Home » Kpop Solo Singers » Quinsha Profile & Facts

Quinsha Profile & Facts

Quinsha Profile: Quinsha Facts and Ideal Type

Quinsha (퀸샤) is a South Korean singer. She made her debut on November 18, 2019, with “Summer Night”.

Stage Name: Quinsha (퀸샤)
Birth Name: Kim Eun Ji (김은지)
Birthday: December 28, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Instagram: @9uinsha
SoundCloud: 9uinsha
YouTube: 퀸샤Quinsha

Quinsha Facts:
— Her hometown is Busan, South Korea.
— She listens to radio shows especially when her favorite idols come out.
— Her favorite k-pop group is BTS and she is an ARMY.
— Her first radio appearance was on Arirang Radio Sound K, in 2020.
— She was a participant in High School Rapper 2. She auditioned together with her high school friend and wrote lyrics for the first time.
— Her stage names come from the word “question” and “south hot artist”.
— In the second year of middle school, she decided to be a musician. She went to beat making classes.
— Before she decided to do music she wanted to be a soldier and be in the military.
— Her father passed away when she was in junior school, and she wrote a song for him. (SoundCloud)
— In high school, she worked on one song a day.
— She’s confident in herself and her music.
— She doesn’t listen to what other people say.
— She doesn’t remember her debut date.
— Her hobby is playing in the water.
— Her expertise is eating a lot.
— Her least favorite food is eggplants and pumpkin.
— Her favorite food is seafood because she eats it often as she lives in Busan.
— A person she looks up to as a singer is ZICO.
— She can’t pick between BTS and ZICO.
— Celebrity she would like to meet is V from BTS.
— On her days off she spends time with her mom or goes to an internet cafe with friends.
— She used to be into a game called League Of Legends.
— An artist she’d like to collaborate with is ZICO.
— Her goal is to be an icon that represents a generation.
— She doesn’t think she’s a workaholic.
— She thinks she’s better at singing than rapping.
— If she wasn’t a singer right now, she’d be in college studying.
— She doesn’t have a way to deal with stress.
— She thinks about going on Show Me The Money. (Sound K 2020)
— She thinks about uploading personal content on her YouTube channel.
— She thinks her biggest charm is being bright, optimistic.
— She’s shy.
— She wrote and released a song about her first love called in English “Mister”, with straightforward lyrics.
— Quinsha’s Ideal Type: N/A

profile made by ♡julyrose♡

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