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Yumekui NEON Members Profile

Yumekui NEON Profile and Facts

Yumekui NEON (夢喰NEON) commonly shortened to YumeNEO (ゆめねお). is a 6-member Japanese boy group under RINDO Entertainment. The group consists of Tsubaki, Saku, Name, Yura and Masamune. They were formed on March 6th, 2022. They made their live stage debut on April 6th, 2022 at Toyosu PIT. They officially debuted on April 7th, 2022 with their first Digital Single, rivetlife (リベットライフ凸).

Yumekui NEON Meaning: N/A
Official Greeting: N/A

 Yumekui NEON Official Fandom Name: N/A
Yumekui NEON Official Color: N/A

Yumekui NEON Official Logo:

Official SNS:
Website: yumekuineon-official.com
Instagram: @yumeneo_official
X: @yumeneo_info / @yumekuicharging
TikTok: @yumekuineon
YouTube: 放課後NEON【夢喰NEON】
Spotify: yumekuineon
Apple Music: Yumekuineon

Yumekui NEON Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Tsubaki (つばき)
Birth Name: Kohanai Tsubaki (小花衣つばき)
Position(s): Leader
Birthdate: November 22nd, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Height: 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Red
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @11tsubakidayo22
X: @11tsubakidayo22 / @tsubaki_XPIA
TikTok: @tsubakikun1212
Youtube: つばき くん
Twitcast: @brdr_tsubakikun

Tsubaki Facts:
– His hometown is Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a concurrent member of XP!A.
– He is a former founding member of Beardored (ベアードアード) and AdabanaTOXiC (徒花TOXiC)  until it’s disbandment.
– His B-W-H measurements are 84-65-88 cm.
– His foot size is 26.0 cm.
– His favorite thing to do is loving cats.
– He hates passing the time.
– His three strong points are that he tries his hardest at things, he’s never late, and he’s very kind.
– His favorite food is hamburg steak.
– His favorite brand is nothing in particular, but if he had to pick, he’d say things his grandma made.
– He was in the basketball club and soccer club in middle school.
– His favorite Pokemon is Charizard.


Stage Name: Saku (さく)
Birth Name: Yaotome Saku (八乙女さく)
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: May 9th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 162 cm (5’3.7″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Purple
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @saku333o_ \ @poteko_812
X: @saku333o_ / @sakunosab
TikTok: @saku_3333

Saku Facts:
– His hometown is Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a former member of AdabanaTOXiC (徒花TOXiC) which he joined on January 16th, 2021 and stayed until it’s disbandment.
– His B-W-H measurements are 85-65-83 cm.
– His foot size is 26.5 cm.
– His hobby is looking at the IC card balance of the person in front of him as they go through the turnstile at the train station.
– His skill is acrobatics.
– His biography is that he’s been an idol since he was born.
– His three strong points are good looking, good looking, and good looking.
– His favorite food is Fruiche.
– His favorite brands are Tiffany and Prada.
– He was in the track and field club in middle school but usually skipped. He was in the gymnastics club in his first year of high school.
– His favorite Pokemon is Unown.


Stage Name: Name (なめ)
Birth Name: N/A
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: November 3rd, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat
Height: 169 cm (5’6.5″)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Blue
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @nameko_769
X: @nameko_kingdom / @name_XPIA / @nameku_769
TikTok: @nameko_kingd0m
Twitcast: @brsr_name

Name Facts:
– His hometown is Okayama Prefecture, Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a concurrent member and leader of XP!A.
– He is a former founding member and leader of Beardored (ベアードアード). Additionally, he used the stage name Kouki (こうき) in both CrownClown (クラウンクラウン) until its disbandment, and Contact+ (コンタクトプラス) until he graduated in January 15th, 2020.
– His B-W-H measurements are 76-70-90 cm.
– His foot size is 26.0 cm.
– His favorite thing to do is being in his room.
– He doesn’t like spicy food in general.
– His hobbies are Netflix.
– His skills are living.
– His three strong points are that he doesn’t dye his hair, kind and mentally stable.
– His favorite food is bean sprout namul.
– His favorite brand is Yves Saint Laurent.
– He was in the soccer club in middle school. He was in the archery club for the first part of high school, then switched to the computer club.
– His favorite Pokemon is Lucario.
– He is a part of the Youtube channel group Hepokko 3 Brothers (へっぽこ3兄弟) along with fellow Beardored members Amato-kun and Naichi-kun.


Stage Name: Yura (ゆら)
Birth Name: Nakano Yura (中野ゆら)
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: April 27th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Height: 168 cm (5 ‘6.1″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Pink
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @0427yura
X: @yurayura0427  / @yurayurasub
TikTok: @yura2114
Youtube: ゆらチャンネル
Twitcast: @yurayura0427

Yura Facts:
– His hometown is Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a former member of AdabanaTOXiC (徒花TOXiC) which he joined in October, 2019 and stayed until it’s disbandment. He was also a member of the dance unit TOBY HOMES.
– His B-W-H measurements are 83-75-93.5 cm.
– His foot size is 27.0 cm.
– His hobby is stargazing.
– His skill is clairvoyance.
– He loves weight training.
– His biography is that 2021 designated as a cultural heritage site.
– His three strong points are Cool, tall and kind.
– His favorite food is Sushi (not the revolving kind).
– His favorite brands are Anything.
– He was in the table tennies club in middle school. He was in the dance club and track and field club in high school.
– His favorite Digimon is the one that looks like a dinosaur.


Stage Name: Masamune (まさむね)
Birth Name: Usui Masamune (碓氷政宗)
Position(s): Youngest
Birthdate: April 9th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: 173 cm (5’8.1″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: AB
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Yellow
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @masamune0409999
X: @masamuneee99
TikTok: @masamuneee0499
Youtube: マサムネ

Masamune Facts:
– His hometown is Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a former member of AdabanaTOXiC (徒花TOXiC) which he joined in January 16th, 2021 until it’s disbandment. He is also a former founding member of #TOPNOTE (トップノート) which he withdrew from on June 30th, 2020.
– His B-W-H measurements are 86-65-85 cm.
– His foot size is 26.5 cm.
– His hobby are watching movies, watching plays, games and collecting clothes.
– His skill are coffee tasting and improv.
– His three strong points are thinks about things thoroughly, straightforward, can go into work mode quickly.
– His favorite foods are sushi, yakiniku and ramen.
– His favorite brands are TENDER PERSON, el conductorH and KIDL.
– He was in the tennis club in middle school and the computer club in high school.
– His favorite Pokemon is Zoroark.

Former Member(s):

Stage Name: Hauki (はうき)
Birth Name: N/A
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: February 15th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: 165 cm (5’4.9″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: AB
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Light blue
Representative Emoji: N/A
Instagram: @insecure__o0
X: @insecure__o0 / @haukikun_erai
TikTok: @insecure__o0
Youtube: はうき

Hauki Facts:
– His hometown is Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
– He is a founding member.
– He is a former founding member of M!LK (ミルク) and its two sub-units Haruki & Jinto from M!LK (ハルキ&ジント from M!LK) and BLACK M!LK under the stage name Yamazaki Haruki (山﨑悠稀) where he graduated on June 30th, 2018. He is also a former founding member of Monoclone (モノクローン) under the stage name Hobetsu Hauki (ホ別はうき) where he graduated on January 22nd, 2022.
– His B-W-H measurements are 75-62-86 cm.
– His foot size is 25.0 cm.
– His hobby are billiards, origami and egosearching.
– His special skills are singing and dancing.
– His strong points are he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s cooperative and good at the game Knives Out.
– His favorite foods are condensed milk and korean-style dried seaweed.
– His favorite brands are heihei.
– He was in the tennis club when he was in school, but he usually skipped.
– His favorite Pokemon is Jirachi.
– He graduated from the group on August 6th, 2024.
– He is currently a producer for the clothing brand Hauls.
– He also posts song covers under the name Haukun (はうくん).

Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – Kprofiles.com

Note 2: All information is taken from the Yumekui NEON official social media and website.

Made by: Sammystash

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About the author


Hi!! I am sammy!! I like a bunch of different groups mostly kpop but some jpop!
My profile is Sonoda Ichika from my fav!