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Shin Hae Gyeong Profile & Facts

Shin Hae Gyeong Profile and Facts
Shin Hae Gyeong
Shin Hae Gyeong (신해경) is a South Korean singer and songwriter who made his official debut in 2015 under 영기획 (Young, Gifted & Wack Records)

Stage Name / Birth Name: Shin Hae Gyeong (신해경)
Birthday: N/A
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: shin_hae_gyeong
iTunes: Shin Hae Gyeong
SoundCloud: shinhaegyeong

Shin Hae Gyeong Facts:
— He’s from Seoul, South Korea
— He was already active in the music scene back in 2014, using the stage name “The Mirror”, but changed it as he felt that his music style has since changed and also because people told him it didn’t stand out enough
— He used the name “The Mirror” for his past project because of his teacher, who is in a band called Wings of the ISANG (named after a book by Korean author Yi Sang)
— He’s a perfectionist. He records and mixes everything by himself.
— His favorite animated work is the Japanese manga Glass Mask
— He doesn’t read many books, but his favorite work is His Mind by Natsume Shoseki.
— He also read the Beatles’ biography and watched movies and documentaries about them as well as Beach Boys
— His single Damdadi inspired poets Kim Min-jungEunoh and Park Joon to write poems about it
— The album cover for his EP My Reversible Reaction was created with the contribution of photographer Kang Hyuk Lee
— He prefers retreating on his own, hence he rarely collaborates with other artists. However, he seems to be in a good relationship with musician Kirara
— He likes all of Kurosawa Akira’s movies. He also enjoys Interstellar2001: Space Odyssey and the Alien series

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profile made by midgehitsthrice

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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!