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Donggeon (Former TO1) Profile and Facts

Donggeon (TO1) Profile and Facts

Donggeon (동건)
was a member of the South Korean boy group TO1.

Stage Name: Donggeon (동건)
Birth Name: Song Dong Geon (송동건)
Birthday: July 15th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 68 kg (150 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Element: Earth
Official Animal Emoji: Lion 🦁
Instagram: @geonsongdong__

Donggeon Facts:
– Donggeon ranked 5th place in  WORLD KLASS.
– Donggeon has one younger sister.
– He element is Earth.
– His father is a pilot.
– He would like to visit Europe and Africa.
– His position in the group is Main Vocalist.
– He has had the nickname ‘Song-Fish’ since he was a trainee, when Chan gave it to him.
– The fans gave him the nickname ‘Baby Lion’, which he prefers.
– He would like to have a nickname in reference to his sexiness.
Minsu said that Donggeon is the member that misbehaves the most.
– He is under n.CH Entertainment and Stone Music Entertainment.
– Specialties: Vocalist and Acting
– Motto: “Pride spoils everything”.
– A Lion Cub is his representative animal (Fan Cafe).
– He used to be a trainee at C9 Entertainment.
– He gets scared easily.
– He has abs.
– He frequently sleeps without blankets.
– His favorite part of his body are his arms, because of the veins there.
– He loves the Marvel movies.
– He would want to switch bodies with Jisu, because he can do things without feeling as much embarrassment.
– His voice can reach a really high pitch.
– In the Philippines he studied English. (transonglation)
Taeyeon’s “If” is one of his favorite songs (TOO Episode #8, TOO News).
– He recommends the movie “Avengers: End Game”.
– He is the strongest member of the group. However, the only exercise he does is push ups (TOO Episode #8, TOO News).
– He used to be roommates with Jaeyun, Donggeon, and Jerome (TOO Episode: Behind The Stage #7).
– Later, he shared a room with Chihoon, Donggeon, Jerome, and Minsu.
– For the updated dorm arrangement, please visit TO1 Profile.
– Donggeon has signed an exclusive contract with BEAT INTERACTIVE as an actor.
– Donggeon will be joining Dear U Bubble on April 2nd.

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Profile Made By ♥LostInTheDream♥

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