of HO6LA’s “Serious Fire”.
– She was in the second generation of BiS.
– During her time under the company WACK, she was a member of  Carry Loose and BiS

Wannyan Circuit DX

Stage Name: Wannyan Circuit DX (わんにゃんサーキットDX)/Wannyan
Birth Name:
Birthday: August 23
Height: 156 cm (5’1”)
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Blood Type:
Official Color: White
Instagram: わんにゃんサーキットDX(@wannyan_dx)
Twitter: わんにゃんサーキットDX(@wannyan_DX) 

Wannyan Facts
– She is in charge of the HO6LA engine circuit.
– She participated in Miss iD 2020.
– While she was in the group HEISEI HAKA ARASHI she was the center.

Hakkou Umi

Stage Name: Hakkou Umi (八光うみ)
Birth Name:
Birthday: November 5
Height: 156 cm (5’1”)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: A
Official Color: Yellow
Twitter: 八光うみ (@832__chan)
TikTok: @832.chan

Hachimitsu Umi Facts:
– She is the lucky honeybee of HO6LA.
– In 2019, she was a member of PM3:58 but they sadly disbanded the same year.
– On July 1, 2020, she debuted as a member of PIGGS, she left in 2021 due to disagreements with the direction of the group.
– Her former stage name is UMI.


Stage Name: Wazurai (わずらい)
Birth Name:
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Official Color: Pink
Instagram: わずらい (@utopi_a__)
Twitter: わずらい (@utopi_a__) 

Wazurai Facts:
– She is in charge of love affairs in HO6LA.
– She was a member of HEROINES and the subunit Ponkotsu Konpo (ポンコツコンポ) from December 2019 to June 2020 under the stage name Himekuri Koyomi.


Stage Name: Emiru (笑瑠)
Birth Name: Kamimura Emiru (上村笑瑠)
Position: N/A
Birthday: April 22, 2002
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: O
Official Color: Red
Instagram: @emiru_emr
Twitter: 笑瑠 (@emiru_emr) 

Emiru Facts:
– She is the Smile Igniter of HO6LA.
– Her hobbies include whistling, singing, and dancing.
– She was a member of Tokyo CuteCute.
– Emiru graduated from Tokyo CuteCute in April of 2019.

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Who is your HO6LA bias?

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About the author


Hi! My name is Tori, I am 19 and I really like girl groups. My goal is to share artists that make me happy with others. Check out my profiles!
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