Who is the best dancer in LUNARSOLAR?
Note: This poll is not meant to rate members based on their talent or popularity, but just to express a personal preference. Do not bash anyone.
made by midgehitsthrice
Who's the best dancer in LUNARSOLAR for you? Taeryeong 51%, 323 votes
323 votes 51%
323 votes - 51% of all votes
Yuuri 28%, 177 votes
177 votes 28%
177 votes - 28% of all votes
Jian 13%, 84 votes
84 votes 13%
84 votes - 13% of all votes
Eseo 9%, 55 votes
55 votes 9%
55 votes - 9% of all votes
Total Votes: 639
October 15, 2020
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Who’s the best dancer in LUNARSOLAR in your opinion? Feel free to comment down below.