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Choerry (ARTMS, LOONA) Profile

Choerry (ARTMS, LOONA) Profile and Facts

Choerry (최리) is a member of the South Korean MODHAUS girl group ARTMS. She is also a LOONA member, although the group is currently inactive.

Stage Name Meaning: ‘Choerry’ (pronounced chwer-ee) is a combination of her surname, Choi, and the second syllable of her given name, -rim, without the M. It is spelt to resemble the word ‘cherry’, to reference her character in LOONA’s lore and its connection to cherries.

Official Signature:

Official SNS:
Spotify: Choerry
Apple Music: 최리
Melon: 최리 (이달의 소녀)
Bugs: 최리 (ARTMS)

Stage Name: Choerry (최리)
Birth Name: Choi Ye-rim (최예림)
Position: Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: June 4, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 47 kg (103 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: PurpleWhite
Representative Emoji: 🐿 / 🦇
Instagram: @cher_ryppo

Choerry Facts:
– Her representative animal is a fruit bat. Recently, she likes to be represented by a squirrel.
– Her representative fruit is a cherry.
– Her representative shape is a circle.
– Her representative flower is cosmos.
– She was the eighth girl to debut in the group, and is represented by the number 8.
– She was born in Bucheon, South Korea.
– She has two younger sisters: Choi Yejin, born in 2003, and Choi Yewon, born in 2008.
– She was teased on July 4, 2017, revealed on July 12, 2017, and released her solo on July 28, 2017.
– Her LOONA solo project single was titled Choerry, with the title track “Love Cherry Motion”.
– She has a dog named Haenggeun and a cat named Rora. She has an Instragram account for Rora— @ro_rappo.
– Her nicknames are ‘Jjerri’ and ‘Cherry’.
– Her hobbies include collecting pens and playing the piano.
– She is best at speaking English out of the ODD EYE CIRCLE members.
– Her favorite subject in school is PE.
–  Her favorite color is pink.
– She likes spaghetti, bread, tteokbokki, and dakbal. (ODD EYE CIRCLE interview with XSports)
– YeoJin said that she is the most cheerful LOONA member.
– She and HyeJu went to the same school. (180407 Fansign – Olivia Hye)
– She and HaSeul became trainees at the same time. (LOONA TV #170)
– HaSeul said that she is especially beautiful.
– Her charming point is her positivity.
– She’s good with babies.
– Her hobbies are watching eating broadcasts, watching movies and decorating her diary.
– She loves her family, Orbits, and eating.
– She hates bugs and thunder.
– If she could change her representative animal, she’d choose Go Won’s (butterfly).
– She wants to collaborate with Ariana Grande.
– She doesn’t like the taste of cherries.
Chuu thinks she is the most obedient member.
– Her shoe size is 230-235. (ODD EYE CIRCLE interview with XSports)
– She prefers people calling her by her real name rather than Choerry.
– She wants to be known as ‘Nation’s Little Sister’.
– Her idol is Younha.
– On January 13, 2023, it was revealed that after filing a lawsuit to injunct her contract with BlockBerry Creative, she had won, resulting in her leaving the company.
– On March 17, 2023 it was announced that she signed with MODHAUS.

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Made by: Sam (thughaotrash)
(Special thanks to: peachy lalisa, choerrytart)

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ARTMS Members Profile

LOONA Members Profile
ODD EYE CIRCLE Members Profile
ODD EYE CIRCLE+ Members Profile

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Do you know more facts about Choerry? Feel free to comment below. 🙂