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Tyas Uus Member Profile and Facts

Tyas Uus Profile and Facts

Tyas Uus (Тыас-Уус) (pronounced as Teu-as Oos) is Sakha pop rock band. Its constant member is Innokentiy Petrov.

Tyas Uus SNS:
Instagram: @tyasuzi

Tyas Uus Facts:
The band’s history began in 2008 with Innokentiy Petrov releasing the single “Хаалыаҕым/Сахсырҕа” (“I’ll Stay Here/A Fly”).
– The band was formed by Innokentiy Petrov and Dorghoon Dokhsun in 2010.
– The name Tyas Uus was randomly chosen by Innokentiy Petrov, it means ruckus, it is Version 1. Version 2 is confidential, it is told only on bar performances.
– They became popular after its debut song covers became viral on Instagram.
– The band performs on street festivals, bars and pubs, and rarely on major concerts (only when his friends are inviting him).
– There are 19 former (session) members, some of their names are known: Aisen Alekseyev (guitarist), Afanasiy Shishigin (bass guitarist), Artur Nikolayev (drummer, vocalist), Edgar Pinigin (keyboardist), Dorghoon Dokhsun, Afanasiy Popov (guitarist), and other 13 people.
– The band’s songs are not commercialized, so they are not to be found on any music platforms.

Tyas Uus Current Member:
Innokentiy Petrov

Stage Name: Innokentiy Petrov (Иннокентий Петров)
Birth Name: Innokentiy Innokentiyevich Petrov (Иннокентий Иннокентьевич Петров)
Position: Vocalist, Guitarist, Producer
Birthday: April 11, 1988
Astrological Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: —
Weight: —
MBTI Type: I—
YouTube: Иннокентий Петров

Innokentiy Petrov Facts:
– He was born and raised in Boltongo village, Churapchinski district, Sakha Republic.
– He has four older sisters and one younger brother.
– He graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Pedagogy.
– He is married since 2018 and has a daughter named Kira born in 2019.
– He says he takes by his voice only two octaves instead of academic five, but he has good hearing.
– His love for music began with teachings by his aunt, who was a Music teacher.
– He was a frequent singer in school and republican events in his young days.
– He doesn’t think he is a singer but rather a songwriter.
– He made his debut song (and the most popular one), while watching a fly between two layers of window glass after graduating from university. He had been in stress making money by driving a taxi and working on construction sites that days, only not to work at school. He produced this song in several hours within one day.
– He understood in his mind that the main thing in life is to love and to be loved.
– He considers singing and songwriting as his hobby.
– He was inspired to learn guitar after listening to Viktor Tsoi.
– For producing a song, music comes to his mind while doing routine things, then after a long time he writes lyrics to it.
– He thinks that being a professional singer is tough.
– At first he wanted to attend law college but failed preliminary exams, so he went into philology.
– After graduating he had been a general worker for two years before he decided to become a teacher.
– He is working in ballet school as a manager of extracurricular activities and a Russian teacher.
– He wants to open classes for guitar, drums and vocals.

Made by Alpert

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Full playlist video:

Latest live performance:

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