Yoco (Aikome!) Profile and Facts
Yoco (요코/ヨコ) is a member of the live idol group Aikome! based in South Korea.
Yoco Representative Emoji: (Pudding)
Yoco Representative Color: Pink
Yoco Official SNS:
Twitter: @y_oco_s2 / @purincessyoco
TwitCasting: @y_oco_s2
Twitch: @y_oco_s2
Tistory Blog: (@yocopurin)
Stage Name: Yoco (요코/ヨコ)
Full Name: N/A
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: May 28
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 159.9 cm
Weight: 42-43 kg
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Yoco Facts:
– She’s an original member of Aikome!
– She was the first member to be revealed on February 3rd, 2023 at 18:00 KST.
– Her member hashtags are #요코모야 (#YocoMoya), #요코머거바 (#YocoMeogeoba), and #요코는푸딩을좋아해 (#YocoLikesPudding)
– She has two younger siblings: one little sister, one younger brother.
– Hometown: Yanghwa-ri, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea.
– Nickname(s): Yokorin (よこリン)
– She’s not religious.
– If she could choose any job she would choose the the one she has currently, an idol.
– In school she’s in a liberal arts major.
– Accoring to her, there wasn’t a lot to do in her hometown so she would play with a dalmatian named Charles.
– She wants to try visiting Jeju Island by herself.
– A place she wants to visit again is Osaka, Japan.
– She hates bugs.
– A movie that was memorable to her was The Greatest Showman, she bought it on Youtube and watched it about 20 times.
– She listens to a lot of vocaloid; she likes Hatsune Miku a lot.
– Some foods she dislikesis are kimchi, tteokbokki, seaweed, licorice, or matcha-flavored snacks.
– The happiest memory she has is the first time someone else bought her a birthday cake for her birthday.
– When she graduated kindergarten she was the only kid that didn’t recieve a creativity; she was the only kid that recieved an etiquette award.
– When She was younger she liked science a lot but was to scared to enter any science invention contests.
– Her favorite flowers are roses.
– Her favorite colors are pink and red.
– Some of her strengths are that she’s able to get stuff done quickly and that she memorizes choreography and lyrics quickly.
– Her weakness is that she’s a perfectionist.
– Her favorite animals are dogs and rabbits.
– One of her habits is that she picks at her fingernails.
– She doesn’t drink often.
– Her favorite subjects are Language and media, english, science, and korean geography.
– Her favorite season is winter because she can wear cute and cozy clothes.
– She lowest score she remembers getting was in her sophomore year of high school.
– She doesn’t watch a lot of anime but has watched Death Note about 7 times.
– Her favorite scent is vanilla.
– Her favorite numbers are 258 and 137.
– She likes spicy food a lot.
– Her favorite fruits are cherries, strawberries, and frozen blueberries
– Her favorite writer is Choi Jin Young.
– She doesn’t believe in ghosts.
– Her favorite games are Pokémon, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and many more.
– She’s good at drawing.
– Shoe size: 240
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made by sidneycidal
Related: Aikome! Members Profile
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