HyunJin (Loossemble, LOONA) Profile and Facts
HyunJin (현진) is a soloist and member of South Korean girl group Loossemble. She is also a LOONA member, although the group is currently inactive. She officially debuted as a soloist on December 16, 2024 with her first single, “Thank You”.
Official Signature:
Official SNS:
Spotify: HyunJin
Apple Music: HyunJin
Melon: 현진 (Loossemble)
Bugs: 현진 (Loossemble)
Stage Name: HyunJin (현진)
Birth Name: Kim Hyun-jin (김현진)
Birthdate: November 15, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 47 kg (103 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Yellow
Representative Emoji:
Instagram: @hyunjinab
HyunJin Facts:
– She was born in Dunchon-dong, Gangdong District, Seoul, South Korea. (Orbit Japan Official Book)
– She has two older brothers. Kim Hyunsoo is the main vocalist and composer for the band Bi-O-Ne, and Kim Jinsoo is in acting school preparing for his debut.
– She was teased on October 23, 2016, revealed on October 28, 2016, and released her solo on November 17, 2016.
– Her LOONA solo project single was titled HyunJin, with the title track “Around You (다녀가요)”.
– Her representative animal is a cat.
– Her representative place is Tokyo, Japan.
– Her representative shape is a square.
– Her representative flower is a Forget-me-not.
– She was the second girl to debut in LOONA and is represented by the number 2.
– She has a Shiba Inu named Nongshim and a kitten named Paldo. She had Instagram accounts for both of them (@nongshimab and @paldoab), but she deleted them because they were difficult to manage.
– Her hair gets frizzy after it rains.
– Her childhood dream was to become a singer.
– She has big arms and hands.
– She prefers other drinks to coffee. She likes hot coffee more than cold coffee.
– Her favorite facial feature is her lips.
– She listens to “Love Fictions” by Ulala Sessions a lot.
– She prefers a girl crush concept over a lovely concept.
– She can break an apple open with her bare hands.
– She experienced a one-sided love in elementary school, so it helped her act in LOONA’s web drama Woomana.
– Some of her nicknames are “BreadJin”, “MeowJin”, “HyunJin-Bot”, “BaCheeNyang” (Basque Cheesecake-Loving Cat), and “Kim Jini”.
– She is ambidextrous and can sign with her left hand.
– Her special talent is making dog noises.
– She can play the piano.
– She loves bread. She likes rye bread the best, and once said she preferred bread she had eaten rather than expensive sushi from the CEO.
– She loves to eat and she can eat up to 3 bowls of rice at a time. She loves the side dish squid pickled with salt.
– In school, she was a member of the soccer, basketball, table tennis, tennis, and badminton clubs. (LOONA TV #95)
– She says her charming point is her multifaceted personality.
– Her hobbies are exercising, shopping, and choreographing.
– She likes Russian blue cats, pillows, pets, and games.
– She hates when people touch her bed, eggplants, smelly things, and the sound of motorbikes.
– Netizens say that she looks like a combination of Naeun (Apink), Seolhyun (AOA), and Tzuyu (Twice).
– She appeared in TVN’s Three Idiots in 2013.
– She was a trainee for 3 years.
– She isn’t timid, she is outgoing.
– She is friends with Jueun of DIA.
– About her charm: “My vocal teacher told me I had a very good tone.”
– She was a participant in YG’s survival show MIXNINE.
– She ended in 11th place on MIXNINE (she dropped from #3 to #11 after the show’s editing made her look like she hated HeeJin).
– She prefers “Hi High” over “favOriTe”.
– Her shoe size is 240.
– She loves the summer because she likes air conditioning, the outdoors on a summer night, and it is easier to wear clothes.
– She refers sneakers over heels.
– Her favorite color is white.
– She is an alto.
– In 10 years, she believes she will still be just as pretty.
– She was a writer for “Day by Day” from Loossemble. She also wrote the Loossemble songs “Starlight” and “Confessions”.
– She wants to film a hamburger or earring CF or, if with the whole group, a shoe CF.
– On May 9, 2023, it was revealed that after filing a lawsuit to injunct her contract with BlockBerry Creative, she had won, resulting in her leaving the company.
– On June 11, 2023, it was reported that she had signed an exclusive contract with agency CTDENM. It was announced she and the other members left on November 28, 2024.
– She debuted as a member of Loossemble on September 15, 2023.
Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! – Kprofiles.com
Note 2: Source for MBTI: HyunJin said her most recent result was ESFP on October 31, 2023, on Instagram Live (she said it keeps changing between T and F, so both are listed). Her previous results were ESFP, ISTJ, ESFJ, and ESTP.
Made by: Sam (thughaotrash)
(Special thanks to: ST1CKYQUI3TT, legitpotato, chuuves, Shreklock Gnomes, Kinoshita, choerrytart, bees)
LООNA 1/3 Profile
Excellent Vibe (MIXNINE) Members Profile
Universe (MIXNINE) Members Profile
Latest Official Release:
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