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SMAP Members Profile

SMAP Profile and Facts

Sports Music Assemble People or SMAP used to be a well known Japanese boy band formed by Johnny & Associates. The group initially debuted in 1988 but they did not start to release music until 1991. They, unfortunately, disbanded back in 2016. They disbanded with 5 members, Nakai Masahiro, Kimura Takuya, Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Katori Shingo, and one former member, Mori Katsuyuki

SMAP Fandom Name:
SMAP Official Fan Color(s):

Nakai Masahiro

Stage Name: Nakai Masahiro (中居 正広)
Birth Name: Nakai Masahiro (中居 正広)
Position: Leader, Singer, Actor
Birthday: August 18th, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese

Nakai Masahiro Facts:
-Nickname: Nakai-Kun (中居くん)
-He was born in Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
-He was the oldest and the leader of the group
-He can play the piano
-He has two older brothers

Kimura Takuya

Stage Name:  Kimura Takuya
Birth Name: Kimura Takuya
Position: Singer, Actor
Birthday: November 13th, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese

Kimura Takuya Facts:
-Nickname: Kimutaku (キムタク)
-He was born in Tokyo, Japan
-He is now married to the former Onyanko Club member, Kuda Shizuka and they have two kids together
-He can play the guitar and harmonica

Inagaki Goro

Stage Name: Inagaki Goro (稲垣 吾郎)
Birth Name:  Inagaki Goro (稲垣 吾郎)
Position: Singer, Actor
Birthday: December 8th, 1973
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese

Inagaki Goro Facts:
-Nickname: Goro-chan (稲垣ちゃん)
-He was born in Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan

Kusanagi Tsuyoshi

Stage Name: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi (草彅 剛)
Birth Name: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi (草彅 剛)
Position: Singer, Actor
Birthday: July 9th, 1974
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese

Kusanagi Tsuyoshi Facts:
-Nickname: Tsuyopon (ツヨポン)
-He was born in Ehime Prefecture, Japan

Katori Shingo

Stage Name: Katori Shingo (香取 慎吾)
Birth Name: Katoro Shingo (香取 慎吾)
Position: Singer, Actor
Birthday: January 31st, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese

Katori Shingo Facts:
-Nickname: Shingo (しんご)
-He was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
-He has one younger brother
– He is also a Voice Actor, Concert Director, Illustrator

Former Member:
Mori Katsuyuki

Stage Name: Mori Katsuyuki (森且行)
Birth Name: Mori Katsuyuki (森且行)
Birthday: February 19th, 1974
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Japanese

Mori Katsuyuki Facts:
-Nickname: Mori-Kun (森くん)
-He was born in Adachi, Tokyo, Japan
-He left the group in June of 1999
-He’s a motorcycle racer

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Made by: dejunjun

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Thank you for reading! I enjoy making these profiles (and I use them to get out of doing school work hjkdghkf). If you have a request comment or send it to me on the forums (I'm Dejunjun on there too)