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SCANDAL Members Profile

SCANDAL Members Profile: SCANDAL Facts & Ideal Types

CANDAL (スキャンダル) is a 4 member Japanese rock band under Kitty Records and ‘her’ (their own label). The members consist of: Haruna, Mami, Tomomi and Rina. The band was formed in August, 2006 and they debuted on October 22, 2008.

SCANDAL Fandom Name:
SCANDAL Official Fan Colour:

SCANDAL Official Accounts:
Website: scandal-4.com
Instagram: scandal_band_official
Twitter: scandal_band
Facebook: SCANDAL

SCANDAL Members Profile:

Stage Name: HARUNA
Birth Name: Ono Haruna (小野春菜)
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist, Rhythm Guitarist
Birthday: August 10, 1988
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 153cm (5’0″)
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Nicknames: Haruna
Instagram: haru_na810
Twitter: scandal_haruna

– She had a passion of dancing and dreamed of becoming a dancer before meeting her members.
– HARUNA has the deepest voice in the band.
– She is a huge fan of Michael Jackson.
– HARUNA graduated from Inuyama High School.
– She took part in a theater musical in 2014 as her first solo stage, named ‘Legend of the Galactic Heroes Chapter 4 – Clash as Emil von Selle’.
– She’s an iPhone user.
– Both her ears are pierced.
– HARUNA is fan of Kuroshitsuji and Hetalia.
– She is afraid of birds.
– She was part of the movie ‘BACKDANCERS’.
– She used to have braces back in 2013 until 2015.
– HARUNA has a younger brother named Hideto Ono who plays soccer.
– She has a drivers license.
– HARUNA made her Instagram account on February 19th, 2018.
– In of August 2018, HARUNA released her first photobook, “SOMEWHERE”.


Stage Name: MAMI
Birth Name:
Sasazaki Mami (笹崎まみ)
Position: Lead Guitarist, Lead Vocalist
Birthday: May 21, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 161cm (5’3″)
Blood Type: AB
Hometown: Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Nicknames: Mamitatsu
Instagram: mmts_dayo
Twitter: scandal_mami

MAMI Facts:
– She has the best guitar skills among the band.
– MAMI can play the drums.
– She loves watching animes.
– MAMI is good at cooking.
– She is a huge fan of ‘BLEACH’.
– MAMI has a habit of calling herself “Oira”. She has been saying that since elementary.
– MAMI has her drivers license.
– MAMI and RINA are the only members without piercings.
– Her favourite season is winter, while her favorite event of the year is New Year’s Eve.
– MAMI and TOMOMI have a joke rap duo called ‘Dobondobondo’. They also have made songs as a duo, such as ‘Dobondobondo Dungeon’, ‘Cherry Jam’ and ‘Sekapero’.


Stage Name: TOMOMI
Birth Name:
Ogawa Tomomi (小川ともみ)
Position: Bass Guitarist, Vocalist
Birthday: May 31, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 157cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Nicknames: Tomo, Timo
Instagram: tomo_0531_
Twitter: scandal_tomomi

– TOMOMI writes the majority of SCANDAL’s songs.
– Just like her bandmate HARUNA, TOMOMI’s dream was to also become a dancer.
– Her favourite food is strawberry and nata de coco.
– TOMOMI got a dog in September 2017.
– She is the most playful member and likes to goof around.
– She has her drivers license.
– Has both ears pierced.
– TOMOMI admires Flea, the bassist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
– TOMOMI and MAMI have a joke rap duo called ‘Dobondobondo’. They also have made songs as a duo, such as ‘Dobondobondo Dungeon’, ‘Cherry Jam’ and ‘Sekapero’.


Stage Name: RINA
Birth Name:
Suzuki Rina (鈴木理菜)
Position: Drummer, Vocalist, Youngest
Birthday: August 21, 1991
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 160cm (5’3″)
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Nara Prefecture, Japan
Nicknames: Rinari, RINAX
Instagram: urarina821
Twitter: scandal_rina

RINA Facts:
– She can play the piano and guitar. RINA has been playing the piano since she was 3 years old.
– RINA likes fantasy and romantic movies.
– RINA is the eldest of four siblings. She has two sisters (Nana and Natsuna) and a brother (Kenya).
– She collects bath salts.
– RINA and MAMI are the only members without piercings.
– She runs for 30-40 mins at night when she comes home.
– RINA is good friends with Perfume’s A-chan.
RINA’s ideal type: A guy who plays the guitar well.

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profile made by jieunglows

(Special thanks to scandalmania, scandal-heaven, neonkeni)

Who is your favourite SCANDAL member?

Related: Most Popular Songs The Day Each SCANDAL Member Was Born

Latest comeback:

Who is your favourite SCANDAL member? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. 🙂


About the author


Hi! im Jieunglows but you can call me by my name Nens :D

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