Now United Members Profile and Facts
Now United is an international co-ed group that currently consists of 6 different singers and dancers from 6 different countries. The group consists of Lamar, Nour, Zane Carter, Savannah, Melanie, and Desirée. The group also has 3 members in hiatus: Sabina, Krystian and Joalin and 11 former members: Diarra, Any, Noah, Josh, Bailey, Heyoon, Sina, Hina, Shivani, Alex, and Sofya. The group was formed by Simon Fuller in mid-2016 and is led by XIX Entertainment. They officially debuted in 2018.
Now United Fandom Name: UNITERS
Now United Official Colors: N/A
Official SNS:
X: @NowUnitedMusic
Instagram: @nowunited
TikTok: @nowunited
Facebook: NowUnited
Now United Member Profiles:
Stage Name: Lamar
Birth Name: Lamar Morris
Position(s): Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: December 1, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Nationality: British
Uniform Number: 2
Instagram: @lamar_hype
X: @Lammarro
Lamar Facts:
– He is from London, England, UK.
– He started his Now United activities on November 15, 2017.
– Because he had complications with his passport he couldn’t join the group for a series of activities.
– He returned to the group’s activities in March 2021.
Stage Name: Nour
Birth Name: Nour Issam Ardakani (نور أردكاني)
Position(s): Lead Vocalist
Birthdate: November 30, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Nationality: Lebanese
Uniform Number: 16
Instagram: @nourardakani
Nour Facts:
– She was born in Beirut, Lebanon.
– She started her Now United activities on September 21, 2020.
– She was the 16th member to be added.
– She is the first Arab to be added to Now United.
– She studies nutrition and business.
– Her first music video as a member of Now United was ‘Habibi’.
Zane Carter
Stage Name: Zane Carter
Birth Name: Zane Carter
Position(s): Vocalist, Dancer
Birthdate: March 28, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: American
Uniform Number: 7
Instagram: @zaneecarter
X: @zaneecarter
Zane Carter Facts:
– From Ashland, Kentucky, United States.
– He signed with XIX Entertainment in 2021.
– He joined the group on October 19, 2022, to replace Noah.
Stage Name: Savannah
Birth Name: Savannah Clarke
Position(s): Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: July 9, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 173 cm (5’8″)
Nationality: Australian
Uniform Number: 15
Instagram: @savannah.clarke
X: @Savannahbardot
Savannah Facts:
– She is from New South Wales, Australia.
– She started her Now United activities on February 28, 2020.
– Her first music video as a member of Now United was ‘Come Together’.
– She has been dancing since she was 4.
– She is so happy to be Australian, she’s grateful that she lives there.
– Her first musical was The Sound of Music.
– She heard about Now United through Instagram.
– When she found out that she was going to be the 15th member, she couldn’t believe that it was happening.
– What she said about what’s unique about Now United: “Different people from different countries literally would join together and it just shows that anyone from anywhere can be friends and do what they love together. It shows to every country that we can be together, we can stand together, and we can just united.”
Stage Name: Melanie
Birth Name: Mélanie Thomas
Position(s): Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: October 24, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: N/A
Nationality: Ivorian
Uniform Number: 17
Instagram: @melanie.tms
Melanie Facts:
– She is from from Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
– She is the 17th member to be announced.
– She’s a really joyful person.
– She laughs a lot.
– She loves life and people so much.
– Singing, Dancing, Family, and Friends makes her happy.
– She loves ballet.
– She’s been dancing for almost 10 years.
– Ballet helped her learn how to perform on stages.
– She wants to help the world be a happier place.
– She would like to bring hope to all kids of the world.
– She’s very happy to be part of Now United.
Stage Name: Desirée
Birth Name: Desirée Silva
Position(s): Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: May 11, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: N/A
Nationality: Brazilian
Uniform Number: 6
Instagram: @desireeoriginall
X: @desireoriginal
Desirée Facts:
– She is from from São Paulo, Brazil.
– She was introduced as a new member on June 1st, 2023.
– She speaks Portuguese and English.
Currently Inactive:
Stage Name: Krystian
Birth Name: Wang Nanjun (王南钧)
Korean Name: Wang Namgyun (왕남균)
Position(s): Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: January 22, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Nationality: Chinese
Uniform Number: 8
Instagram: @krystianwang
X: @krystianwang
Krystian Facts:
– He is from Beijing, China.
– He started his Now United activities on November 17, 2017.
– He didn’t know he was going to be in NOW UNITED, but he’s been preparing for this moment for his whole life.
– His whole family is really “artsy”.
– He’s an only child.
– His all-time favorite song is Bellyache by Billie Eilish.
– His favorite colors are Black, White and Gold.
– When he was really young, his dad would perform on stage and Krystian would excitedly jump onto it.
– His mom is an actress and model.
– His dad is a military actor.
– Being around his dad calms him down.
– Krystian and his dad are complete opposites.
– Krystian’s dad supports him in what he’s doing and respects him for it.
– According to his dad; “Krystian is very kind and enthusiastic, but tries to be cool. That’s how teenagers are so it’s ok.” (lol) “He pursues the true, the good and the beautiful. I’m very proud of him.”
– As a teenager, Krystian went to study in New York, yet he felt like he had to do something more meaningful.
– He went to a concert and realized that he wants to be up on stage and be the singer.
– After that, he went back to China to participate in the show “Super Boy”. He said it was definitely a learning experience for him.
– “Now United is about the future and the younger generation. We respect each other and are there for each other. It’s like the power of the whole world.”
– He is a fan of Lana Del Rey.
– He loves coconut water.
– If he had to choose between pizza and ice cream, he’d choose ice cream.
– Heyoon said in an interview that Krystian likes K-pop but he also likes Billie Eilish.
– Krystian participated on the 3rd season of “Youth With You” (2021), a Chinese auditioning program, but unfortunately he did not make it to the final group (top 9).
– After the end the reality show, Krystian still remained absent from the group’s activities.
– Krystian is a contestant in the reality show “Boys Planet” (2023).
Stage Name: Sabina
Birth Name: María Sabina Hidalgo Paño
Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: September 20, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Mexican
Uniform Number: 3
Instagram: @sabinahidalgo
X: @sabina
Sabina Facts:
– She is from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
– She started her Now United activities on November 21, 2017.
– She owns two dogs called Lola and Canela.
– Sabina says she loves Bailey, but he really annoys her sometimes.
– Since she was little, her biggest dream was to get married and have babies.
– She wants to leave an imprint on the world and inspire others to follow their own dreams.
– Her name Sabina comes from a famous Mexican healer called María Sabina.
– When she was little, she always wanted to grow up, but now she’d love to go back in time and be a little kid again.
– Her dad really encourages her to make her find what makes her happy.
– She started to love music when she first heard the song Gasolina by Daddy Yankee.
– She’s obsessed with Reggaeton.
– She said even though she loves to dance, life hasn’t been easy since she was bullied a lot.
– Her passing the audition for Now United was one of the happiest moments in her life.
– On February 24, 2022, it was announced that Sabina is pregnant.
– Sabina will be on hiatus when her child is born.
– It is stated that she returned to perform in “Forever Now United Tour” and after that she will leave the group for sometime/be on hiatus again and take care of her family.
Stage Name: Sina
Birth Name: Sina Maria Deinert
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: August 24, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: German
Uniform Number: 12
Instagram: @sinadeinert
X: @DeinertSina
Sina Facts:
– She was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, but later moved to the U.S.
– She started her Now United activities on November 14, 2017.
– She loves to dance to hip hop the most.
– Her dad is her personal hero and she really looks up to him.
– Her mom is like her best friend.
– Growing up, her biggest dream was to be a popstar.
– She loves to listen to Pussycat Dolls and Rihanna.
– She doesn’t have a favorite type of food, but she loves to try new and exotic dishes.
– She would love to live in a place where it’s always warm, like Hawaii.
– When vacationing with her family, her favorite place to visit was the Netherlands.
– Her ultimate goal in life would be to have a small house near the beach with a lot of animals.
– Her current celebrity crush is Shawn Mendes, but before him, she loved Cameron Dallas. She said it always changes.
– On February 16, 2023, Sina announced via a video posted on the group’s Instagram that she would be away from the group this year and would focus on her own projects.
Former Members:
Stage Name: Diarra
Birth Name: Diarra Sylla
Position(s): Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: January 30, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Nationality: French-Senegalese
Uniform Number: 1
Instagram: @diarrasyllalofficiel
X: @diarrasylla
Diarra Facts:
– She was born in France, but grew up in Dakar, Senegal.
– She started her Now United activities on November 12, 2017
– She loves singing because it makes her feel better whenever she’s sad or even sick.
– She was 6 years old when she first performed.
– She had to live with her mom’s cousin when she was really young, because her mom was traveling a lot.
– Living without her mom wasn’t easy for her.
– She only saw her dad about two or three times in her whole life, so she doesn’t know anything about him.
– When she was 8 years old, she started to live with her mother, but they didn’t want her to sing. So she often sang alone in her room.
– Her mom wanted her to be a president or a minister, but Diarra wanted to be a singer.
– In 2015, Diarra’s mother allowed her to join the contest Sen Petite Galé, one of the most important singing contests in Africa.
– Diarra ended up winning the competition.
– Diarra’s sister was the one who found out about the auditions for Now United; When asked if Diarra was ready for it, she answered with “Yes. I’m ready.”
– Simon chose her as the one who will represent Africa.
– On September 6, 2020, she announced on her Instagram that she is no longer an artist under XIX Entertainment.
– She made her solo debut on February 25, 2021, with the song “Set Free”.
– On September 18, 2022, Diarra commented for the 1st time about her departure from the group.
Stage Name: Any
Birth Name: Any Gabrielly Rolim Soares
Position(s): Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: October 9, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Brazilian
Uniform Number: 6
Instagram: @anygabriellyofficial
X: @anygabrielly
Any Facts:
– She’s from São Paulo, Brazil.
– She started her Now United activities on November 14, 2017.
– Her friends say that she’s always sunshines and rainbows.
– Her favorite part about the body are ear lobes. She used to hold her grandma’s ear lobe to sleep when she was a kid.
– She loves pineapple on pizza.
– Any hates shopping, needles and bees.
– Any is the voice actress of Moana. The Brazilian version of “How far I’ll go (Saber quem sou)” is sung by her.
– She got taken away from her mother when she was young and had to live with her grandmother for a while. Later on, her mom was cleared of any wrongdoing, and Any moved back to her.
– Her aunt Laura taught her how to sing.
– Singing gave Any a reason to carry on and it brought her lots of joy.
– Her mother didn’t have a lot of money and they had to live in a small room together, but Any got so good at singing that she landed the role of Nala in the lion king production in Brazil (5.000 kids participated), which made it able for them to buy a bigger house.
– Any would like to see the end of prejudice and racism, because then the world would be an amazing place.
– When she’s nervous, she often bites on random things.
– Her favorite smell is recently cut grass and summer nights after rain.
– Any acted in the Brazilian series “Buu – Um chamado para a aventura” by Gloob in 2015, as the character Chica.
– Any left the group on September 22, 2022, in order to start a solo career.
Stage Name: Noah
Birth Name: Noah Jacob Urrea
Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub-Rapper
Birthdate: March 31, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: American
Uniform Number: 7
Instagram: @noahurrea
X: @noahurrea
Noah Facts:
– He is from Orange County, California, US.
– He started his Now United activities on November 13, 2017.
– He went to a lot of concerts when he was growing up.
– He had that dream of being on stage since he was 10 years old.
– He’s 100% proud of being a Californian boy.
– He doesn’t surf or skate.
– Noah hates pickles.
– He can play guitar, drums, bass and piano.
– He’s been acting since he was 10 years old.
– He did his first play on stage when he was 12. That’s when he really fell in love with music and dancing.
– His advice for everyone is to always keep your head up and do your thing.
– When Simon called his name in the final, he felt excited but sad at the same time, since Josh, his best friend throughout the week, didn’t get picked. As soon as Simon then called Josh’s name, Noah started crying and they gave each other a big hug.
– He’s insanely proud of himself.
– He’s really excited about this project because he thinks it’s gonna make a huge impact on the world and make it a better place.
– “I just wanna tell everyone that anyone from anywhere can do anything.”
– Noah left the group on October 18, 2022, in order to start a solo career.
Stage Name: Josh
Birth Name: Joshua Kyle Beauchamp
Position(s): Captain, Main Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: March 31, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Canadian
Uniform Number: 14
Instagram: @joshbeauchamp
X: @joshbeauchamp
Josh Facts:
– He was born in St.Albert, Alberta, Canada.
– He started his Now United activities on November 14, 2017.
– He’s part of the immaBEAST dance crew.
– He first started dancing in 2009, when his mother randomly put him into a dance class.
– Josh won the grand prize for K-Days Talent Search.
– He encourages others to find their passion so they can ‘get off those phones’.
– Since dancing is mostly a female-oriented sport, people would call him names and bully him.
– Because of that, he had to transfer schools.
– He won a lot of dancing competitions as a child. At some point, he thought he’d have to do a bad job and place last in order to get friends.
– At first, he thought he wouldn’t get accepted into Now United, because when the last member got picked (for the US), it was only him and Noah left. Simon Fuller later found out that Josh had always lived in Canada, then announced that he’d let Canada be a part of this project.
– Now United helps him a lot because of his stories of not being accepted, he said he feels like he’s found a family.
– He thinks the concept for Now United is perfect for what the world needs right now; “Kids showing that you can come together.”
– Josh left the group on November 10, 2022, in order to start a solo career.
Stage Name: Bailey
Birth Name: Bailey Thomas Cabello May
Position(s): Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthdate: August 6, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Nationality: Filipino-British
Uniform Number: 9
Instagram: @baileymay
X: @baileymay
Bailey Facts:
– He is from Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.
– He started his Now United activities on November 16, 2017.
– Bailey’s favorite emoji is (sunglasses).
– His whole family lives together in one house.
– His parents have been singing their whole life, and that inspired him to sing.
– Bailey’s family moved to Norwich, England when he was younger. Back then, he didn’t know any English.
– Football helped him to learn English.
– He wanted to be a professional football player and went for trials, but he didn’t succeed.
– In 2016, him and his family moved back to Manila in the Philippines, after a video of Bailey singing went viral.
– After that, he often appeared in TV shows.
– He was on Pinoy Big Brother 757 and also starred in the series “On The Wings of Love” (2015).
– Bailey’s dad was the one who found out about the Now United auditions.
– The thing that excites him about Now United is the fact that this is the first time a group like this has ever existed in history.
– He is pursuing a solo career since his return to the Philippines in October 2022.
– On January 13, 2023, Bailey announced that he would leave the group and he will focus on his solo career.
– He is a mentor for the survival show ‘Dream Maker: Search for the Next Global Pop Group’.
Stage Name: Sofya
Birth Name: Sofya Plotnikova (Софья Плотникова)
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: October 23, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Nationality: Russian
Uniform Number: 5
Instagram: @sofyaplotnikova
X: @sofyaplotnikova
Sofya Facts:
– She is from Moscow, Russia.
– She started her Now United activities on November 11, 2017.
– She has one older brother and sister.
– Her favorite kind of juices are Apple and Orange juice.
– She started to dance before she could even walk.
– One year ago, her biggest dream was to go to America.
– She used to be in one of the best ballet schools in Russia, but it wasn’t easy for her, because she was always harassed and insulted by her teacher.
– For her, Now United is a big amazing project from different countries and she really loves everybody in this group.
– She’s really proud to be able to represent her country Russia.
– She said that the people in Now United are her friends and family all together.
– Her three goals for 2019 are to be more thankful, to practice singing and to improve her English.
– On February 27, 2023, in a video on the group’s YouTube channel, Sofya announced that she would be working on new projects.
Stage Name: Hina
Birt Name: Yoshihara Hina (ヒナヨシハラ)
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: October 12, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Japanese
Uniform Number: 10
Instagram: @hina_yshr
X: @hinayoshihara
Hina Facts:
– She is from Niiza, Saitama, Japan.
– She started her Now United activities on November 13, 2017.
– She has a younger sister and brother.
– Her biggest dream is to charm people all over the world through her dancing.
– She first danced in public as a cheerleader when she was 7.
– If something bad happens, dancing helps her forget.
– When she was chosen to represent Japan through the audition, she felt happiness, surprise and insecurity all at once.
– She’s really proud to be able to represent Japan in Now United.
– She hopes her dad will be impressed and moved by watching her perform with Now United.
– Since she cannot speak English, there’s always a language barrier, making it difficult to communicate, but she was able to communicate through dance. Hina: “The power of dance is amazing.”
– Her favorite part about Now United is that she can now cross borders just through dance and music.
– She left the group on March 1, 2023, in order to pursue a solo career.
Show more Hina fun facts…
Stage Name: Heyoon (혜윤)
Birth Name: Jeong Heyoon (정혜윤)
Position(s): Co-Captain, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Rapper
Birthdate: October 1, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Korean
Uniform Number: 11
Instagram: @heyoon_jeong
X: @heyoonjeong_
Heyoon Facts:
– She is from Daejeon, South Korea.
– She started her Now United activities on November 14, 2017.
– She moved to Seoul 2 years ago, to start a professional career.
– Before joining Now United, she was already famous on YouTube for her choreography videos.
– She loves desserts so much and if she would have to choose between 2 full meals and 1 churro, it’d be the churro.
– Heyoon likes sushi and she wants to eat it everyday.
– She is early most of the time because even being 1 minute late drives her crazy.
– She does everything from choreographing to directing her own videos.
– When she was younger, she used to dance to Spice Girls a lot.
– Her mother is the biggest inspiration in her life.
– She saw a performance of the South Korean singer Lim Jeong Hee when she was 9 or 10 and decided to be like that once she grows up.
– Heyoon said she feels like Now United is going to be the future.
– She left the group on March 3, 2023.
– She debuted as a soloist on November 13, 2024.
Show more Heyoon fun facts…
Stage Name: Shivani
Birth Name: Shivani Paliwal (शिवानी पालीवाल)
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Rapper
Birthdate: March 13, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: Indian
Uniform Number: 4
Instagram: @shivaniipaliwal
X: @shivanipaliwal
Shivani Facts:
– She is from Udaipur, Rajastan, India.
– She started her Now United activities on November 14, 2017.
– Her grandfather gave her the name Shivani, because she was born on Shivrati (Celebrations for god Shiva).
– She is currently taking driving lessons.
– Shivani is closest to Hina in the group.
– The 3 people who inspire her are her parents, teacher and friends.
– Her favorite ice cream flavor is Belgium Chocolate.
– Her favorite cake flavor is Chocolate.
– If she had to choose between all of the countries from the members, she’d choose Japan.
– Her favorite foods are Ramen, Brigadero and Guarana.
– Her favorite types of sports are badminton and volleyball.
– Her favorite Now United songs are Afraid Of Letting Go and How We Do It.
– If she had to choose a superpower, it’d be either mind-reading or teleportation.
– In her childhood, she danced a lot while watching TV programs.
– She first danced on stage when she was 3.
– When she found out she was gonna be part of Now United, she was really happy to be able to have the opportunity to perform with the group and spread love and fun to the people.
– She wants everyone to be united, be happy and complete their dream.
– She announced her departure on March 4, 2023, in order to take a new step in her career.
Stage Name: Joalin
Birth Name: Joalin Loukamaa
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthdate: July 12, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: Finnish
Uniform Number: 13
Instagram: @_joalin
X: @joalin_
Joalin Facts:
– She is from Turku, Finland.
– She started her Now United activities on November 11, 2017.
– Her favorite food is chicken.
– The thing that excites her about Now United is that she somehow knew someday she’d be sharing her passion with the world.
– She said the best thing about Finland is that she was able to go to school alone starting from 1st grade.
– Joalin has been dancing non-stop since the moment she was born.
– When she was younger, she had always been living with her mom.
– Her mom decided to move to Mexico. Right now she lives in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
– Her parents own a dance school in Mexico.
– Joalin thinks her stepdad (who is Mexican) is an incredible person.
– She has a younger step-sister.
– Joalin’s new family inspired her to audition for Now United.
– She is really thankful to have the honor to represent Finland.
– She’s inactive since 2020. She tried to rejoin the group in 2021 but had problems due to not being vaccinated against COVID-19.
– Meanwhile, she participated in the 5th season of the Finnish reality show “Selviytyjät Suomi” (ended in 3rd place).
– On March 8, 2023, Joalin announced on her Instagram that she left the group.
Stage Name: Alex
Birth Name: Alex Mandon Rey
Position(s): Lead Dancer, Youngest
Birthdate: July 10, 2005
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: Spanish
Uniform Number: 18
X: @alextopdancer
Instagram: @alextopdancerr
TikTok: @alextopdancerr
Alex Facts:
– He is from Mallorca, Spain.
– He started his Now United activities on April 28, 2021.
– Alex left the group on August 31, 2023.
Made by: @abcexcuseme (@menmeong & @broken_goddess
(Special thanks to: Ahmed Sharif Mohammad Hamad, Dude who translates names., QiXiayun, suga.topia and João Nunes, Anonymous, Allison Tran, emily, – •, Myran, Syafique Nurhasyim, Anonymous, Roisé Rosié, Forever_kpop___, Lee Saryeong, emmi, DarkWolf9131, Trixie, Thiago, Tabby Dreamer, star, abigail, wonyoungsgf, Tessïa Emard, 김석영 (Alexander Kim), Chae_moonie, DarkWolf9131, Tabby Dreamer, Christel, Handi Suyadi, and more.)
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