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DOHYUN (LUN8) Profile

DOHYUN (LUN8) Profile and Facts:

DOHYUN (도현) is a member of the South Korean boy group LUN8 and its’ sub-unit LUN8wave under Fantagio Entertainment.

Stage Name: DOHYUN (도현)
Birth Name: Park Do-hyun (박도현)
Birthday: October 23rd, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji: 🦝
Sub-Unit: LUN8wave


– DOHYUN was introduced as Free Throw.
– He was the 8th and the last member to be revealed.
– His family consists of him, his parents, and his older brother.
– He can speak Korean and English.
– All of the members have said that Dohyun lose things easily, mostly expensive items.
– Specialties: English, Boranes (he can basically everything about it), and finding information.
– He feels the coolest when his parents are proud of him.
– DOHYUN and IAN both love decorating their room.
– All of the members have said that DOHYUN lose things easily, mostly expensive items.
– An item he never lose is his AirPods.
– A hobby of his is to search things up on the Internet.
– Specialties: English, Boranes (he can basically everything about it), and finding information.
– He likes milk tea, clothes, and desserts.
– He has loved KPOP since he was a child which is why he always watched music shows every day.
– DOHYUN feels the coolest when his parents are proud of him.
– The sentence he wants to hear from fans is, “Wow… (Amazing!)“.
– He hopes fans look foward to LUN8’s debut.
– DOHYUN began his trainee days after he was offered a street casting.
– He is left-handed. (Real! Lun8 A Strange Duty)
– Dohyun’s favorite color is Beige.
– His role model is NCT‘s JAEHYUN.
– He picks him as his role model as he wants to learn from his vibe and aura on stage.
– He wants to be an ambassador for CELINE.
– On his 1st day with the company, he dropped his iPad when he was practicing.
– A habit of his is licking his lip so for him, lip balms are an important item.
– On May 15, 2023 LUN8 uploaded their 1st “What’s in – bag?” video onto their YouTube channel.
– DOHYUN has the most sensitive sense of smell of the members.
– Him and IAN easily gets lost when they’re talking and walking at the same time.
– A food he likes is Hotteok (Hoeddeok (Filled pancakes)).
– If he was stranded on an island, he would take his multivitamins, his navy blue scarf, and his lip balm with him.
– He shares birthday with SIHO (ex TO.1), (G)I-DLE‘s MINNIE, and aespa‘s NINGNING.
– DOHYUN’s Motto: “Don’t rush and never stop“.

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Profile Made by ST1CKYQUI3TT


Related: LUN8 Members Profile  |  LUN8wave Members Profile

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She / Her. A multistan fangirl of K-hh & K-pop, who loves sharing her fav singers, actors, actresses, etc.