CGT48 Team CII Members Profile
Team CII is one of the two teams of Chinese girl group CGT48 (Chengtu48). They were formed on June 2, 2023 and their image colour is bright red. Currently, there are 17 members. Their current MVPs are Qiu LiuJia and Tan SiHui.
All members are dispatched members from the 13th generation of GNZ48 and Idols Ft.
CGT48 is the fifth sister group of SNH48. Originally announced on September 25, 2017, the group was cancelled in December 2019. However, they were brought back on February 25, 2023.
CGT48 Socials:
Weibo: CGT48
Douyin: CGT48
CGT48 Team CII Members:
Guo ZhaoYuan (郭兆媛)
Nickname: XiaoGuo (小郭)
Birthday: February 7, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
Blood Type: B
Height: 161 cm (5’3″)
Weibo: CGT48-郭兆媛
Guo ZhaoYuan Facts:
– She was a featured member in SNH48’s song “For The Future” as a GNZ48 trainee.
– Her other nicknames are GuoBa (锅巴) and ShaZuangEr (沙庄儿).
– Her skills are being loud, speaking Korean, cleaning the house and using a kazoo.
– Her hobbies are singing, skateboarding, go-karting and watching snack videos.
He LinYan (何林燕)
Nickname: GuoDong (果冻)
Birthday: October 23, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Chongqing, China
Blood Type: O
Height: 171 cm (5’7″)
Weibo: CGT48-何林燕
He LinYan Facts:
– She was also featured in “For The Future”, alongside some other members.
– Her skills are handmade crafts and photography.
– Her hobbies are watching vlogs, singing and shopping.
Huang Yi (黄逸)
Nickname: GuaGua (呱呱)
Birthday: March 23, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Zhejiang, China
Blood Type: –
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Weibo: CGT48-黄逸 / 不尽人意hmw
Huang Yi Facts:
– Her other nickname is MiaoMiaoWa (妙妙蛙)
– She is a former member of SHY48‘s 4th generation.
– Her skills are painting, taming a mouse and eating meat.
– Her hobbies are painting, dancing, singing and watching things.
Ma KeYue (马可悦)
Nickname: Yuka
Birthday: June 29, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Blood Type: O
Height: 168 cm (5’6″)
Weibo: CGT48-马可悦
Ma KeYue Facts:
– Her other nicknames are MakeYue (make悦) and XiaoMa (小马).
– Her skills are painting and handwork.
– Her hobbies are shopping, watching movies, eating desserts and campfires.
Meng XiaoLi (蒙晓丽)
Nickname: XiaoMeng (小萌)
Birthday: February 27, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Guiyang, Sichuan, China
Blood Type: B
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Weibo: CGT48-蒙晓丽
Meng XiaoLi Facts:
– Other nicknames: LiJie (丽姐), MengMeng (萌萌) and XiaoLi (小丽).
– Her skills are broadcasting, dubbing, hosting, singing and meeting with special people.
– Her hobbies are eating spicy food, playing small games, watching hooves be repaired and watching earthy flavours.
Qin LuDan (秦露丹)
Nickname: LuDan (卤蛋)
Birthday: July 29, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Luzhou, Sichuan, China
Blood Type: A
Height: 165 cm (5’5″)
Weibo: CGT48-秦露丹
Qin LuDan Facts:
– Other nicknames include LanYangYang (懒羊羊) and DanDan (丹丹).
– Her name in Japanese is チン・ルーダン.
– Her skills are swimming, reading and taking selfies.
– Her hobbies are playing with cats and puppies, watching food videos, travelling and watching movies.
Qiu LiuJia (邱刘佳)
Nickname: QiuQiu (秋秋)
Birthday: December 4, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China
Blood Type: O
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Weibo: CGT48-邱刘佳
Qiu LiuJia Facts:
– Her hobby is playing games.
– Her skill is playing Honor of Kings.
– Her name in Japanese is チィォウ・リュウジア.
Song XiaoLu (宋筱璐)
Nickname: BaXianEr (半仙儿)
Birthday: August 17, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Blood Type: A
Height: 170 cm (5’7″)
Weibo: CGT48-半仙儿
Song XiaoLu Facts:
– Her other nickname is XiaoLu (小鹿).
– Her skill is doing an awkward polite smile.
– Her hobbies are studying weird stuff, writing weird things and doing business.
– Her name in Japanese is ソン・シャオルー.
Shen YuXin (申雨鑫)
Nickname: AnZu (杏子)
Birthday: January 23, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Chongqing, China
Blood Type: O
Height: 161 cm (5’3″)
Weibo: CGT48-申雨鑫
Shen YuXin Facts:
– Her hobbies are going to concerts, watching stage plays and house dancing.
– Her skill is learning dances quickly and isolating from the world in a daze.
– Her name in Japanese is シェン・ユーシン.
Tan SiHui (谭思慧)
Nickname: SiGua (丝瓜)
Birthday: November 14, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Zhuzhou, Hunan, China
Blood Type: A
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Weibo: CGT48-谭思慧 / 这里是动感超人 (inactive)
Tan SiHui Facts:
– She was a contestant on Produce Camp 2020 as a trainee under Qigu Culture prior to joining GNZ48.
– On Produce Camp 2020, she was eliminated in Episode 4, ranking 83rd.
– Her other nickname is DaGe (大哥).
– Her name in Japanese is タン・シフイ.
– Her skills are singing, dancing, rapping, acting and calligraphy.
– Her hobbies are listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies, making music and playing games.
Wang YonQi (王永祺)
Nickname: WuAhGe (王永祺)
Birthday: July 5, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Jilin, China
Blood Type: –
Height: 165 cm (5’4″)
Weibo: CGT48-王永祺
Wang YonQi Facts:
– She originally graduated from IDOLS Ft on March 6, 2019 before joining again on August 3, 2022.
– She is a former member of SHY48.
– Her skills are storytelling and ballroom dancing.
– Her hobbies are singing and listening to music.
– She loves ancient-style things.
Xia Ying (夏莹)
Nickname: XiaXia (夏夏)
Birthday: May 1, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birthplace: Wuhan, Hubei, China
Blood Type: B
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weibo: CGT48-夏莹
Xia Ying Facts:
– Another nickname of hers is YingZai (莹崽).
– Her skills are learning languages and dressing up.
– Her hobbies are eating good food, travelling and wearing nice clothes.
– Her name in Japanese is シア・イン.
Xu YaLan (许雅兰)
Nickname: LanLan (澜澜)
Birthday: August 22, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Sichuan, China
Blood Type: A
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weibo: CGT48-许雅兰
Xu YaLan Facts:
– Her other nickname is XiaoLanHua (小澜花).
– She was a part of the concert unit Color Girls for the SNH48 Request Hour Setlist Best 50 2023 concert.
– Her skill is singing.
– Her hobbies are going to the park, walking, drawing and relaxing.
– Her name in Japanese is シュー・ヤラン.
Zhou ShiRu (周是汝)
Nickname: ShiRu (是汝)
Birthday: August 20, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Shaanxi, China
Blood Type: AB
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weibo: CGT48-周是汝
Zhou ShiRu Facts:
– She was a part of the unit Color Girls for the SNH48 Request Hour Setlist Best 50 2023 concert.
– She competed on the survival show LadyBees prior to joining GNZ48.
– Her name in Japanese is チャウ・シール.
– Her skills are Latin dance and solving Rubik’s cubes.
– Her hobbies are helping others and drinking coke.
Members on Hiatus:
Huang YiXuan (黄艺暄)
Nickname: ZhiYu (稚雨)
Birthday: November 10, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Guanxi, China
Blood Type: –
Height: 167 cm (5’5″)
Weibo: CGT48-黄艺暄
Huang YiXuan Facts:
– She has been on hiatus since July 24, 2023 due to health issues.
– Her skills are sleeping in class and playing Subway Surfers.
– Her hobbies are house dancing, painting and watching stage plays.
– Her other nickname is XuanXuan (暄暄).
Former Members:
Zhong JieWen (钟洁玟)
Nickname: ZhongZhong (钟钟)
Birthday: June 5, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Blood Type: B
Height: 164 cm (5’4″)
Weibo: CGT48-钟洁玟
Zhong JieWen Facts:
– She was dismissed from CGT48 on September 27, 2023, a day after being demoted to CGT48 Trainee. She is currently a Zan Xiu, or a hiatus member.
– She was demoted because she was found to have violated the Member Code of Ethics Chapter 1, Rule 8. She was demoted, her activities would be stopped for 3 months, and her Pocket48 account was confiscated for a month.
– However, the next day, after an in-depth investigation, it was discovered that everything she reported was full of discrepancies, so the management issued a red card; stopping all her group activities, suspending her SNS, and terminating her official member status.
– Her name in Cantonese is Chung Git-Man.
– Her name in Japanese is チョン・ジエウェン.
– She was the MVP for Team CII in July 2023.
Zhang ZhiXin (张芷欣)
Nickname: XiaoXi (小洗)
Birthday: October 8, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Blood Type: O
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weibo: CGT48-张芷欣
Zhang ZhiXin Facts:
– She was demoted to CGT48 Trainee on September 29, 2023.
– Her reason for demotion is the fact that she was found to be in breach of the Member’s Code of Conduct: Chapter 1, Rule 8, and was given three punishments, including a demotion to Trainee status.
– Her other nickname is XiaoNian (小年).
– Her name in Japanese is チャン・ジーシン.
– Her skill is chatting.
– Her hobbies are baking, researching desserts, playing escape rooms, imitation and swimming.
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made by cutieyoomei
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