Drrones Members Profile and Facts
Drrones is a Sakha punk rock band under Youth Of North. Its current lineup consists of Mark, Maksim, Yegor, Tolya Chiryayev and Kostya. The band was formed in 2019.
Drrones SNS:
Instagram: @drrones
Drrones Facts:
– The first performance of the band was on December 9, 2019 on a joint hip-hop & punk rock charity concert.
– The band’s first name was Drony (Дроны).
– The band name Drrones was probably chosen because of the frontman Mark’s technician specialty.
– The first release is an EP named “very good live” and it was released in January 18, 2020.
– Their full album named “Odessey” was released in March 28, 2020.
– Their genre is garage rock, and acid psychodelic punk.
Drrones Current Members:
Stage Name: Mark (Марк)
Birth Name: Mark Stepanovich Yakovlev (Марк Степанович Яковлев)
Position: Vocalist, Producer, Electric Guitarist
Birthday: January 20, 1994
Instagram: @markmarkmarkmarkmarkmarkmark7 (privated)
Mark Facts:
– He was born in Namtsy, Namski district, and lives in Yakutsk, Sakha Republic.
– School education: Yakutsk Republican Lyceum, Technic class.
– Graduated from Ammosov North Eastern Federal University, Institute of Physics and Technologies. And he finished postgraduate program in Faculty of Road Construction in the same university.
– He has been interested in rock music since childhood.
– His nicknames are Han Tyumi and MarkSik.
– He is a freelancer.
– He is married to an artist named Saya.
– He has a son born in 2020, who made an album cover for Elements Of Dust‘s “Are You Sensitive To Dust?”.
– He thinks that every kind of melody is already have been made, a composer just needs to interpet his favorite parts their own way.
– He uses many distortion devices on his guitar and microphone, so it takes much time to prepare for a performance.
– He hates being interviewed, so he only numbles during them, if they are inavoidable.
– He is part of Sobo, Taptal Kutula and Burevestnik.
– He was part of Crispy Newspaper as an electric guitarist.
– He is also part of progressive rock band ORDO formed in May 28, 2023.
Tolya Chiryayev
Stage Name: Tolya Chiryayev (Толя Чиряев)
Birth Name: Anatoliy Nikolayevich Chiryayev (Анатолий Николаевич Чиряев)
Position: Drummer
Birthday: May 11, 1990
Tolya Chiryayev Facts:
– He was a member of Marsh SS and Crispy Newspaper.
– He graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Modern Languages and International Studies, in 2011.
– His main job is the vice-principal in Yakutsk City National Gymnasium and an English teacher.
– He is a CEO of Youth Of North.
– He owns a charity fund.
– He made a history playlist of Sakha punk releases on Bandcamp (link)
– He began his rock career by recording rock groups on the studio in his gymnasium.
– He is also part of bands Sharm Sakha Sire, Imya Tvoyei Byvshei, Kholoruk (379), Frozen East and Katiny Slezki.
– He joined Yegora in July 2024.
Stage Name: Yegor (Егор)
Birth Name: Yegor Pavlovich Uvarov (Егор Павлович Уваров)
Position: Electric Guitarist
Birthday: March 16, 1999
Instagram: @heavenxteen
Yegor Facts:
– He was a member of band Yegora. The band was formed in September 2019 and released their first album in November 2019.
– He was also a member of Big Toddler.
– He is a member of Skovan.
– He is a skateboard fan.
– He is laconic.
– He has nose piercings.
– He joined the band in winter 2023.
Stage Name: Maksim (Максим)
Birth Name: Maksim Ammosov (Максим Аммосов)
Position: Electric Guitarist
Birthday: March 3, 2000
Instagram: @heavymetalsuicid3
Maksim Facts:
– He was a member of Harakiri Iz Okna.
– He is a current member of bands GODY.CULT (since 2021) and Dissin The Dead.
– He collected Dissin The Dead from the bid with his colleague friend who of their mutual friends suits more to be a vocalist in a hardcore rock group.
– He is a producer for the female punk rock band Zhenskaya Disgarmoniya.
– He joined Yegora and Mogila Kovboya (as a drummer) in July 2024.
– He often jumps with guitar on scene.
– He has the same name as XX century Sakha famous revolutionary and politician.
– He thinks that punk music unites people.
– He is a fan of stylish cars and energy drinks.
– He loves the anime Bleach, his favorite character is Abarai Renji.
– He is strongly abiding healthy style of life.
– He can skate on skateboards.
Stage Name: Kostya (Коcтя)
Birth Name: Konstantin Danilov (Константин Данилов)
Position: Electric Guitarist
Birthday: 1997
Kostya Facts:
– His nickname is Blessedkey (блест ки)
– He was a member of the band Yegora.
– He joined Skovan in July 2024.
– He used to be wuth the band Kuturar while they were in Central Asia as a drummer.
– He was inactive due to his immigration to Kazakhstan.
– He reunited with the band in July 2024.
Inactive Members:
Stage Name: Pyotr (Пётр)
Birth Name: Pyotr Valeriyevich Semyonov (Пётр Валерьевич Семёнов)
Position: Drummer, Temporary Bass Guitarist
Birth Year: 1997
Instagram: @petrbedekov
Pyotr Facts:
– He is from the city of Nyurba, Nyurbinski district, Sakha Republic.
– He graduated from Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
– He is married.
– He likes skiing.
– He also plays guitar.
– He worked in educational administration.
– He is a teacher of English in a school in Yakutsk. He thinks it is his destiny to teach children.
– He is part of Sobo.
Stage Name: Aleksandr (Александр)
Birth Name: Aleksandr Ivanov (Александр Иванов)
Position: Bass Guitarist
Birthday: June 8
Instagram: @leemyp (privated)
Aleksandr Facts:
– He was born and raised in a small village.
– His nickname is Leemyp (Лемур).
– He is interested in Russian and Sakha rap since childhood.
– He wants to make a documentary movie about Sakha rap.
– He was a member of the band OBLAKA (since 2016). His band even managed to cooperate with a French studio Symphony of Destruction to release Flexi 7×7 vinyl records.
– He was also a member of Crispy Newspaper.
– He is inactive due to his immigration to Georgia.
– He often goes on tourism while being in Georgia.
Stage Name: Mariya (Мария)
Birth Name: Mariya Maksimovna Adamova (Мария Максимовна Адамова)
Position: Vocalist, Tambourine Player
Birthday: February 14, 2000
Instagram: @cassiopeiainoblivion
Mariya Facts:
– She joined the band in June 2023.
– She has cats named Masya and Shusha.
– She is an introversive and idealistic person.
– She prefers: staying home to travelling, mornings to evenings, coldness to heat, teleportation to flying, watching movies to watching TV shows, computers to smartphones, cats to dogs, vegetables to fruits, flowers to plants, rural life to urban life, sweets to snacks, tea to coffee, listening to music to watching a movie.
– She doesn’t like alcohol.
Made by Alpert
Special thanks to Yegor for providing information
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Latest live performance:
Playlist of their songs:
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