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Switch Together (Asia Super Young) Members Profile

Switch Together (Asia Super Young) Members Profile:

Switch Together is a temporary group formed for Asia Super Young. The group consists of 6 members: Kosuke, Cheng Li Yu, Akilyar, Lucifer, Leo and Ollie. They performed ‘Switch to me’ by Rain. Ollie received the highest number of votes in the team. They won against Switch On.

Switched Together Members:

Stage Name: Kosuke
Birth Name: Namekawa Kosuke (滑川 こすけ)
Birth Date: August 21, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Company: HHOPE Media
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-光祐
FanCam: Kosuke FanCam

Cheng Li Yu

Stage Name: Cheng Li Yu (鄭吏佑)
Birth Name: Zheng Li You (郑吏佑)
Birth Date: March 28, 2001
Nationality: Taiwanese
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-沈梓豪
FanCam: Chen Li Yu FanCam


Stage Name: Akilyar (艾克力亚)
Birth Name:
Birth Date: November 30, 2001
Nationality: Chinese
Company: Ouyin Culture
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-艾克力亚
FanCam: Akilyar FanCam


Stage Name: Lucifer
Birth Name: Li Yi (李逸)
Birth Date: January 1, 2003
Nationality: Chinese
Company: Yue Hua Entertainment
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-李逸
FanCam: Lucifer FanCam


Stage Name: Leo
Birth Name: Lin Zhan Shuo (林展爍)
Birth Date: September 5, 2003
Nationality: Chinese
Company: SDT Entertainment
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-林展烁
FanCam: Leo FanCam


Stage Name: Ollie
Birth Name: Liu Tian Yue (刘天跃)
Birth Date: April 1, 2006
Nationality: Chinese
Company: Yue Hua Entertainment
Weibo: 亚洲超星团-奥利
FanCam: Ollie FanCam

NOTE: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites on the web. If you use info from our profile, kindly put a link to this post. Thanks! –Kprofiles.com

Profile Made by gyeggon

Related: Asia Super Young (Survival Show) Contestants Profile

Who is your favorite Switch Together member?
’Switch to me’ Performance:

About the author


Britt (佈里特妮) ♡ | I stan a lot of groups (mostly kpop and cpop)
Author and Editor <33

微博: @Bri佈里特妮