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Hajoon (The Rose) Profile

Hajoon (The Rose) Profile and Facts

Hajoon (하준)
is a member of the South Korean band The Rose.

Stage Name: Hajoon (하준)
Full Name: Lee Hajoon (이하준)
English Name: Dylan
Birthday: July 29th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Instagram: @l_hajoon

Hajoon Facts:
– Hajoon’s hometown is Gwangju, South Korea.
– Hajoon’s representative flower is the Blue Rose. It means miracle.
-His position in the group is as Drummer, Sub-Vocalist, and Rapper.
– Before joining The Rose, he was the drummer for a band called Windfall with Dojoon and Jaehyeong.
– He began playing the drums at a young age.
-He was a drum major in college.
-He wrote The Rose’s debut song “Sorry”.
– Hajoon wants to collaborate with Taeyeon because he loves her music.
– His special talent is mimicking other people.
-He won 1st place three times at a youth festival for drumming.
-He really wants to get a tattoo in the future.
– He was a cast member for the drama “Entertainer”.
-He is friends with Seulgi of Red Velvet.
-He appeared in Eddy Kim’s music video for the song “Coffee & Tea” with Dojoon and Jaehyeong.
–On the first of the month he watched the movie “Sing Street” with the rest of the members.
– Dogs/puppies are his favorite animal.
– A food he really likes is pizza. (from their Insta/Facebook Live on 21 August)
– He likes the anime/manga “One Piece” a lot. (from their Insta/Facebook Live on 21 August)
– Figurines from “One Piece” are something he wants to collect. (from their Insta/Facebook Live on 21 August)
– Hajoon enjoys telling bad jokes. (officiallykmusic interviews)
Hun and Jaehyun of N.Flying are his friends. (vlive – when a fan requested them to cover The Rose’s Sorry~)

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Profile Made By ♥LostInTheDream♥

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