What Is Your Favorite K-pop Song Titled “Butterfly”?
Butterfly is known as the most favorited flying insect. What are your favorite songs named butterfly?
ASTRO’s Butterfly
BEAST’s Butterfly
BoA’s Butterfly
BTOB’s Butterfly
BTS’ Butterfly
f(x)’s 나비 (Butterfly)
Fin.K.L’s Butterfly
G-DRAGON’s Butterfly (feat. JinJung)
GFriend’s 너 그리고 나 (NAVILLERA)
Henry’s Butterfly (feat. Seulgi)
J-JUN’s Butterfly
LOONA’s Butterfly
Loveholic’s Butterfly
P1Harmony’s Butterfly
Red Velvet’s Butterflies
Sara’s Butterfly
The Boyz’ Butterfly
WJSN’s Butterfly
Yuri’s Butterfly
What Is Your Favorite K-pop Song Titled “Butterfly”? (Pick Up To 5) LOONA's Butterfly 27%, 4057 votes
4057 votes 27%
4057 votes - 27% of all votes
BTS' Butterfly 20%, 2897 votes
2897 votes 20%
2897 votes - 20% of all votes
GFriend's 너 그리고 나 (NAVILLERA) 9%, 1399 votes
1399 votes 9%
1399 votes - 9% of all votes
WJSN's Butterfly 9%, 1351 vote
1351 vote 9%
1351 vote - 9% of all votes
P1Harmony's Butterfly 7%, 984 votes
984 votes 7%
984 votes - 7% of all votes
Red Velvet's Butterflies 6%, 860 votes
860 votes 6%
860 votes - 6% of all votes
The Boyz' Butterfly 5%, 739 votes
739 votes 5%
739 votes - 5% of all votes
ASTRO's Butterfly 4%, 584 votes
584 votes 4%
584 votes - 4% of all votes
f(x)'s 나비 (Butterfly) 3%, 463 votes
463 votes 3%
463 votes - 3% of all votes
BIBI's NABI 3%, 455 votes
455 votes 3%
455 votes - 3% of all votes
BoA's Butterfly 1%, 207 votes
207 votes 1%
207 votes - 1% of all votes
BTOB's Butterfly 1%, 206 votes
206 votes 1%
206 votes - 1% of all votes
Yuri's Butterfly 1%, 198 votes
198 votes 1%
198 votes - 1% of all votes
G-DRAGON's Butterfly (feat. JinJung) 1%, 166 votes
166 votes 1%
166 votes - 1% of all votes
Henry's Butterfly (feat. Seulgi) 1%, 98 votes
98 votes 1%
98 votes - 1% of all votes
BEAST's Butterfly 0%, 59 votes
59 votes
59 votes - 0% of all votes
Loveholic's Butterfly 0%, 44 votes
44 votes
44 votes - 0% of all votes
J-JUN's Butterfly 0%, 33 votes
33 votes
33 votes - 0% of all votes
Fin.K.L's Butterfly 0%, 30 votes
30 votes
30 votes - 0% of all votes
Sara's Butterfly 0%, 22 votes
22 votes
22 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 14852
Voters: 7052
September 26, 2021
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Am I missing any songs? What are your top 5 songs titled butterfly? Comment below!