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MOMO (TWICE) Profile

MOMO (TWICE) Profile and Facts:

MOMO (모모) is a member of the South Korean girl group TWICE.

Official Signature:

Stage Name: MOMO
Birth Name: Hirai Momo (平井 もも)
Nationality: Japanese
Birthday: November 9, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Official height: 167 cm (5’6″) / Appox. Real Height: 163 cm (5’4″)*
Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)
Blood Type: A

MOMO Facts:
– Born in Kyōtanabe, Kyoto, Japan.
– She has an older sister, named Hana. (2 years older than Momo)
– MOMO was scouted by JYP Entertainment after they saw a dance video of her and her older sister.
– She passed the audition on April 13, 2012. She sister didn’t make it though.
– MOMO was eliminated in ep 6 of SIXTEEN, but J.Y.Park decided to add her as a member of Twice, because of her dancing skills.
– MOMO means Peach in Japanese.
– Her representative color is Pink.
– MOMO has the most confidence in dancing to urban. She also likes dancing to hip hop.
– She stared taking dancing lessons when she was 3 years old because she wanted to follow her older sister.
– MOMO is a big food lover. She especially likes jokbal (a Korean dish consisting of pig’s trotters cooked with soy sauce and spices).
– Besides being called “dancing machine” she’s also called “eating machine”.
– MOMO doesn’t like cucumbers, watermelon, or melons.
– She doesn’t like drinking milk.
– When MOMO can’t sleep, she watches dramas.
– She likes dolls/stuffed-toys.
– MOMO likes the color pink.
– She has 3 dogs (female dogs), named Petco, Pudding, and Lucky (she is allergic to dogs though).
– MOMO and GOT7’s BAMBAM both have moms who are big fans of Rain.
– She’s allergic to salmon.
– MOMO is scared of heights.
– In the winter time, MOMO recommends going to Arima Onsen (hot springs) in Japan.
– She appeared in GOT7’s “Stop Stop It” MV, Junho’s “Feel” (Japanese) MV, miss A’s “Only You” MV, and Wooyoung’s “Rose” (Japanese) MV
– She appeared in Heechul’s and Min Kyung Hoon’s “Sweet Dream” MV.
– MOMO was a participant in “Hit the Stage”.
– She likes being clingy to other members.
– On Hit The Stage, she said she is scared of survival shows ever since she was eliminated from Sixteen.
– Her’s second favorite Korean food is Budae Jjigae (Army stew).
– Since MOMO keeps sleeping without drying her hair, Jeongyeon does it for her.
– MOMO says her dyed hair fades away fast, but Sana dissed her by saying that Momo doesn’t wash often.
– She doesn’t like rides like roller coasters.
– She has a habit of opening her mouth at random moments.
– MOMO is the member who sleeps the most.
– She can sleep everywhere.
– It is said that MOMO’s the cutest member of the group. (Oppa Thinking)
– MOMO has a rainbow stuffed toy bear named Bearing which she bought from Singapore. (Twice TV6 Ep 8)
– She was good at English until her friend pushed her and her head bumped in the wall when she was young. (Knowing Bros)
– According to TZUYU, MOMO doesn’t like drinking water.
– MOMO said that she looks like a raccoon and her signature has a raccoon on it. (Knowing Bros)
– In the dorm, JEONGYEON and MOMO used to share a room. For the updated dorm arrangement please visit Twice profile.
– In January 2020, it was announced that Momo is dating Heechul of Super Junior.
– On July 8, 2021, MOMO and Heechul were confirmed to have broken up due to their busy work schedules.
MOMO’s ideal type: Someone who eats well (but is not overweight); Someone who loves Jokbal (Pig’s feet dish).

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Related: TWICE Members Profile
Momo (Twice) Song Credits

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(Special thanks to ST1CKYQUI3TT, ParkXiyeonisLIFE, Avid, Swyanne Scantelbury, Momonly, JcRosales VEVO, MinSugar, Ranceia, taeke, Muazzez, kbatienza, Nitzu, sugoimaou for providing additional info.)

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