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Spicy Team (I-LAND2) Members Profile

Spicy Team (I-LAND2) Members Profile

Spicy Team was a temporary group formed for I-LAND2 : N/a‘s Main Position Test. This unit was for the Main Rapper position and consisted of Koko and Nam Yuju. They performed the song ’Spicy’ by CL.

Spicy Team Members Profile:

Stage Name: Koko (ここ / 코코)
Birth Name: Narai Koko (奈良井ここ)
Birth Date: November 14, 2006
Position: Leader, Part 1
Nationality: Japanese
I-MATE Score: 100 (266 votes)
Producer Score: 96
Overall Score: 196

See more facts about Koko..

Nam Yuju

Birth Name: Nam Yu Ju (남유주)
Birth Date: July 28, 2007
Position: Part 2
Nationality: Korean-Japanese
I-MATE Score: 84 (200 votes)
Producer Score: 80
Overall Score: 164

See more facts about Nam Yuju..

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made by nalinnie

Related: I-LAND2 : N/a Contestants Profile

Who is your favorite Spicy team member?

‘Spicy’ Performance:

Who is your favorite Spicy Team member for this performance? Is there any missing information? Comment down below. 🙂