Home » J-Pop » Miyako no Kuni no Alice Members Profile

Miyako no Kuni no Alice Members Profile

Miyako no Kuni no Alice Profile and Facts

Miyako no Kuni no Alice (都の国のアリス) is a three-member Japanese girl group. The group consists of Aimu Remu, Himeragi Anzu, and Manju Nemuri. They debuted on November 29, 2020 with the grand opening of their concafe. Their sister group is Fushigi na Kimi no Alice.
The concafe closed late 2023 – early 2024.

Group Name Meaning: N/A
Official Greeting: N/A

Miyako no Kuni no Alice Official Fandom Name: N/A
Miyako no Kuni no Alice Official Color: N/A

Miyako no Kuni no Alice Official Logo:

Official SNS:
Website: official-alice.com
Instagram: @official_miyakonokunino_alice
X: @_official_Alice
YouTube: official-nv8ji

Miyako no Kuni no Alice Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Aimu Remu (愛結れむ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: June 11, –
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: White
Instagram: @mkalice_remu
X: @mkAlice_remu
TikTok: @mkalice_remu

Remu Facts:
– She joined the group on July 5, 2024.
– Her favorite hairstyle is half twintails.


Stage Name: Himeragi Anzu (姫柊あんず)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: February 14, –
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Orange
Instagram: @mkalice_anzu
X: @mkAlice_anzu

Anzu Facts:
– She is a founding member.
– Her favorite food is malatang.


Stage Name: Manju Nemuri (曼珠ねむり)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: November 8, –
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Red
Instagram: @mkalice_nemuri
X: @mkAlice_nemuri
TikTok: @alice_nemuri

Nemuri Facts:
– She is a founding member.
– She is a fan of gothic lolita.

Former Members:

Stage Name: Tamu Tamuo (タムタムお)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: April 19, –
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese

Tamuo Facts:
– She was a founding member
– She graduated on December 27, 2020.


Stage Name: Amane Yui (雨音悠イ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: July 11, –
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese

Yui Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– Comment: “Let’s share half the joy and half the pain.”
– She graduated on June 30, 2021.


Stage Name: Yukineko Noko (雪猫のこ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: January 11,-
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: White

Noko Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– Comment: “I’m going to make you a child”.
– She graduated on September 25, 2022.


Stage Name: Yuura Meuko (幽來めぅこ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: December 23, –
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Purple

Meuko Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– Comment: “Let’s fall in the dark together.”
– In December of 2022 she transferred to Fushigi na Kimi no Alice.


Stage Name: Mizuki Aoi (水城アオイ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: July 9, –
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Representative Color: Blue

Aoi Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– Comment: “Permanent nomination for Mizuki Aoi.”
– She graduated on February 5, 2023.
– She was a former member of Galatia and Circle Lychee where she went by the name Mizuki Aoi (水城アオイ). She graduated on December 1, 2024.


Stage Name: Usagi Amika (兎あみか)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: January 3, –
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Blue
Instagram: @tiramis_amika
X: @tiramis_amika
TikTok: @tiramis_amika

Amika Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– She graduated on June 1, 2024.
– She is currently a member of PLATINUM PIXEL.


Stage Name: Zettai Mahou (絶対魔法)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: March 30, –
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Pink

Mahou Facts:
– She was a founding member.
– Her contact was terminated on January 30, 2025 due to serious breaches.
– Her name can be translated to “absolute magic”.
– She has a public playlist full of her favorite songs.

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Made by: Candyiipop

Who's your Miyako no Kuni no Alice oshi?

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About the author


Mostly j-pop posting, with some exceptions!!

if you need to ask/tell me anything feel free to DM me on twt! (@FAKEYGIRL)
that way I will be more likely to see it! :D

pfp: Akuta Tamaki