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Teo (DKB) Profile

Teo (DKB) Profile and Facts:

Teo (테오) is a member of the boy group DKB under Brave Entertainment who debuted on February 3, 2020 with the mini album Youth and its title track Sorry Mama.

Stage Name: Teo (테오)
Birth Name: Jang Seong-sik (장성식)
Position: Main Vocalist, Acrobatic
Birthday: October 22, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Height: 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean

Teo Facts:
— He was the third last member to be revealed. He was revealed on November 19, 2019
— He’s good at singing, songwriting, composing and acrobatics
— He’s also good at Taekwondo
— Shoe size: 260 mm
— His eyesight is 2.5 on both eyes
— Nickname: Kyuhyun sunbaenim (due to his friends and the other members believing he looks like SUPER JUNIOR‘s Kyuhyun)
— He likes exercising, singing and snowboarding
— He dreamed of being a singer when he was younger
— A secret other people don’t know is that, when he takes pictures, he stands on his tippy toes
— He said that, if he won the lottery, he’d buy a house
— He said he wishes to be recognized in the world as an artist within ten years
— If he had to go to an uninhibited island, he’d bring water, a lighter and a tent with him
— His motto: “Don’t regret today”
— He shares a room with D1, Lune, Junseo and Yuku

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profile made by midgehitsthrice

( Special thanks to ST1CKYQUI3TT, YOON1VERSE )

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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!