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Jinsik (xikers) Profile

Jinsik (xikers) Profile and Facts

Jinsik (김민재) is a member of the boy group xikers, under KQ Entertainment.

Stage Name: Jinsik (진식)
Birth Name: Ham Jinsik (함진식)
Birthday: July 30, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: ISFP(previously ISFJ and INFP)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji: ⛄️
Fandom Name: Hamranghamdung

Jinsik Facts:
– Position: Lead Vocalist, Visual.

– Birthplace: Gyeyang, Incheon, South Korea.

– Languages: English, Korean.

– Trainee Time: N/A

– Education:

When he ws little, he was moved by a friend’s voice after that he dreamt of becoming a singer since then.
He grew up listening to a lot of EXO.
He was always a very smart kid.
He was shocked and confused after finding out he passed his audition, .
His fear is not being able to improve his talent for monthly evaluations.
As a new trainee, he was really nervous and was worried he would adapt well.
Jinsik was introduced as a KQ Fellaz trainee on August 16, 2022.

– Family: An older sister and an older brother.
He is thankful to his family and friends for always supporting and comforting him.

– Ability:
He’s good with mind puzzles.
Jinsik is good at mental calculations.
He can play the guitar.
He draws in his free time.
Hunter thinks he is good at drawing.
Jinsik can animate.
– Jinsik can talk with his mouth closed.
– Jinsik manages to squint one eye.

– Food:
He doesn’t eat too many snacks.
He loves spicy food.
– He likes(food): Japchae, marinated ribs, (Hawaiian) steak, barbecue, chilli fries, clam chowder, lobster, pork belly, miso stew and udon.
– He really likes avocado and guacamole.
– He doesn’t like(food): eggplant, pork fat, chicken skin, meat mush, pig’s trotters.
– He likes(drink): Coca-Cola.

– Likes:
His favorite color is Green.
He loves singing, lifting weights and playing video games.
He loves listening to music, mostly pop and electronic music.
Jinsik likes to walk outside.
He’s favorite Japanese song is Koi by Back Number.
He likes action series.
He prefers cats to dogs.
Jinsik’s favorite animal is the capybara.
Jinsik likes Steam Deck games.
He likes to wear makeup on stage.
He likes to have wet hair on stage.
He’s favorite song from their latest album is ‘Break a leg’
He prefers wooden spoons to metal ones because they are more environmentally friendly.
Jinsik hates the cold.
– Jinsik likes the character Hangyodon.

– Relationship with members:
He makes sure that his members always have enough to eat and will buy them food if not.
The members he are closest to are Minjae and Sumin.
He and Sumin became best friends at first sight.
He took four months to become friends with the other members.
Jinsik is the shyest member.
He always starting conversations.
He likes Yechan’s rap on Sunny Side the most.
He often bites other members.
He is one of those who fights the most with Seeun.
He is the most good looking member.
Jinsik is the member who cries the most while watching movies.
He is the clumsiest member.
Him and Sumin were in the same academy.
The first time Yechan met Jinsik, he found that he had a very fine face and a soft voice.
He helped Seeun a lot with the high notes.
Minjae thinks that what Jinsik has improved the most is his dancing.
– According to Yechan, Jinsik might go buy him food after he asks.
– The ATEEZ member he seems closest with is Wooyoung.
– According to Minjae, he and Jinsik tend to be messy.

– Other:
– He was born with natural brown hair.
– He is currently learning English.
– At first glance, Jinsik looks timid and may come off as blunt.
– When fans get to know him, he will be active and mischievous.
– He believes that practicing and getting advice from others will help solve problems.
– If it was he’s last day on Earth he would like to do one last concert for his fans.
– He plays League Of Legends.
– He is emotional.
– Jinsik doesn’t have a defined fashion style but owns a lot hoodies.
– He chose the number 07 for Koong performence because it is a lucky number and he was born in July.
– He is Slytherin in Harry Potter.
– Jinsik is the one who most cherishes the trash he is supposed to throw away. He makes a collection of ramyun boxes.
– He’s skin reacts badly to water in Europe.
– He didn’t think he would be a dancer.
– His toothbrush is orange.
– According to Yechan the member who fits best for Break a leg is Jinsik.
– Jinsik would have liked to sing one of Seeun‘s parts in Supercalifragilistic.
– Jinsik wants to be a guitar master.
– Jinsik means: “A solid person who cherishes a precious and valuable purpose, spreading it widely in the world.”
– He doesn’t get hot easily.
– Shoe size: 270~275 but sometimes he wears 265.
– Baby name: Sarangi (cute way of saying love)
– Birth weight: 3.8kg
– First word: mom
– First item picked up for Doljabi ritual: a spoon
– The birthday gift that stands out the most is a lotion and shampoo that helps him sleep.
– Food he eats on his birthday: He eats whatever he is given.
Jinsik learned very early that Santa Claus did not exist, around the age of 4 or 5.
– According to Seeun, Jinsik gets scared easily.
– He is not affected by heat but is sensitive to cold.
– He has a habit of playing with his nails.

–Nickname: Ham, Siggy, 4 dimensions (someone who thinks outside the box).
– The nickname that all the members use for him is Sik.

-Role Model: NCT and WayV’s XiaoJun.

– Friends with: DAY6’s Young K.

– Modifier: He’s the mood maker of the group.

– Charming Point: Long eyelash.

– Role Model: N/A

– Life Motto: N/A

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Profile made by sunniejunnie and co made by AKmachedae X and Lea kpop 3M

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Related: xikers Members Profile
KQ Fellaz Profile

Do you like Jinsik? Do you know any more facts about him? Feel free to comment down below. 🙂

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joanie | sheher

About the author

AKmachedae X

I am a high school student in United States. I am a very athletical person. I play all sports. I am very sporty. I have a secret love for kpop though. I have a YouTube channel with my freind called Stan-Future we’re we make Kpop videos

About the author

Lea kpop 3M

I'm a highschool student who loves KPOP!