Coco Universe Former/Graduated Members
-From Latest Departure to Oldest-
Stage Name: Gain (가인)
Birth Name: Choi Gain (최가인)
Position: –
Birthday: January 16, 2009
Instagram: @coco.gxin.06 / @choi_gain._.16 (private)
Sub Unit: 1st & 3rd COCO.F / Little Queenz
Gain Facts :
-She won the second place of SNS Comments Award on February, March and May 2021
-She was the 7th member to be revealed on instagram
-She joined through the 17st audition.
-She is good at singing.
-She wears glasses.
Stage Name: Jiyoon (지윤)
Birth Name: Kim Jiyoon (김지윤)
Position: –
Birthday: 26 April, 2009
Instagram: @coco_jiyoon_426
Facebook : 김지윤
Sub Unit: Little Queenz
Jiyoon Facts :
-She was the 23th member to be revealed on instagram.
-She was coco of the month in December 2022.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Stage Name: Sohyun (소형)
Birth Name: Lee Sohyun (이소현)
Position: –
Birthday: 07 June (?), 2009
Instagram: @coco.lshyun_
Sub Unit: 2nd COCO.F
Sohyun Facts:
-She is appart of a modeling project under mo:m agency.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Stage Name : Yeonje (연제)
Real Name : Park Yeonje (박연제)
Position : –
Birthday : 24 September, 2009
Height : 155cm (5’1″)
Blood Type : A
Instagram : @coco_yeonje_
Asked : duswp0924
Sub Unit: Little Queenz
Yeonje Facts :
-She was the 24th member to be revealed on instagram
-She is the younger sister of Shinhoo.
-She live at Masan, Korea.
-Her foot size is 240.
-She like Spring.
-Her hobbies dancing, scretching and cooking.
-She can’t sing.
-Her favorite TV Show is The Great Escape.
-Her phone is/was an iPhone 7.
-Her favorite Chupa Chups flavor is Strawberry and Rasberry.
-She use the dark theme on Kaotalk.
-She hate to go to the mountain.
-Her favorites colors are Black, White and Purple.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
-Ideal Type :“Someone who wears well clothes, has pretty hands, is tall, has a good personality, and loves me with all my heart”
An Mina
Stage Name: Mina (민아)
Birth Name: An Mina (안민아)
Position: –
Birthday: November 12, 2009
Blood Type: AB
Instagram: @coco_anmina (no post)
Asked: anmina09
Facebook: 안민아
Sub Unit: Little Queenz
Mina Facts :
-She was the 16th member to be revealed on instagram.
-She like Blackpink.
-She don’t like Social Studies.
-She can do piano and violon.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Stage Name: Sojung (소정)
Birth Name: Kim Sojung (김소정)
Position: –
Birthday: 2009
Instagram: @cocosojung
Sub Unit: Little Queenz
Sojung Facts :
-She was the 4th member to be revealed on instagram.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Stage Name: Eunhye (은혜)
Real Name: Beg Eunhye (백은혜)
Position: –
Birthday: January 1st, 2010
Instagram: @coco_begeunhye / @coco__eunhye (inactive)
Sub Unit: Little Queenz / 2nd COCO.F
Eunhye Facts :
-She officially joined on december 2021.
-She auditioned through the 24th Coco Mademoiselle audition.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Jo Yerin
Stage Name: Yerin (예린)
Birth Name: Jo Yerin (조예린)
Position: –
Birthday: 08 July, 2010
Instagram: @coco_joyerin
Asked: yx1in
Sub Unit: Little Queenz
Jo Yerin Facts :
-She officially joined the group in May 2022 but her first cover was on March 2022.
-She was coco of the month in December 2022.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Stage Name: Seeun (세은)
Birth Name: Ahn Seeun (안세은)
Position: –
Birthday: October 14, 2010
Blood Type: AB
Instagram: @coco_seeun1014 / @cocoseeun
Sub Unit: 1st to 3rd COCO.F / Little Queenz
Seeun Facts :
-She was the 15th to be revealed on instagram.
-Family : Mom, Dad, younger sister.
-She joined through the 10th audition.
-She was part of a Unit named Little Coco before with Mikyung.
-She can play the guitar.
-She was coco of the month in November 2022.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
-She has the album “Class is Over” by CLASS:y.
Stage Name: Soyoung (소영)
Birth Name: Kang Soyoung (강소영)
Position: –
Birthday: 2010
Height: 160cm
Weight: 44kg
Instagram: @coco_so_young
Asked: So_young_10
Sub Unit: 2nd & 3rd COCO.F / Little Queenz
Soyoung Facts:
-She was appart of Fancy Factory Making Model project.
-For her it’s important to control the dynamic when dancing.
-She dances about 4 hours a day.
-She likes sour Lemon and sweet flavor.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
-Ideal Type: “Taller than me, fair skinned, handsome, low-pitched, cute, someone like Minjoo unnie who plays the guitar well!!”
Stage Name: Haeun (하은)
Birth Name: Kim Haeun (김하은)
Position: –
Birthday: January 05/May 1st, 2011 (?)
Instagram: @coco_haeun_0105
Sub Unit: –
Haeun Facts:
-She joined through the 30 audition.
-She graduated to The Queens on February 05, 2024.
Nam Yeji
Stage Name: Yeji (예지)
Birth Name: Nam Yeji (남예지)
Position: –
Birthday: June 13, 2013
Instagram: @yeji_4965
Sub Unit: 1st & 2nd COCO.F
Yeji Facts :
-She officially joined on december 2021.
-She auditioned through the 25th audition.
-She left between november and december 2023.
-She is currently at Seoul to pursue her idol career.
-She’s now training at Joy Dance along other former members..
-She passed the audition of CHOCO Entertainments on december 23, 2023.
Stage Name: Seohyun (서현)
Birth Name: Moon Seohyun (문서현)
Position: –
Birthday: April 26, 2012
Instagram: @coco_moon2604
Seohyun Facts:
– She joined through the 30th audition.
Stage Name: Eunseong (은성)
Birth Name: Lee Eunseong (이은성)
Position: –
Birthday: January 04/April 1st (?), 2010 (?)
Instagram: @unseong0104
Asked: Leeeunseong0104
Eunseong Facts:
-She joined through the 32nd audition.
-She is in her school dance club.
-She left beetween august and december 2023.
Stage Name: Eunjae (은재)
Birth Name: Jeong Eunjae (정은재)
Position: –
Birthday: 2013
Instagram: –
Eunjae Facts:
-She joined through the 31st audition.
-She left beetween august and december 2023.
Stage Name: Sarang (사랑)
Birth Name: Jeon Sarang (전사랑)
Position: –
Birthday: April 12, 2010
Instagram: @coco_0412sarang
Sarang Facts :
-She officaly joined on May 2022 but her first cover was on February 2022.
-She was coco of the month in January 2023.
-She can play piano.
-It seems she left in august 2023.
Lim Seeun
Stage Name: Seeun (세은)
Birth Name: Lim Seeun (임세은)
Position: –
Birthday: August 16, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 156cm
Weight: –
Instagram: @coc_seeun_
Seeun Facts :
-She was the 21th member to be revealed on instagram
-She joined Coco Mademoiselle on the 20th Audition
-She like BTS.
-It seems like she left during august 2023.
Stage Name: Serin (세린)
Birth Name: Lim Serin (임세린)
Position: –
Birthday: 2012
Instagram: @coco_serin
Sub Unit: 2nd COCO.F
Serin facts:
-She passed the 31st Audition of Coco mademoiselle in november 2022 and entered Little Coco.
-She graduated form Little Coco to Coco mademoiselle in february 2023.
-Her first cover was Loveade by VIVIZ.
-She seems to have left during august 2023.
Stage Name: Juhee (주희)
Birth Name: Choi Juhee (최주희)
Position: –
Birthday: 2009 (?)
Instagram: @jwmlgll
Juhee Facts:
-She joined through the 28th audition.
Stage Name: Suah (수아)
Birth Name: Jeong Suah (정수아)
Position: –
Birthday: February 24, 2011
Instagram: @suah0227772
Sub Unit: 1st COCO.F / Little Queenz
Suah Facts :
-She was at Groun_D before
-Her profile was revealed the 21 August 2021
-She joined through the 23rd audition.
-She was part of the Unit Little Coco.
-She rejoined Groun_D in summer 2023.
Stage Name: Chaebin (채빈)
Legal Name: Park Chaebin (박채빈)
Postion: –
Birthday: February 21, 2012
Instagram: @chae._.bin0221
Youtube: 별맘
Sub Unit: 1st & 2nd COCO.F /Little Queenz
Chaebin Facts :
-Her profile was revealed on 21 august 2021
-She was at groun_D before
-She officially joined on september 2021.
-She was part of the Unit Little Coco.
-She joined through the 23rd audition.
-She legaly changed her name from Hanbyeol to Chaebin in 2023.
-She rejoined Groun_D in the summe 2023.
Kim Yeseo
Stage Name: Yeseo (예서)
Birth Name: Kim Yeseo (김예서)
Position: –
Birthday: 2013
Instagram: @cocoyeseo
Sub Unit: 1st COCO.F
Yeseo Facts:
– She passed through the 29th Audition.
– She passed the audition of n.CH Entertainment in December 2022.
– She moved to Seoul to be a trainee in April/May 2023.
– She plays the piano.
-She’s now training under Joy Dance.
Stage Name: Jinju (진주)
Birth Name: Park Jinju (박진주)
Position: –
Birthday: 2011
Instagram: @2011_jinju / @joydancemusic_jinju (mom account)
Sub Unit: 1st COCO.F
Jinju Facts:
– She passed through the 28th Audition.
– She passed the audition of n.CH Entertainment in December 2022.
– She moved to Seoul to be a trainee in April/May 2023.
-She’s now trainging under Joy Dance.
-She passed the audition of PARASHINE, CHOCO, GREAT M and WM Entertainments on december 23, 2023.
Park Yeseo
Stage name : Yeseo (예서)
Real Name : Park Yeseo (박예서)
Position : Leader
Birthday : October 1, 2008
Instagram : @y.ese.o_
Facebook : 박예서 (inactive)
Yeseo Facts:
– She was Coco of the month in March 2021.
– She was the first member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She joined Little Queens on September 15, 2020.
– She graduated and joined The Queens on January 16, 2023.
Stage Name: Huiyeon (희연)
Birth Name: Son Huiyeon (손희연)
Position: Sub Leader
Birthday: October 7, 2009
Asked: @hstarryy
Instagram: @h_starr.y / @bh1.x_
Huiyeon Facts:
– She was the 20th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She has a cat.
– Since Lee Sumin had graduated, she became the model of Coco’s Uniform.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle after the 23th Audition.
– Her hobby is drawing.
– She graduated and joined The Queens on January 16, 2023.
Stage Name: Mikyung (미경)
Birth Name: Kim Mikyung (김미경)
Position: Sub Leader
Birthday: February 24, 2010
Height: 146 cm (4’9″)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: @kung._.mi0
Facebook: 김미경
Asked: mi_02
Mikyung Facts:
– She was 13th to be revealed on Instagram.
– She was Coco of the month in August 2020 and May 2022.
– She was part of a unit named Little Coco with Ahn Seeun.
– She like the colors white and black.
– Mikyung likes pop songs.
– She don’t like playing baseball.
– She doesn’t like mushrooms, eggplants, and seafood.
– She would like to be 168 cm.
– She graduated and joined The Queens on January 16, 2023.
– Mikyung attends Masan Girls’ Middle School.
Stage Name: Yunseo (윤서)
Birth Name: Na Yunseo (나윤서)
Position: –
Birthday: 2011 (?)
Instagram: @yun_sna
Yunseo Facts:
– She officially joined in April 2022.
– Yunseo’s a fan of Seventeen’s Wonwoo.
– She quietly left sometime at end of 2022.
– Yunseo likes baseball.
Stage Name: Suyeon (수연)
Birth Name: Yang Suyeon (양수연)
Position: –
Birthday: January 11, 2011 (?)
Suyeon Facts:
– She officially joined in April 2022, but her first cover was on February 2022.
– She quietly left during 2022.
Stage Name: Haum / Haeum (하음)
Birth Name: Son Haeum (손하음)
Position: –
Birthday: 2010 (?)
Instagram: @ha_um10
Haum Facts:
– She officially joined in April 2022.
– She quietly left during the second half of 2022.
– She takes dance classes at Jam Studio Dance Academy.
Kim Jiwoo
Stage Name: Jiwoo (지우)
Birth Name: Kim Jiwoo (김지우)
Position: –
Birthday: May 21, 2010
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Instagram: –
Jiwoo Facts:
– She was the 22th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She quietly left the group.
Stage Name: Bori (보리)
Birth Name: Yoon Bori (윤보리)
Position: –
Birthday: April 2 (?), 2010
Instagram: @coco__bori402
Bori Facts:
– She officially joined in December 2021.
– She quietly left the group.
Stage Name: Seyeong (세영)
Birth Name: Kim Seyeong (김세영)
English Name: Grace Kim
Position: –
Birthday: April 14, 2009
Seyeong Facts:
– She officially joined on May 2022 but she already had appeared in some covers before.
– She auditioned at the 26th Coco Mademoiselle audition and passed it.
– She speaks English.
– She wants to study abroad.
– She seems to have left school during the second half of 2022.
Stage Name: Yoonjin (윤진)
Birth Name: Lee Yunjin (이윤진)
Position: –
Birthday: 2010
Instagram: @yunjin_157
YoonJin Facts:
– She was the 14th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She was in Little Coco.
– She was Coco of the Month in February 2021.
– She left quietly during the end of 2021.
Stage Name: Mijin (미진)
Birth Name: Kwon Mijin (권미진)
Position: –
Birthday: 2010
Instagram: @g._.mj10
Mijin Fatcs :
– She was the 19th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle after the 19th audition.
– She seems to have left during February 2022.
Stage Name: Seohyun (서현)
Birth Name: Lee Seohyun (이서현)
Position: –
Birthday: December 15, 2009
Height: 165 cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: AB
asked: @sssxsxsa
Instagram: @sssxsxsa
Facebook: 이서현
Seohyun Facts:
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle after the 20th audition.
– She was the third member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She really like sweets.
– She don’t like science.
– She likes puppies.
– She usually goes to bed at 11pm.
– Her favorite song is “Stay” by BLACKPINK.
-She likes NCT.
– She was a member of The Queens.
– Ideal Type: “At least 5 centimeters taller than me, talkative enough, dresses nicely, someone that listens to me, someone like NCT’s Jaemin or CRAVITY’s Jungmo or ZB1’s Han Yujin, someone who reads my text within 30 minutes, someone who writes long messages, someone who hasn’t smoked, and someone who has kind friends.”
Stage Name: Minjeong (민정)
Birth Name: Kim Minjeong (김민정)
Position: –
Birthday: October 27, 2009
Height: 157 cm (5’1″)
Weight: 47 kg (90 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: @1027minjeong / @happyminzhen (mom account)
Youtube: 행복한 민정{coco민정}
Asked: 1027minjeong
Tiktok: @happy123vv
Minjeong Facts:
– She was the 9th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She is half Korean and half Taiwanese.
– She love dogs.
– She has a little brother named Minjun.
– She has a dog named Haengbok.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle on the 20th audition.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in mid 2022.
Stage Name: Chaeun (채운)
Birth Name: Heo Chaeun (허채운)
Position: –
Birthday: March 4, 2009
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: @_e_x._.x_in_314
Facebook: 허채운
Chaeun Facts:
– She was the 17th member to be revealed.
– His foot size is 260.
– His favorite season is autumn.
– He doesn’t like spring or summer.
– He has a older sister.
– His favorite foods are tteokbokki, pizza, and yukhoe.
– He wants to learn how to play piano.
– His favorite character is Sailor Moon.
– He want to go to Japan’s most prestigious university.
– His favorite subjects are science and physical education.
– He doesn’t like the subjects Korean, mathematics, English and social studies.
– He can speak Korean, English, Gyeongnam dialect, Japanese, and a bit of French.
– His favorite color is blue.
– He likes NCT.
– He graduated and joined The Queens in mid 2022.
Stage Name: Dakyeong (다경)
Birth Name: Ryu Dakyeong (류다경)
Position: –
Birthday: September 04 (?) 2009
Instagram: @09_dakyeong
Dakyeong Facts:
– She was the 12th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– Her older sister is ex-Coco‘s Youngchae.
– She was Coco of the month in December 2020.
– She takes dance classes at Joy Dance Academy.
– She left the group because she moved to Seoul with her family around March 2022.
Lee Daeun
Stage Name: Daeun (다은)
Birth Name: Lee Daeun (이다은)
Position: Sub Leader
Birthday: July 08, 2008
Facebook : 이다은
Daeun Facts:
– She graduated and joined The Queens in December 2021.
– She attended at Yangduk Girls’ Middle School.
– She left The Queens.
Stage Name: Jinseo (진서)
Birth Name: Hyun Jinseo (현진서)
Position: Sub Leader, Visual
Birthday: April 27, 2009
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: @zoey._.tqnz / @jinseo_dance (private)
Asked: Hjs090427
Jinseo Facts:
– Her hobby is decorating diaries.
– She likes dogs and cats.
– Her favorite drama is Imitation.
– Her favorite actor is Lee Junyeong.
– She want to dance in Seoul, South Korea.
– She prefers chicken rather than pizza.
– Her favorite colors are purple, white, and black.
– She wants to go to New York.
– She likes meat.
– If she had to express herself in one line she would say she is a child born to dance.
– She took dance classes at Groun_D with Sumin and Mina before Choomseory.
– She was Coco of the month in September 2020.
– She was a member of CoCo.
– She graduated and joined The Queens on December 2021.
– She attended Pungho Elementary School.
– She is a trainee at Vine Entertainment.
Lee Daeun
Stage Name: Daeun (다은)
Birth Name: Lee Daeun (이다은)
Birthday: January 28, 2009
Height: 145 cm (4’9″)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: @danna_tqnz
Daeun Facts:
– She was Coco of the month in May 2021.
– Her foot size is 220.
– Her favorite subject is physical education.
– She doesn’t like baseball, vegetables, or summer.
– Daeun has a habit of biting her nails.
– Her nickname is Poby.
– Her favorite colors are white and black.
– She likes BTS.
– She won the 1st place for the SNS Comments Award in November and September 2020 and May 2021.
– She won second place for the SNS Comments Award in June and August 2020.
– She attended at Seokdong Elementary School.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in December 2021.
Stage Name: Yeona (연아)
Birth Name: Kim Yeona (김연아)
Birthday: February 27, 2009
Height: 152 cm (4’11”)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: @yatqnz / @yeonx__09 (private)
Asked: s5lzpj10705
Sub Unit: 3rd COCO.F
Yeona Facts:
– She was born in Jinhae, South Korea.
– She won a prize at the 6th International Dance Grand Prize.
– She was Coco of the month in April 2021.
– Her favorites colors are purple, black, and white.
– Her foot size is 230-235.
-She can play the ukulele and recorder.
– Her favorite instrument is the violin even though she can’t play it.
– Her hobbies are dancing and coloring books.
– Some of her favorite subjects are math, social studies, morals, physical education, art, and practical subjects.
– She likes studying.
– She likes sports such as volleyball, dance, and badminton.
– Her favorite time of the week is Friday evening.
– Yeona owns a iPhone 12 Pro.
– A couple of things she doesn’t like are Monday mornings, summer because of the mosquitoes, and seafood.
– When asked what the happiest day of 2020 was, she answered: “The first time I went to a competition and received an award at Choomseory.”
– Her favorite actors are Kim Hyunsoo and Han Jihyun.
– She can speak Korean, Dialect, English and a little Japanese.
– She likes the dialect of Gyeongsang-do.
– She likes Red Velvet and aespa.
– Her biases are like Karina (aespa) and Irene(Red Velvet).
– She has a sister.
– She likes autumn and winter the most.
– Her favorite foods are tteokbokki and beef.
– She won the first place for the SNS Comments Award in August and December 2020, and February and March 2021.
– She won the second place for the SNS Comments Award in August, September, October and November 2020, and May 2021.
– She attended Jinhae Namsan Elementary School and Jinhae Girls’ Middle School.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in December 2021.
– She is a trainee at Vine Entertainment.
– Ideal Type: “Someone who is taller than me and only likes me”
Stage Name: Mina (민아)
Birth Name: Seok Mina (석민아)
Birthday: May 14, 2009
Height: 154 cm (5’0″)
Blood Type: B
YouTube: &민아댄스성장기
Facebook: 석민아
Mina Facts :
– She took dance classes at Groun_D with Sumin and Jinseo.
– She likes the colors white and black.
– A few things she doesn’t like are winter and math.
– Her foot size is 235.
– She likes the subject physical education.
– Her favorite Chupa Chups flavor is lemon.
– She attended Jangcheon Elementary School.
-She graduated and joined The Queens in December 2021.
– She is a trainee at Vine Entertainment.
– Ideal Type:“I’m looking for someone who is taller than me, taller than me, has bigger hands than me, is kind to me, talks a lot, and fits me well.”
Lee Sumin
Stage Name: Sumin (수민)
Birth Name: Lee Sumin (이수민)
Birthday: November 6, 2009
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: @ella_tqnz
Asked: mini000000
Sumin Facts:
– She was born in Jinhae, Korea.
– She was the model of the Coco Mademoiselle uniform.
– She was Coco’s Star.
– Her foot size is 230.
– She took dance classes at Groun_D with Hyun Jinseo and Seok Mina.
– She doesn’t have a religion.
– She doesn’t like study.
– She likes IU and BLACKPINK.
– Her favorite colors are pink, black, and sky blue.
– Her favorite TV Show is Girls’ Planet 999.
– Her favorite song is “Stay” By BLACKPINK.
– She was Coco of the month in January 2021.
– She has a brother and a sister.
– She won the first place for the SNS Comments Award in October 2020.
– She won the second place for the SNS Comments Award in December and November 2020.
– She attended Jangcheon Elementary School.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in December 2021.
-She passe the auditions of n.CH Entertainment in december 2022.
-She moved to Seoul to pursue an idol career.
-She’s now trainging under Joy Dance.
-She passed the audition of PARASHINE, CHOCO, GREAT M and WM Entertainments on december 23, 2023.
– Ideal Type: “Someone who is taller than me, looks only at me, is in a pretty relationship, gives each other a lot of gifts, has bigger hands than me, makes my heart flutter, and fits me well.”
Stage Name: Shinhoo (신후)
Birth Name: Park Shinhoo (박신후)
Position: –
Birthday: April 4 (?) 2008
Shinhoo Facts :
– She was the 19th member to be revealed on Instagram.
– She is the elder sister of Park Yeonje.
– She left for unknown reasons.
Shin Jiwoo
Stage Name: Jiwoo (지우)
Birth Name: Shin Jiwoo (신지우)
Position: –
Birthday: 2009 (?)
Jiwoo Facts:
– She seems to have left between July and October 2021.
Stage Name: Minseo (민서)
Birth Name: Baek Minseo (백민서)
Position: Leader
Birthday: April 26, 2007
Height: 161 cm (5’3″)
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)
Instagram: @baekminseo / @sugarmingcandy
Asked: mineos
Blog: sugamingcandy
Minseo Facts :
– She is a former member of Coco.
– She auditioned in 2018 with the songs Tiësto & Sevenn – “Boom” and “Kill the Noise” – Kill It 4 The Kids
– She was growing two Marimo, one was called Marimo and the other one MoriMori.
– She does taekwondo.
– She can choreograph dances.
– Her special talent is moving her knuckles.
– In June 2020, Minseo was Coco of the month.
– Minseo has a dog called Hulse (헐스), it’s birthday is February 28th.
– She is now in the dance club of her school.
– She officially left Choomseory in July 2021 but it seems that she left before the official announcement.
Stage Name: Seunghee (승희)
Birth Name: Jeong Seunghee (정승희)
Position: –
Birthday: September 29, 2009
Instagram: @glcrss_0929
Seunghee Facts:
– She won The Crown Event in February 2021.
– She was Coco of the month for January 2021.
– She left Choomseory in the middle of 2021 for unknown reasons.
Stage Name: Hyolin (효린)
Real Name: Joo Hyolin (주효린)
Position: –
Birthday: July 2nd, 2008
Instagram: @joohyolin
Hyolin Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
-She left Coco Mademoiselle just before Coco’s “Be Quiet “comeback in August 2020.
-She has a white dog.
– She rejoined Choomseory and Coco Mademoiselle in May 2021 then graduated to The Queens in December 2021 but left in March 2022.
– She came back to The Queens in April 2022.
Stage Name: Youngseo (영서)
Birth Name: Choi Youngseo (최영서)
Position: 2nd Leader
Birthday: May 2, 2007
Instagram: @yukiii_tqnz
Asked: youngseo7741
Choi Youngseo Facts:
– She is an only child.
– She was a member of Coco.
– Her hobby is dancing.
– She is a part of the Choomseory stylist group.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle through the 14th audition.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in February 2021.
– She dropped out of school in the 2nd year of middle school.
– She attended Naeseo Middle School.
– As of May 2023, she has a boyfriend.
– Ideal Type: “He’s well dressed, tall, nice, and good at contacting, but if I don’t contact you, I don’t urge you, but I’m upset in the inside, and when I want to call you, I can hang up comfortably, listen to me well, and I’m a difficult person who doesn’t like people with simple emotions.”
Stage Name: Subin (수빈)
Birth Name: Jeong Subin (정수빈)
Position: –
Birthday: December 16, 2007
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Instagram: @_ssunxa /
Naver Blog: @03subinah
Jeong Subin Facts:
– She is in charge of Coco’s Instagram.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in February 2021.
– She left Choomseory in September 2021.
– She doesn’t like math.
– She likes chicken.
– Subin attends Sungji Girls’ High School and is a part of their dance club. She previously attended Masan Girls’ Middle School and was a part of the Magenta dance team.
– She can play the piano.
– She likes and is good at the Korean subject at school.
– She habitually go to bed at 2 o’clock
– Her favorite fruit is a cherry.
– Her favorite animal is a cat.
– Her favorite colors are white and black.
– Ideal Type: “Cute, tall and handsome person.”
Stage Name: Minjung (민정)
Birth Name: Choi Minjung (최민정)
Position: 2nd Leader of Little Queenz
Birthday: January 7, 2008
Height: 152 cm (4’11”)
Instagram: @cminj8154 (inactive)
Choi Minjung Facts:
– She attended Neungdong Middle School.
– She prefers the Korean language subject over math.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in February 2021.
– She has an older brother.
– She is a former member of Coco.
– Ideal Type: Taller than her and someone she can love.
Stage Name: Youngchae (영채)
Birth Name: Ryu Youngchae (류영채)
Position: 1st leader of Little Queenz
Birthday: January 28, 2008
Height: 141 cm (as of January 2019)
Weight: 38 kg (as of January 2019)
Instagram: @ryc_0128
Ryu Youngchae Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
– She has a younger sister namd Dakyeong who was also in Coco Mademoiselle.
– She was one of the first Coco Mademoiselle members, and at the time she was the youngest.
– Her special talent is doing a impression of Jooe (Momoland)‘s drink commercial.
– She participated in the vocal category in the Jinju Starmaking Idol Competition 2019 and was selected by 3 entertainment companies.
– The song she always sings is “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Key.
– On Tomorow is a National Singer, she became friends with Lee Sowon and Lim Yeowon.
– She graduated to The Queens in February 2021.
– She left The Queens in December 2021.
– She is an artist under n.CH Entertaiment.
Show more Youngchae facts…
Stage Name: Yoojung (유정)
Birth Name: Hwang Yoojung (황유정)
Position: –
Birthday: 2007
Instagram: @yoojung_tqnz
Yujeong Facts:
– Her first shooting was Bling Bling “La La La” cover in January 2021.
– Yujeong attended Masan Girls’ Middle School.
– She joined The Queens on April 28, 2023.
Stage Name: Gayun (가윤)
Birth Name: Nam Gayun (남가윤)
Position: –
Birthday: August 21, 2009
Instagram: @n0g0y00 (no post)
Gayun Facts:
– She is twins with Dayun.
– She older than Dayun by one minute.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle through the 14th audition.
– She is a former member of Coco.
– She left in November 2020.
Stage Name: Dayun (다윤)
Birth Name: Nam Dayun (남다윤)
Position: –
Birthday: August 21, 2009
Instagram: @da_yun_09 (no post)
Gayun Facts:
– She is twins with Gayun and younger than her by one minute.
– She joined Coco Mademoiselle through the 14th audition.
– She is a former member of Coco.
– She left in November 2020.
Stage Name: Jihyun (지현)
Birth Name: Lee Jihyun (이지현)
Position: Leader
Birthday: April 15, 2005
Height: 156 cm (5’1″) (as of January 2019)
Weight: 37 kg (81 lbs) (as of January 2019)
Instagram: @tqnz._.bambi
Jihyun Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco, she was the leader of the 2nd Generation.
– One of her hobbies is collecting accessories.
– Jihyun was Coco of the month in July 2020.
– She likes the colors blue and pink.
– She doesn’t use perfume.
– The choreography that she learned the fastest was “Zimzalabim” by Red Velvet.
– She can braid hair quickly; she became skilled because she braided her friend’s hair.
-She joined Coco Mademoiselle through the 3rd audition.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in August 2020.
– In April 2023 it was leaked by Choomseory that she will debut in the group BLACKSWAN, but the post was removed soon after.
– Ideal Type: Pretty hand and a smile like “Baby Joo”
Show more Jihyun facts
Stage Name: Yejin (예진)
Birth Name: Shin Yejin (신예진)
Position: –
Birthday: August 16, 2006
Instagram: @8_yj16
Yejin Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
– She graduated and joined The Queens in August 2020.
– She left Choosmeory in November 2020.
– After leaving she joined various dance academy such as Groun_D and Viva Dance Studio.
– She can dance the Korean traditional style.
Stage Name: Hyojeong (효정)
Birth Name: Lim Hyojeong (림효정)
Position: –
Birthday: November 12, 2007
Instagram: @hyojeong12_
Hyojeong Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
– In Coco she was in charge of aegyo.
– She has a white dog.
– She dances in her school dance club with Seoha.
– She was a model at the 2016 Daegu International Fashion Cutlure.
– She graduated and joined The Queens sometime between February and June 2020.
-She left Choomseory in beginning of 2021.
Stage Name: Suhyun (수현)
Birth Name: Kim Suhyun (김수현)
Position: –
Birthday: August 24, 2007
Instagram: @_xitx_ (no post)
Suhyun Facts :
– She is a former member of Coco.
– In coco she was in charge of cuteness.
– She plays the flute.
– She left Choomseory in beginning of 2021.
– She graduated and joined The Queens sometime between February and June 2020.
Stage Name: Seoha (서하)
Birth Name: Park Seoha (박서하)
Position: –
Birthday: January 29, 2007
Instagram: @s_eh0x1
Seoha Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
– As of 2019, her favorite books are Korean History with 70 People, Science of Fear, and The Banzi’s Secret Diary.
– Seoha’s special talent is belly dancing.
– She can play the ukulele.
– As of 2019, her favorite song is “Scenery” by BTS’s V; she fell in love with it the moment she heard it.
– She left Choomseory in the beginning of 2020.
– She dances in her school dance club with Hyojeong.
Shin Sumin
Stage Name: Sumin (수민)
Birth Name: Shin Sumin (신수민)
Position: –
Birthday: November 19, 2006
Instagram: @s_x.in_
Shin Sumin Facts:
– She is a former member of Coco.
– As of 2019, Sumin’s favorite song was “Hann (Alone)” by(G)I-DLE because she liked the vibe.
– As of 2019, Sumin’s favorite movie is Frozen and her favorite character is Elsa.
– When she has free time, she plays games or goes to the karaoke box.
– She can do a voice impression of Doraemon.
– She likes to sing songs like “Gotta Go” by Chungha.
– She watches movies often.
– Her favorite CoCo song is “Scent”.
– She chose to use the name Becky which means “Catching the heart” for her stage name in The Queens.
– She graduated and joined the The Queens in the end of 2019.
– It seems she left Choomseory at the end of 2022.
Coco Universe (formerly Mademoiselle) Group Profiles:
Posted By : AmaMila
Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. If you use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! –
Note: Not every former and graduated member is in here, the dance group was created in 2015 and going through 8 years (as of 2023, when the profile is posted) and more than 50 people is hard, if you manage to find facts on other members that are not in here feel free to comment!
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Who is your favorite Coco Universe former/graduated member? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below.