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Idol School Team Hush Members Profile

Idol School Team Hush Members Profile and Facts

This team performed Miss AHush” in the reality Idol School, the team was composed by Lee Saerom, Kim Myeongji, Jang Gyuri and Roh Jisun.

Idol School Team Hush Members Profile:

Stage Name: Saerom (새롬)
Birth Name: Lee Sae-rom (이새롬)
Position: Vocalist, Dancer
Birthday: January 7, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 163 cm (5’3″)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: @lsroom_

Saerom Facts:
– She was born in Suwon, South Korea.
– She made into the finals and became a member of Fromis_9
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Stage Name: Myeongji (명지)
Birth Name: Kim Myeong-ji (김명지)
Positions: Vocalist
Birthday: October 9, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 160 cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @myongd97

Kim Myeongji Facts:
– She is from Seoul, S. Korea.
-She is a former member of the girl group Tiny-G. The group disbanded on 2015. However she left the group in 2014 to pursue acting.
-She acted in the dramas ‘Mood Maker’ & ‘Class of Lies’.
-Motto: “Let the flower’s bloom in your hands”.

Stage Name: Gyuri (규리)
Birth Name: Jang Gyu Ri (장규리)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 27, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 168 cm (5’6″)
Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs)
Blood Type: B

Gyuri Facts:
– Gyuri studied in Richmond, Virginia, USA for a year.
– She currently attends Seoul University institute of arts and Majoring at Acting.
– She made into the final and became a member of Fromis_9 (Rank: 9)
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Stage Name: Jisun (지선)
Birth Name: Roh Ji Sun(노지선)
Position: Vocalist, Dancer, Youngest
Birthday: November 23, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: @ro.x_rhz

Jisun Facts:
– Jisun is from Seoul, South Korea.
– Jisun has an older brother.
– Education: Daejin Girls High School
– She made into the final and became a member of Fromis_9 (Rank: 1)
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Post by Viien

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