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TUNDRA Profile and Facts

TUNDRA Profile and Facts

TUNDRA (Тундра) is a retired Sakha rapper and singer. She debuted with the single “ҺАЛЛЫЫ ҺУНТААР УОЛА” (“Bad Boy from Suntar”) on December 16, 2022. 

Instagram: @tuundraa (deactivated)
Telegram: tuundraa
TikTok: @cidoroff999

Rapper Stage Name: TUNDRA (Тундра)
Singer Stage Name: Liza Sidorova (Лиза Сидорова)
Birth Name: Yelizaveta Vasiliyevna Sidorova (Елизавета Васильевна Сидорова)
Birthday: May 24, 1996
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat
Height: 162 cm (5’3″)
MBTI Type:

– She was born in Yakutsk.
– She was raised in Toibokhoi village, Suntarski district, Sakha Republic.
– She has an older sister, younger brother and sister.
– Education: Tomsk Polytechnical University, Department of Geology (withdrawn).
– She was given to her father’s parents for being taken care as her parents were too young to handle a family.
– She used to be in delinquent companies, as she tried to socialize.
– She can ride a motorcycle.
– She can play ukulele.
– She can stitch and sew, she was taught by her grandmother. She managed to have money from this, but stopped at one moment.
– With her artistic skills and talent, she often helped her friends on beauty pageants.
– She works in a barbershop as a barber full time.
– She had a minor role in a movie named “Харчы” (“Money”).
– She would like to be filmed in thriller movies.
– She is a tour specialist.
– She likes drawing.
– She considers accordion’s sound as sexy.
– She used to draw for selling, where she experimented with colors.
– Her favorite dish is crab salad.
– She is a fan of Adventure Time.
– She has small stones for massaging her feet in mornings. She takes them everywhere.
– She has a diary book where she writes all of her wishes. More than half of them are accomplished, but those which are not coming from her heart do not come true.
– Those wishes include: visiting all East and South Asia for a year; trying DJing; opening a techno-house club near sea with swimming pool with the name Dudka Bar; writing an autobiography in 50-60 years old (to at least make people laugh); opening an adult camp in Asia; playing a role in a Sakha absurdist horror longing for two and half hours.
– She has a tattoo of a dragon on her left wrist.
– She is keen in spiritual and esoteric practices.
– She doesn’t recommend bazi for esoteric practices.
– She tried herself in soul matrix. Her main energy there is Hermit.
– As she says, she frequently sees her grandparents in her dreams.
– She has had ear piercings since her 12 years old. She pierced her ears by herself.
– When she was a child, she was a fan of 50 Cent.
– The rappers she likes to listen are Scryptonite, MiyaGi & AndyPanda, Kanye West, A$AP ROCKY, Cardi B, and Kendrick Lamar.
– She loves Kazakhstani music, especially rappers. She likes Irina Kairatovna and HIRO.
– She chose the stage name Tundra because her friend said performers with an ‘R’ in their stage names are quick to be on top.
– She recorded her debut track in November 2021. She said she had done it very quickly.
– She wants to release an EP soon.
– She tends to often forget lyrics on stage.
– As she says, she has talent to learn languages.
– She knows English at a conversational level.
– She writes her tracks by having a rhyme in head at first, then by logically developing it.
– She wants to rename herself as Tumara Khataccha. Khataccha is her ancestry by her father line, Tumara means tundra in Even.
– She had several non-celebrity boyfriends.
– As of November 2023, she has a boyfriend named Maksim Mernes, who is a famous trader.

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