Who is the best dancer in Victon?
Victon has some great dancers. Who’s the best dancer in Victon? Please do share your opinion 🙂
Who is the best dancer in Victon? Seungwoo 32%, 3219 votes
3219 votes 32%
3219 votes - 32% of all votes
Heochan 26%, 2629 votes
2629 votes 26%
2629 votes - 26% of all votes
Subin 12%, 1222 votes
1222 votes 12%
1222 votes - 12% of all votes
Sejun 10%, 1035 votes
1035 votes 10%
1035 votes - 10% of all votes
Hanse 10%, 1025 votes
1025 votes 10%
1025 votes - 10% of all votes
Byungchan 5%, 510 votes
510 votes 5%
510 votes - 5% of all votes
Seungsik 3%, 314 votes
314 votes 3%
314 votes - 3% of all votes
Total Votes: 9954
Voters: 6917
April 24, 2020
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Post by sunshinejoonie
Related: Victon Profile
Who do you think is the best dancer in Victon?