Home » Kpop Solo Singers » Roman Kayz Profile and Facts

Roman Kayz Profile and Facts

Roman Kayz Profile and Facts

Roman Kayz is a South Korean singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles and the Bay Area. He is known for his unique alternative pop/indie pop style. He made his official debut with digital single ““Bounce!”” in 2019.

Stage Name: Roman Kayz
Birth Name: Taehyub Kim (김태협)
Birthday: March 13, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 176 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 63 kg (140 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Website: romankayz.com
Instagram: @romankxyz
YouTube: @romankayz
SoundCloud: romankayz

Roman Kayz Facts:
– He grew up in Korea and Thailand since a young age. He is currently living in Los Angeles and the Bay Area.
– He is majoring in English at University of California, Berkeley.
– He is fluent in both English and Korean.
– He is the founder of DOWN-TO-EARTH, an independent platform dedicated to introducing rising artists.
– His own favorite song is “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay“.
– Some of his favorite artists are: Holly Humberstone, LANY, Nightly, keshi, DPR LIVE and Sik-K.
– Some of his hobbies are collecting sneakers, chess, pool, and watching movies.
His ideal type is someone who has a similar taste in music, is open-minded and has their own thoughts.

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(Special thanks to: DOWN-TO-EARTH management for providing the info)

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