Takeda Souse Facts and Profile
Birth/Stage Name: Takeda Souse (武田創世)
Position: Main Vocal
Birthday: April 3rd, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 165cm (5′ 4.9″)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: –
Nationality: Japanese
Member Color: Orange
Instagram: souse.takeda0403
Stardust Promotion Profile: Takeda Souse
Takeda Souse Facts:
-Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
-He has a twin sister.
-He has been playing soccer since he was 3 years old.
-He has loved singing ever since he was child.
-His favorite food is Hayashi Rice (such as hashed beef stew).
He gets sunburned easily.
He won as the “Special Judges Award” in Stardust Promotion [2nd Star Audition].
-The tags of “Special Judges Award” from 2nd Star Audition he took when he sang Citrus by Da-iCE with an impressive high pitch and clear voice.
-He is really good at ballad singing.
-He admires with Yuya Yagira because Yagira-san won the “Cannes Film Award” when he (Yagira-san) was 14 and adores him with the project “Asakusa’s Kid”.
-He admires Takashi from Bullet Train because of his singing abilities.
-He is the shortest in EBiDAN.
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Made by: talkingsaxy
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